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Dis modz brokz ma gam! (14 comments)

  1. CaptainCockerel
    • premium
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    New comment for new stuff:

    Aron - Test Rocks.7z

    Made the shadowing more defined, mesh smoothed and fully re-mapped. All I could be bothered to do tonight. When you get time to take a look, tell me your thoughts. Honestly, I think the mountains look 10x more realistic now. I was shocked at the difference and could instantly point out which were the new ones. If you look over the water from Riverwood mill that big rock is no longer blurry and horrible. I hated that rock!

    Edit: There are some bugs with the dark shading so I will revert that., but you should be able to see the texture details okay.

    Edit 2; Fixed that.
    1. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,083 kudos
      we wrote the same time, half my text is obsolete now, hehe
    2. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,083 kudos
      nice, will have a look at them
      Unfortunately I have quite a busy agricultural work to do coming weeks... damn apple trees... we should know since Adam and Eva they do no good!
    3. CaptainCockerel
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      • 1,167 kudos
      No worries. There are two images in there if you want a quick look. Do you own an orchard or something? I love crunchy apples, the rest can go to hell.
    4. Hein84
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      • 2,083 kudos
      Had a quick look in game, the new mountains look stunning even without parallax!
      You definitely found a proper method.

      I don't own a orchard myself, but a mate does. Just a seasonal job and quite demanding, but good payed and we have some fun outdoors, far away from my PC
      Apple Strudel... that's the one!
    5. CaptainCockerel
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      • 1,167 kudos
      There was parallax, but it's good to just make sure it is better for me to test it without it as it is easier. Good to hear you like it, I just need the wilpower now to sit on said PC now and again. It is summer like you say. Can you ask your friend if I can come and live on the orchard? Put a trailer on it, stock up on shotguns, and sit on the porch all day drinking cider like a true Redneck! That is the life!
    6. Hein84
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      • 2,083 kudos
      hehe, SparrowPrince as a Redneck, somehow hard to imagine
      However, he could really need a guard, some weeks ago fuel and the filler cap( ! ) got stolen from his tractor...
      No hurry with meshes, enjoy Summer!
  2. CaptainCockerel
    • premium
    • 1,167 kudos
    I'll have some files up later Aron. Mesh smooth UV stretching minimum ones for mountains.

    Do you have any ideas? I want to possibly remove Moss Rocks, incorporate it here, make better the meshes, use your textures and parallax, then you can release it. Also we could add some variation or something.
    1. Hein84
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      • 2,083 kudos
      Sorry I didn't answer immediately, weather is just too nice to sit on Computer

      Your concept sounds really good, already wanted to ask if I may use your esp.
      already made a plant overlay, nothing final yet, but with some alterations it could look nice spread out the woods...
      However, you shouldn't remove your Moss Rocks, would be a shame to loose such a popular mod... besides hehe, it would end in people asking me all the questions they asked you til now... lol
    2. CaptainCockerel
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      It's kind of cloudy here so I have to do something. It was nice yesterday though!

      Well I want to re-upload Moss Rocks, but in the form of this mod. Like one big rock mod with everything all together. I have tried to smooth the rocks, but the amount of polygons it has is probably overkill. What I am trying out is to average the mesh, which means it sort of smooths it without adding any more detail. I also am trying to make the UVs for the texture position one whole object. This means there is no cuts visible where the texture joins. The only downside to this is there will be one part that stretches more than the rest. This is not Bethesda stretching though and it will just mean some parts of the texture will look blury compared to other areas.

      I will do a few then kink them here soon. I have had to sift through things to see what is best.
    3. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,083 kudos
      hehe, seems like you become a smim concurrent
      'to make the UV's for the texture position one whole object' sounds really interesting, but doesn't it mean to downscale the UV?
      I also had nice visual results when 'opposing' the UV-fragments, more variety on the meshes and more like the rocky mountains I know
    4. Hein84
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      • 2,083 kudos
      All changes we made on textures, normals and parallax maps happened just on their main level, never on their mip map structure...

      But exactly there are many possibilities to make exiting effects.
      Imagine something magical like a birthstone with an edited glowmap, while approaching you can fade in the glow on the mips, or just fade it out, or even blend in another glowmap if you want to

      Something similar I did on my new mountains, in distance the diffuse is fading out into vanilla grey...
      The same you can do with Parallaxmpaps. Here an example for the new, much stronger 2048 parallax map I use:

      As you can see, the texture doubles it's contrast on every mipmap level
      This way you can have strongest parallax in distance fading out without distortions while approaching

      On a smaller texture (1024 or 512) the mips can be much more contrasty, let's say contrasty² lol

      This is also a big improvement for diffuse textures. If you dislike repetitive patterns, just change them in the mips, not on the main texture. This way you can keep all details you want from close up, without repetitiveness in far distance!

      Only program able to edit and save MipMaps is Adobe Photoshop, no chance with Gimp or alike, they just generate them automatically out of the main texture...

      but you probably already know that
    5. CaptainCockerel
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      • 1,167 kudos
      Nah you can scale the UVs to be pretty much the same size. You can do that easily in Niskope too. I'm not sure if it messes your parallax up though, but I saw some displacement stretching. Not sure if that is my ENB as I had to add the fix parallax line myself.

      I can't see the link because it does not turn clickable on PS4 browser, but I undrstand what you mean. I have never had to play around with mipmaps, but I know GIMP asks to load them and you can say yes or no. It also has contrast options on save, along with a load of filters now. After reading up I use Kaiser for the best clarity, you know it is good because it requires much more time to save. It sounds interesting though, so maybe I will do some tests.

      On rocks, I will upload some shortly. I decided to smooth them again so I had to start again. I left it yesterday as it is quite boring and blehhhhhhhhh. Pretty quick though!
    6. Hein84
      • premium
      • 2,083 kudos
      just send me the link of your new rocks, will have a look at them
      Unfortunately I have quite a busy agricultural work to do coming weeks... damn apple trees... we should know since Adam and Eva they do no good