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  1. WGP1337
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    The Junk Yard? Rename this The Treasure Trove
  2. LinaHearts
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Yaay more awesome houses ^_^ just when i though i discovered all of your mods! Although you should change name XD as these most certainly are not junk
  3. Talwick
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    Thankyou so much for uploading these here. I played Skyrim for years on a console, and only recently came to PC. And I can't understand why your mods got the comments they did. All your player homes are very well made, and the biggest difficulty is deciding which one(s) of them to keep in my game
  4. Erydia
    • premium
    • 339 kudos
    I know you don't mean to work on these mods anymore, but Riverside Ranch was really the best family home out there, set in a scenic and peaceful location, plus the house had everything. I'm glad you did not take it down though ;)
  5. rebornfighter98
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    lol mannequins ruin everything
  6. MaximvsDread
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Arrowin Thenie? Really? Come on XD ......Good one :3
  7. xtoturnwithinx
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    You're not supporting the Little Keep anymore? I rather liked it. There were some tweaks I would make if I knew how to use the toolset, but I think it's a cute home.
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,212 kudos
      I am supporting it if something is broken, but I don't intend to work on any of these mods anymore.
    2. morrowhen
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      i like it very much too!
      it is a little jewel indeed.
      thanks to eli again and again and....

      maybe just try out "jaxonz positioner" like i did....
      some pics are up for you!
  8. lunapanshiel
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    so many beautiful homes... unique and creative mod added homes were my biggest weakness on oblivion especially when oblivion real estate was still around, and skyrim has had a bit of a shortage of truly unique ones... it's taking all my willpower to not up and install every single one of these houses just to cover the land in beautiful buildings
  9. ScarletStreak
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    So Mzadahrk doesn't have a family edition, I guess ?
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,212 kudos
      I'll upload it
    2. ScarletStreak
      • premium
      • 251 kudos
  10. kingwilfre16
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Arrowin Thenie XD why didn't I get this sooner!
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,212 kudos
      Haha, not many people get it :X
    2. kingwilfre16
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      at first I just skimmed past without actually reading it, my guess is that most do the same.