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  1. Kursan
    • supporter
    • 238 kudos
    Uploaded V1.6 which adds one more portal directly to Blackreach Warquarters! Something I had intended from the start but never got around to implement. Its one of my favorite areas in the game and always wanted a direct route in one of my homes, and here it just fits. Imagine one of the old destroyed portals morphing back to life ;)
    It works instant as the other portals, but not recommended for low level characters; going there before the main quest takes you there should not matter but I would avoid going to the observatory without having the main quest for it just in case. I would also recommend my mod "Forgemasters Warforge" in conjunction with this as it makes the Warquarters much more worth visiting.
    The reason for jumping a number is that there is a 1.5SE and now both can be on the same number again.

    Uploaded 1.4.1 which adds collision boxes to the portal globes in the garden and on the mainland. Some players find these globes roll off the statue sometimes and disappear, this should prevent this from happening; even if the globe gets loose it has nowhere to go.
    This happened to me in game only once and I cannot replicate it to test it, but I made sure the teleportation still works with the collision box.
    1.4.1 is based on the 1.4 version with the bathing room upstairs, no other changes planned for now.

    Just uploaded 1.4 which adds a bathroom to the upstairs mushroom; this was done by request and because I like the idea myself.
    At present no changes have been made to allow your followers upstairs, so the new bathroom is for the players enjoyment alone right now, while followers can hang out and bathe downstairs; some people actually like to be able to get away for awhile ;)
    Though this is called 1.4 the actual esp was not renamed so you should be able to upgrade without a problem.
  2. Kursan
    • supporter
    • 238 kudos
    Thank you all for the very nice and encouraging comments and very sorry I have been busy for awhile and have not kept up with responses, so to all I did not respond individually, thank you for the kind words and endorsements!
    I still find gems I somehow missed myself and I am glad many of you have found this one for yourselves
    About some of the requests:
    I am working on a slightly reworked version that should come out soon. I hope to address the child adoption issue as I am doing that for my Island Hobbit home as well.
    About followers, I actually got some requests to spruce up the upstairs or mushroom interior and so I will add a bathroom upstairs to enhance the living quarters. I will look again into getting followers up there but can't promise anything, in fact some people like to have them hang out downstairs and are left alone upstairs; personally that is also my leaning. Again just to be clear, followers work just fine downstairs and there is plenty for them to interact with.
    There is in fact an oven in the main kitchen downstairs. Not sure if I will add the spider lab thingy, I could not get it to work before but I'll try.
    Stay tuned, cheers
  3. Kursan
    • supporter
    • 238 kudos
    A note about followers: You need to know that at this time followers will not use the levitation stream or follow through the portal stones. I am still working on possible solutions. Followers sandbox just fine downstairs and even upstairs, but at the moment you require an independent method to warp followers to you upstairs; I use AFT for example to manage this. Once you leave by one of the regular doors they will follow you outside even from upstairs.
    The outside is also follower friendly, but it is strongly advised that you use the path to the left over the bridge and stairs as the other side of the Island has many roots and ledges followers can get stuck on.
  4. marad22
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Love your mod.  Best house in Solstheim.  I'm making the steam room a garderobe.  Thanks.  Mara
  5. TheNerdyNeko
    • member
    • 47 kudos
    The best Telvanni style house I've found. Thank you. <3 It's lovely.
  6. Morgane01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just discovered your wonderful house, it's just perfect for me, except for one thing, I can't see how to teleport. You have a picture of the statue in the garden holding up a ball and I guessed that this would be it, but my statue is not holding anything. I have searched around , just in case that's not it, but haven't found anything. I've been to Solstheim 2 or 3 times by boat before,  and this time I swam across to the island from Raven Rock. I tried going out and coming back but nothing changed.
    Any suggestions will be welcome, please, because I LOVE the house and would really like to live there.
    Great job!
    1. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Hi Morgane, happy you like the home so much but sorry to hear about your trouble. I thought and had hoped that particular issue was only a problem with the ported SE version, because its just a different animal. So I am troubled that this happened to you. It has never happened to me and I like to think that it is a rare occurrence for the LE version. I would suggest installing the mod again on a clean save if you are not too moved in yet. Or try the other version available.
      If that is not an option then search for the globe, it looks identical to the ones inside the house that transport you from study to mushroom tower.
      The sphere will follow the laws of Skyrim physics and roll to the lowest point from where it fell, if you are lucky it rolled in the garden, but what one person reported from the SE port is that it rolled into the sea.... Unfortunately the ocean is quite deep there so it could be REALLY deep. 
      It will still work as a portal should you find it, crazy as that sounds, is in a way a unique way to transport to Skyrim by diving deep but quite a pain. Since trying to grab it would activate it I am not sure how you could bring it back up, if you have Jaxons positioner that might work but you need a water breathing amulet or lots of potions to even find it down there. It also happens to be the spot, roughly, where I placed the shipwreck mentioned in the journal, so you can plunder that while you're down there. 
      I hope though that re installing the mod fixes this for you, because I myself love that home for the ability to virtually live in two places at once, stepping from your garden to Whiterun for trading and be back on Solstheim for supper is very convenient ;) 
      Good luck and let me know if you can get it to work, I will try and update the mod soon with a bounding box around that statue so the sphere has nowhere to roll, but not before the weekend.
    2. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Hey just uploaded 1.4.1 with collision boxes for the globes.
  7. shdinkin2
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I found the secret treasure, with a little help from a water breathing helmet and candlelight. It is a little counterclockwise from the direction suggested in the secret treasure testimonial. It is quite close. It looks like most of it was looted--or maybe the missing treasure was an insurance fraud scheme?
    1. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Hey well done! I think you are the first player ever to report on this ;) I tried to indicate in the journal that the wizard that used to live there dove the wreck repeatedly so yes he made off with the bulk of the cargo and probably transported it through the now sealed portals to who knows where...
      Its been awhile but I think there was still a decent amount to be found in an around at least a couple chests.
      The dive was supposed to be a bit of a challenge and given the relative rarity of ebony what is there is a fair amount to make good armor and weapons. Enjoy the home, I just moved back in myself ;p
  8. StormDrummer
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Wey-all....hate to say it, but there are several Solstheim houses with teleport back to the mainland...even a couple with a duplicate (linked) presence on both landmasses. But it was a wonderful thing to include all the same.
    1. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Thanks for pointing that out, at the time I first published that mod I was not aware of any other house mods that did that, but that was bound to change and it just means more choices.
  9. SteveTheDoctor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey amazing mod dude now im torn between forever using this house or the hobbit house haha i had questions and junk though. Planters are they a thing here? Dragon claw holder? Lastly in the journal it says theres a boat "the pride of high rock" full of stahlrim and goodies. is this a thing i can find or just a lore thing?

    finally a bug report
    mannequins are freaking out haha caught one downstairs in the bathroom jogging in place and the ones upstairs having a party. screenshots follow
    1. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Hey glad you like the mod, I find it cans till be used with my other Hobbit homes as they are all a bit different in design, this one has some commonalities in the downstairs, but still some differences.
      There is no dragon claw holder and I had no plans for one.
      The planters do not grow stuff but should respawn over time what is in them originally.
      Yea the mannequins have that bug and I would need to remake them from scratch one day; meantime if you exit and enter they should reset when they do their thing, I found it does not happen all that often.
      There is indeed a large shipwreck off the Island and it is in VERY deep water. I seem to recall that I left some strong water breathing potions, there should be a hint in the journal, but you definitely need aid to dive that deep and long enough to loot everything.
      Good luck
    2. SteveTheDoctor
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can use jax positioner for the dragon claws, theres a nice table in the bottom bedroom i can use and to be honest te mannequins having their party is kind of entertaining the floating one is kind of strange but again, entertaining so i digress i just wanted to bring it to attention. as for the shipwreck how far out do i need to go cuz i searched pretty much from the house north till i couldn't go north anymore.
    3. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      Glad to hear you can make it all work for you and that is a great idea to use Jaxons positioner for the claws and such stuff.
      The wreck is very close to the Island so sounds like you were way off the mark. It is very deep so you cannot see it by just dunking your head under water, you need to dive down a bit to make its shape appear. It is pretty much straight down from the back garden.
  10. malablondi
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    I found a link to this little gem on a page with collection of mods for Solstheim,on different site.This is the nicest house in Solstheim,and it deserves way more endorsements,that it has.It's lovely and spacious,and I like that it's close to Raven Rock,but on separate Island.This way it won't conflict with any mods that edit Solstheim,and I have a few.Thank you for a new home.

    I've just found one minor issue.Taking one of the books,specifically Brief history of the Empire, from a shelf near shrine of Zenithar,will show in player statistics as item stolen.

  11. GodOfKittens
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I love it! It will be perfect for my telvanni wizard character!
  12. jaderiver
    • member
    • 122 kudos
    Tracking for future reference,
    I would really love to endorse this, just on effort alone, love teh sound of what you did with storage , but unless you download any mod you cant endorse anything =/
    I also read its only follower friendly for the moment o.o hence my tracking
  13. Kaitsja13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is one of the most impressive house mods on the Nexus and it's also my second favourite (Sorry, but it just can't compete with Morskom Estate) house mod here on the nexus. I love it. Great work. Endorsed.