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  1. FlufyFox
    • member
    • 87 kudos
    Hey hi :p i want to know if you have the rigs for creating animations for wings? is there any way that i can have them ? i really want to make my own animations and idles using wings, please if you help would be very nice ^^ thanks
  2. Providence932
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be possible to make animation dragon wings use the default unfurled animation when walking and then have the regular flapping when being used using this tool?
  3. TheBlackKnight3000
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    So out of curiosity how would I go about linking other hkx files?

    like in the wolverine claws mod i assume its linked to other files aswell
  4. BlazesRus
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Have you added working skeletal combination?
  5. Elias555
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    I don't really understand how to use this. I'm just trying to get explosionilusiondark01 to loop for 10 seconds. Can someone post an example?



    Event OnLoad()

    1. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Try to use my example file (exists inside mod archive) as a base for your behavior.
      Then try to add to it new block like I described in instruction.

      ps: sorry for belated answer
  6. casma164
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Would it be possible to make an animated gown/dress that does a marilyn monroe when casting a spell(both fire and forget/concentration)?
    1. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Yes, this is possible
    2. casma164
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      please someone make some hair and cape mods.
    3. Kaspar482
      • premium
      • 212 kudos
      Is it possible to make the cape react to casting a fireball? That needs a script right?
    4. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      This is possible. Script is not necessary.
  7. UlithiumDragon
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    I think I need a bit of clarification: this will ONLY work for .nif's that animate on their own, right? I can't use this to, say, design a 100% custom creature with its own unique set of movement, attack, death, etc. animations and skeleton...?

    In other words, no NPC's?
    1. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      NPC uses different behavior.
    2. alpharomeo1
      • member
      • 78 kudos
      i think he can in creation kit.When create new race you fill behavior data params and skeleton info to.so basicaly can create new species with own animations. Meshes.bsa has behaviors data for this stuff.
    3. testiger2
      • member
      • 189 kudos
      is there any progress with npc behavior yet? seems like we're not going to see something like that for skyrim
    4. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      No I don't plan to study NPC behavior, it is to complex.
  8. Anton0028
    • supporter
    • 310 kudos

    kstati mozet daze do kogo nit doidet nakonec zamenit hdt na behavior data i propisat v skeleton extra data put.Antoha mozet daze eto budesh ti ))

    Ничего не понял, что менять и зачем это надо, что оно должно дать ?
  9. alpharomeo1
    • member
    • 78 kudos
    kstati mozet daze do kogo nit doidet nakonec zamenit hdt na behavior data i propisat v skeleton extra data put.Antoha mozet daze eto budesh ti ))
  10. Swayslay
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Looks awesome. Would anyone maybe be able to add wings like this to this costume vampire lord. http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h379/Silvist/2012-08-15_00001.jpg
    Would make it so much cooler and better flying. Site is not not allowed here but I can post give link witch pm I think.
    1. Anton0028
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      I prefer not to make any complex mesh from scratch. It is very time consuming process for me.