1. sp0ckrates
    • supporter
    • 173 kudos
    Here is the place to see all of the skulls added, which now have the names of NPCs who drop them. I will update this list as I add more skulls.

    You may post your requests for more named skulls here, or on the Comments page. If I haven't added a named skull you've requested, please remind me.


    The following list contains the names of NPCs you might not know are scripted to die. If you don't want to spoil the surprise, don't read the list!


    Civil War Quests
    * Galmar Stone-Fist (Stormcloak)
    * General Tullius (Imperial Legion boss)
    * Legate Rikke (Imperial Legion)
    * Ulfric Stormcloak (Stormcloak boss)

    College of Winterhold Quests
    * Ancano (boss)
    * Brelyna Maryon
    * J'zargo
    * Jyrik Gauldurson
    * Onmund
    * Orthon
    * Paratus Decimius
    * Savos Aren the Arch-Mage
    * The Caller
    * Velehk Sain

    Companions Quests and Followers
    * Aela the Huntress
    * Athis
    * Farkas
    * Kodlak Whitemane
    * Njada Stonearm
    * Ria
    * Silverhand members
    * Silverhand Leader (boss)
    * Skjor
    * Torvar
    * Vilkas

    Daedric Quests
    "A Daedra's Best Friend"
    * Barbas's Daedric dog skull (boss)
    * Sabastian Lort (boss)

    "A Night to Remember"
    * Deep-In-His-Cups
    * Moira
    * Naris the Wicked (boss)

    "Boethiah's Calling"
    * Boethiah Cultists
    * Champion of Boethia (boss)

    " Discerning the Transmundane"
    * Septimus Signus (boss)

    "III Met by Moonlight"
    * Hunters of Hircine
    * Sinding's Nord skull
    * Sinding's werewolf skull (boss)

    "Pieces of the Past"
    * Drascua
    * Ghunzul
    * Jorgen
    * Silus Vesuius (boss)

    "The Black Star"
    * Aranea
    * Malyn Varen's Black Star skull (boss)
    * Malyn Varen's corpse skull

    "The Break of Dawn"
    * Malkoran

    "The Cursed Tribe"
    * Yamarz (boss)

    "The House of Horrors"
    * Logrof the Willful (boss)
    * Vigilant Tyranus

    "The Only Cure"
    * Kesh the Clean
    * Orchendor (boss)

    "The Taste of Death"
    * Banning
    * Brother Verulus (boss)
    * Eola (boss)
    * Hogni Red-Arm
    * Lisbet
    * Nimphaneth
    * Sanyon
    * Signar

    "The Whispering Door"
    * (none)

    "Walking Nightmare"
    * Erandur (boss)
    * Thorek
    * Veren Duleri

    Dark Brotherhood Members
    * Arnbjorn's werewolf skull
    * Astrid
    * Cicero
    * Festus Krex
    * Gabriella
    * Veezara

    Dark Brotherhood Quest Targets and Optional
    * Agnis
    * Alain Dufont
    * Amaund Motierre
    * Anoriath
    * Arcturus
    * Assassin of Old
    * Balagog gro-Nolob
    * Beitild
    * Captain Avidius
    * Commander Maro
    * Deekus
    * Emperor Titus Mede II (boss)
    * Ennodius Papius
    * Gauis Maro
    * Grelod the Kind
    * Helvard
    * Hern
    * Lieutenant Salvarus
    * Lurbuk
    * Ma'radru-jo
    * Maluri
    * Narfi
    * Nilsine
    * Safia
    * Victoria Vici

    * Drascua ("Pieces of the Past" )
    * Lucerne
    * Melka
    * Moira ("A Night to Remember" )

    Jarls (those who are jarls at start of game)
    * Balgruuf the Greater (Whiterun, Imperial Legion)
    * Elisif the Fair (Solitude, Imperial Legion)
    * Idgrod Ravencrone (Morthal, Imperial Legion)
    * Igmund (Markarth, Imperial Legion)
    * Korir (Winterhold, Stormcloaks)
    * Laila Law-Giver (Riften, Stormcloaks)
    * Siddgeir (Falkreath, Imperial Legion)
    * Skald (Dawnstar, Stormcloaks)
    * Ulfric Stormcloak (Windhelm, Stormcloaks, boss)

    Other Skyrim Citizens Requested
    * Anton
    * Fultheim
    * Gianna
    * Nazeem
    * Rexus

    Thieves Guild Quests
    * Aicantar
    * Aringoth
    * Drahff
    * Gian the Fist
    * Gulum-Ei
    * Hamelyn
    * Hewnon Black-Skeever
    * Mercer Frey (boss)
    * Vald the Watchdog

    * Arnbjorn (Dark Brotherhood)
    * Sinding (Daedric quest "III Met by Moonlight" )