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  1. BlackSwordsman1721
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where exactly is it? I've downloaded v5 and I can't find it.
  2. lxXSH4DOWD4WNXxl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    doesn't spawn for me
  3. fi5h1fishy
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Not even working for me, fml.

    Great mod though, despite me having personal issues with it.
  4. Varnor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The size of v5 is much smaller than v4. Looking in TES5Edit it appears all the external cells have been removed leaving just a room? Was there a big improvement from v4 to v5?

    Like the idea of this mod very much
  5. westsidekidd
    • account closed
    • 25 kudos
    Hmm now I don't know what to do... Should I keep Rivermanor or should I use this? HELP!!!
    I will download v4 of this mod now and will see what changes you made. To be honest, I don't know exactly why, but I like Riverhome more than Rivermanor, maybe because of the huge rooms in RM, which are not realistic if you take a look at the house from outside.
    Very hard decision...

    And many thanks for mention me in your sticky post. Please know, it was my pleasure to support you and I will do for your future mods, if you're planning some.

    Edit: Almost forgotten to ask: Is it possible that you make your houses 'family friendly'?
    1. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      I'm just getting started
      Rivermanor is the better looking (in my opinion) interior with dlc features. Riverhome is the "quaint" more realistic version without dlc features. Its really up to you.
    2. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      I just saw your edit. Riverhome doesn't have the room for being family friendly in my opinion. However, I've been working on a family friendly lodge for about 20 hours now. I believe its my best mod yet. As for Rivermanor, I doubt Ill be updating that any more.
    3. westsidekidd
      • account closed
      • 25 kudos
      Can't wait to try out your new "family friendly" lodge. Hope it has enough space for my followers. Could you inform me when you've uploaded the lodge, so that I don't miss it? That would be very kind of you. Thanks in advance!
    4. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      yea of course. its been tough making it, but im pushing through. ive put a lot of time into the house and i think everyone will enjoy it. ive also added a quest given by the courier to spice things up a bit.
    5. westsidekidd
      • account closed
      • 25 kudos
      Wow, this sounds very cool, especially the thing with the courier. I like it when I have to do something to get a new home and not 'Here, have it. It's yours and you don't have to do anything or even pay for it'. This is boring and immersion breaking.

      Can't wait to try it out. Is the lodge also near Riverwood or anywhere else? Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but it's 7:10am in Germany and I haven't slept, so this is my excuse for asking dumb questions.
    6. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Im still trying to figure out where to put the exterior. I had an idea but I just don't know.
    7. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Just letting you know that the family friendly lodge I was working on hit some problems. Its been awhile since I have worked on it because of school but I can't wait to start modding again once school is over.
    8. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      no question is a dumb question
  6. SirTrijj
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I must be going blind....I don't see this home but every time I try to re-enter Riverwood (after exiting game to reread this mod) 2 dragon attacks and wolves as I ride the riverbanks to try and find it. Directions plz, anyone?
    1. ashleyclark
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      I have downloaded it both through NMM and manually, and the files do not show up in the skyrim data, nor does the house.

      The older version works, but if you try to over-ride the older with the new, you lose the house. If you activate both of them, one under the other, you lose the house.
  7. zachsaballer
    • premium
    • 31 kudos

    It's Time Everybody. The new version is out and posted. Check it out

    ON ANOTHER NOTE: Riverhome v4 is now out as well. It is now fully navmeshed so you can take your followers in. It fixes a few problems as well. Chest directions were fixed and that ugly basement no longer exists (If you have stuff in there take it out before updating. A few suggestions have been taken as well regarding chests and stuff. The grindstone is now outside and a smelter was added. YOU CAN NOW ACCESS THE HOUSE FROM THE ROAD
    Hope you guys like it. This will most likely be the final full update to this mod, but that doesn't mean I won't fix stuff and add a few small things here and there (based on suggestions). Thanks for the support everybody.
    Special Thanks To:
    (you both have supported this mod more than anyone, and I'm especially thankful for that)

    Hope you like v4.
    1. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Coming soon: Shrines ( I totally forgot them )
    2. westsidekidd
      • account closed
      • 25 kudos
      Don't worry, this can happen.
      Btw. Kudos given for all your work and that you listen to the users and try to give them what they want.
    3. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Thank you very much. I'm quickly learning how much I actually enjoy doing this, so I want to make my mods with the people in mind (so they can enjoy playing them as much as I enjoy making them).
    4. Khalifrio
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Thanks for the update. I gave it a look and like what I saw. Add the shrines back in and toss in that nightstand with a lock box for jewelry and you will be all set I think. I suggest locating the shrines under the stair steps and adding some lighting in that corner, its a bit dark now.

      Thanks for the mention, I am always happy to help out.
  8. joelfreelancer122
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey guys. This was my first downloaded mod and I love it. The mannequins, storage, and comfort of the home are all great. I''m looking forward to version 4 so keep me posted. I wouldn't mind testing either
    1. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Glad you like it Joel
      As for testing v4 I would be glad to let you test it.
      Just as a preview, the new update is going to add more space physically to the interior of the house. The basement will be removed but the house is going to keep its comfortable feel. I also changed a few things chest wise so if you want to keep your stuff, take your valuables out of the house to be safe. The smithing area has been greatly improved and there is now a way to get to the house from the road. I don't want to give too much away but there's a little preview for anybody who reads this.
    2. joelfreelancer122
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the quick reply. Version 4 sounds great. Do you have any estimate on a release date?
    3. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Well the short answer is when its ready. The more detailed answer is sometime this week. I'd love to have it out today or tomorrow but I have a few things I have to do with it first. All of the dlc is being implemented and I have to complete the testing for it before its close to ready. Its getting close to ready though.
  9. Khalifrio
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Wow, you did a lot of work since the last time I looked at your mod. Downloading 3.5 now and will be back to let you know my thoughts on the new version.

    But before I get to that here are my thoughts on the location you picked. There is one very popular house mod and a few less popular ones that use that exact same spot. I find that spot to hard to get to since you have to either go along the town wall and climb over some rocks to get there or you have to go a ways down the road and work your way back. Something of a hassle. I have seen a few mod authors place stairs that lead up to the house from the road. This helps a little but I still fine it inconvenient. Have you considered another location in the area? I think this home would be perfect right behind the Sleeping Giant Inn facing south. This would make it feel more a part of Riverwood and not like an after thought up on that hill side. Plus it gets you a few steps closer to the trader and blacksmith shops. I don't know if you could fit this home there but I think it would be the perfect spot.
    1. Khalifrio
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I took my look at the new version and have a few suggestions.

      The mini chests you have on the Alchemy and Enchanting tables do the job but I think lock boxes, the ones with the rounded lid, would look better on the enchanting table and a apothecary pouch for the Alchemy table. Just keep in the theme of things.

      The sharpening/grinding wheel should be out with the rest of the smithing tools. Seems like a hassle to have to go inside to sharpen my new sword I just made at the forge. Speaking of the forge, its kind of hard to use without ingots, to get ingots you need a smelter. You might consider adding one down on the ground some where close to the smithing deck. Maybe toss in a wood chopping block while your at it so we can make arrows, charcoal sticks, and a few other things that need a piece of firewood as a crafting material.

      I'm glad you decided to add in the shrines. However you forgot my favorite, Nocturnal for the boost to sneak. If you don't want to squeeze her in with the other shrines I think she would go well sitting above the fireplace on the mantel. I find the little dolls you use for decoration much more acceptable where you placed them on top of the shelves. Good job on that.

      Lets talk lighting. I find it a tad dark upstairs and a tad too bright down stairs. Especially right under the stairs for some reason.

      I don't know what to think of the sub basement level. Seems a bit too much for a quaint home found in the Riverwood area. If you want to keep it I suggest moving the trapdoor to underneath the stairs or into a corner. I find it sticks out where it is. Might just be me.

      Frankly I would re arrange the whole basement to make it more functional and make it possible to do away with the sub basement. I would remove the table with the two chests under the stairs and move the sharpening wheel outside with the rest of the smithing tools. In that corner I would place the the Alchemy and Enchanting tables. Alchemy under the stairs and Enchanting where the sharpening wheel is. Then I would swap the shelf with the shrines on it over to where the shelf with the small display cases is. Kind of tying the use of soul gems at the Enchanter in with the religious/metaphysical theme of the shrines Then remove the big display case and the trap door. The wall where the trap door is I would put three or four manikins. The walls where the display case and alchemy table are I would put weapons racks. Making the far end of the basement into your armory. I don't think the display cases are something you would find in a quaint home like this. But if you want to use display cases I suggest you go give Breezehome Fully Upgradable mod a look. What was done with display cases in that mod might work for you. Go check out the pictures or even try the mod out yourself for some ideas.

      Keep it up, you have made some big improvements from the first version of this mod.
    2. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      These are good suggestions. I was actually working on stairs from the road but I ended up leaving them out of the release. Thanks for all of these suggestions. They keep me motivated to make Riverhome better
    3. Khalifrio
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Your welcome, I am always happy to help out. I will actually put this home to the test with a new character and use it as my home base for a while and see how it goes actually using the home over a few days.
    4. Khalifrio
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I have been using the mod on a new character for several hours and found a few things I think are missing.

      Would you consider adding a night stand with a small lock box sitting on it next to the double bed? I like to keep the notes I find around Skyrim and books/FAQ's added by mods separate from my book collection and I usually end up putting them in a night stand. The lock box would be used for jewelry, mainly necklaces of the Divines, and gems.

      There needs to be more storage in the kitchen area. I like to sort my foods out by ready to eat(stews and cooked meats) and raw ingredients(vegetables, salt, etc). Placing a couple of sacks on the bottom shelf of the kitchen shelving would do it. That would leave the barrel for drinks.

      And lastly I noticed that the chests on the shelf in the basement are facing backwards, the hinges are facing out and looks funny when you open the chest and the opening is facing the wall.

      Beyond my earlier suggestions I think it all looks good as is.
    5. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Yea of course I can add that stuff. I was sure I put the chests in the correct direction. I tested it like 30 times haha. But yeah Ill fix that and get those suggestions in. Glad you like it.
  10. zachsaballer
    • premium
    • 31 kudos
    Alright guys Version 3.5 of Riverhome is now out. There will be a version 4 but I'm working on another mod project as well. I wanted to get this small update out while I had the chance.
    This update includes
    -A nice area on the front porch for you to chill out (either by yourself or with a follower). It really makes the exterior look better.
    -A new book titled "History of Riverhome" that I personally wrote (Its worth a read in my opinion. Seriously read it).
    -A new drink called "Riverhome Reserve" that you can find on the front porch (if you decide to get this update)
    Version 4 will be coming but like I said before, I'm working on another mod as well. Hope you guys enjoy this small update

    And, as always, thanks for your support everybody