

  1. EvilGeoff
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    • 0 kudos
    I've been a fan of Rayek's End since the original came out. And I'm a HUGE fan of General Stores/Craftable Cloud Storage. So mad props for building GS into Rayek's End. Thank you!

    Rayek's End was my first player home mod in my first playthrough of Skyrim way back when, and now? After being installed on my second and third new games, Rayek's End w/GS will be one of the first player home mods considered with any new playthrough.Endorsed!
    1. EvilGeoff
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      PS: Holy cow! I went to the original Rayek's End page ( because I was curious if there had been any updates. Have you seen the pics that Rayek has uploaded (12/27/2016) to his posts?

      He's looking for help to finish up his expanded version, and well, your addition of GS/CSS is rather brilliant and maybe collaboration and ZOMG that would just be (to paraphrase MxR), cool AF! *LOL*

  2. bystander
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Great job, really great. The combination is perfect. I've got some notes though after using it for a while.

    - Would you implement a GS bookshelf, please? (I see it in the future plans - I do hope that they still live). I can craft a GS chest and the unburden fountain myself (thanks to Craftable Cloud Storage), but the bookshelf is not available. Most of my characters are bookworms (I just like collecting and reading books in Skyrim, I suppose ), so this is a tad inconvenient.

    - Some non-GS container in the smithing area would be great (for those unfinished sets or the stuff to smelt later). Or probably a full GS access there. Or both - it would be even better.

    - Speaking of smithing area - those accessors on the shelf look like the separate containers for tanning/smithing/smelting, but all work as a general GS crafting access. This is a bit unintuitive and, I believe setting them to give access to specific smithing functions would be more convenient.

    Other than that, it's a really good job, I'm enjoying the mod a lot. I'm a big fan of GS (tried, I think, everything else, but nothing matches it in terms of convenience and flexibility, no other storage mod can learn from custom ingredients, for example), and used to use Whiterun Mansion, but it just feels OP and a bit not suiting for a lot of my characters ( I can't imaging a lone assassin or semi-evil wizard living in a big brightly lit "mansion" ). Please don't stop your work - if you don't have 1000s of endorsements, it's just because you don't have enough exposure. But now you have mine and I'll certainly spread the word wherever I can
  3. Rayek
    • premium
    • 344 kudos
    Fired it up and I really like what you've done. While I haven't used general stores before this...I see the value of it.

    More importantly you managed to implement it and not take away the feel of the hideout (at least to me). Each location is well placed and a natural fit, doesn't seem forced...and blends in nicely.

    I actually like your approach to the mannequin replacement as well. The clicks were kind of confusing but I get that using the bottom center one is what works.

    One suggestion is that if there is a sorter in General Stores it would be a nice addition.

    Overall nice job, you have my endorsement. You did a nice thing here and don't let critiques or legality concerns dissuade you from continuing to work on it or other mods. You seem to have a knack for design/placement.
    1. begothprincess
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you so much ^_^ I have loved Rayeks End as far back as i can remember. I cant imagine playing my game with out it. I just figured it would be great to combine it with GS. I'm glad you like what I have done. I plan to add an auto sorter in the future, as well as a core chest for just incases. Thanks for the Endorsement!
  4. Miaxi
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Alright, I tried it. So far it looks good, and the separation from GS core doesn't throw any errors. However, I miss a GS master chest and could not find the different armor stores; the wardrobe next to Meridia only points to light armor. The stolen goods triggers are a bit confusing. Two of them say activate stolen goods and one says open stolen goods. I didn't have anything stolen on me to test what they do.
    1. begothprincess
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Ill look into that. As far as the stolen goods containers go they are just a place to put your stolen items. Activating stolen goods works the same as open. It should just show an inventory window for stolen goods to be stored.
  5. kkunderwood
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    You have included all of the General Stores (GS) files in your mod. I do not know about the legality, but it is certainly not a good idea as this creates an issue should Harvey2112 want to release an update to GS.

    Please remove all of the GS files from your mod and require GS instead.
    1. begothprincess
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Harvey2112 has stated on the front of his mod page that his mod will no longer be updated. I included all of the files for ease of installation. If harvey updates his mod then I will make the changes but until then I don't see a point. If harvey wants me to take them out I certainly would but for now I don't think it necessary.
    2. kkunderwood
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Mod organizer (MO) threw up a big red flag because you included all of the GS files in your mod. Your mod creates a mod ordering issue because of the duplicated files. None of the other GS aware mods include any GS files, but instead require GS as a master. You must do the same!

      On a legal note, I see no indication in your mod that you have written permission by the authors of Rayeks End or General Stores.
    3. begothprincess
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      • 4 kudos
      This is my first mod. So please bare with me. I do have permissions, It is stated right on the front page. You can also check the comments section on Rayeks End if you wish to see. Also I got permission from harvy ages ago in personal messages. I'm sorry that this conflict has occurred. I will make the necessary steps to fix this issue. I did not know, being as this is my first mod, that this could happen. I've never uploaded a combined mod before. Thanks for bringing the bug to my attention.
    4. begothprincess
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks again for letting me know. I have now made the changes. If you find anything else that isn't working properly please let me know. ^_^
    5. kkunderwood
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you for your changes. I am a retired software engineer with 45 years of experience and one of the first things that you learn is that you never ever duplicate information. In the long run you only create more problems than you think you may be eliminating. Also, having the permission information on the description page is not sufficient. There must be an explicit reference in a text file in the mod stating that permissions have been obtained from the author(s).

      Again, thank you for correcting this mod and I will now activate it. If it lives up to your expectations, then I will endorse it.
    6. DOHtesnexus2008
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      The authors of Rayek's End and General Stores will let you know if there is an issue with you using his mod. You stated have already been in contact with them and that permission has been given, so the only persons in a position to offer a legitimate complaint about your use has been satisfied and no one else need be consulted.

      There are literally thousands of mods on the Nexus that provide the exact same information as this one regarding permission and use. What "law" is being referred to here? Any oddball who is insisting that you should obtain and display some sort of bizarre form of "written permission" - for some equally bizarre "legal" reasons - doesn't know anything about your communication with the authors of these mods (or the law) and I encourage you to ignore them. Or maybe insult them for being a pompous nanny-type and tell them to go away and bother someone else.

      Thank you again for your work on this mod.
  6. krshollis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for doing this mod. It works great, except for one of the containers. The 'Armor' wardrobe only shows 'Light Armor' when I open it, and if I put in anything else, like Heavy Armor or Jewelry, everything except the Light Armor disappears from the wardrobe. I don't know if it is just me, or if anybody else might be having this problem with this container, but I'd appreciate if you could look into it. Otherwise, it is really nice. Thanks again.
  7. Miaxi
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The links at the bottom of your description all point to the same page.
    1. begothprincess
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you I will fix this asap. For now follow the General Stores link as it is also posted at the bottom of his page as well.
  8. DOHtesnexus2008
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    One of the greatest home mods ever. I will check it out. Thanks for your effort.