

  1. pforpterodactyl
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This is seriously the best house mod I have had so far. I have done Dragonfall, but the storage options kind of stink and of course there are loading screens for everything. I am using it in Skyrim for now, but I needed a proper house for my family while I was on Solstheim so I thought I'd use Redspire for that. This is so much better than any of my houses in Skyrim! I checked out a few of your other house mods and I will be considering those in the future for Skyrim. This really is the best house mod ever. Everything you need, and lore friendly!
  2. Gunstringer223
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is the greatest house mod ever!!!!
  3. nSRTRaidenB
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    • 0 kudos
    Firstly I want to say thank you for your home mods. Best I have ever used, especially Blackthorn- love that one to bits.

    Second, a heads up downloaders; There seems to be a CTD problem right before the menu text loads on the Main Menu (New, Load, etc)
    I am not 100% why, but I have a feeling it may be related to the USLEEP's April 2017 update (version 3.0.9) as this home mod caused no issues prior

    In short;



    1. travelmedic
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      I'm using USLEEP 3.0.13 now, and I didn't experience any crash with that version.
    [email protected]
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Can anyone tell me if this is compatible with Raven Rock Expanded?

    Update: After looking at it in the creation kit, it doesn't look like it is. Too bad. I don't know enough about the creation kit or I would fix it.
    1. travelmedic
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      I realize I'm necroing a very old comment, but I was experimenting with some Raven Rock mods tonight...

      Yes, I did find some cosmetic conflicts, but easily solved, at least to my satisfaction, by doing this:

      1 - load Raven Rock Expanded before Redspire Manor in your load order. This will prevent the Manor appearing as if it's floating, also prevents some stone formations that just look out of place.
      2 - Expanded adds a wood chopping block and a firewood pile cosmetically blocking the door of the Manor. I opened the console and disabled the two items, and then it looked fine to me.

      Cosmetically that all seemed to work fine. I didn't have any followers with me so don't know about the navmesh, but on the other hand, there was some NPC who was using the wood chopping block, so they must be able to get there OK.

      Maybe too late for @jt, but someone else may find it useful going forward
  5. MikaWolf3
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Not compatible with Expanded towns and cities. The placement of the manor directly conflicts with somebody else's residence on Raven Rock. I would LOVE to keep this house for my dark elf but i have to delete it.
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Wrong ! it is Very compatible etac, i'm an long time etac user and you need to download either complete or modular patch and select redspire manor in That, which then places the home just a smidge else where to completely compatible with etac
  6. JohnnyQuest101
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    Best Mod I have seen. Excellent detail and very functional.
  7. SayonaraAi
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    Excellent and spacious house. But I think it's better to use solstheim style bed and the other furniture =)
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      Well using jaxonz positioner mod and furnishings mod you can get rid of the beds in your game and replace them with copies of solthieme look beds the idea are endless with jaxonz =)
    2. SayonaraAi
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      okey i try =)
    3. KainThePheonix
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      @JadeRiver - Which Jaxons mods do you use? I used the lantern one and another and it really bloated my save file after about 50 hours. Have you noticed any problems like that with the other jaxons mods?

      I'm finished with the main quests and finished up everything but 3 radiant quests and I want to add Ld50365's other mods and manors. I really think this is some of the best independent housing mods on all the Nexus, this work is amazing.
    4. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      The jaxonz mods I use are jaxonz positioner and furnishings for copying and decorating needs, and thats all , actually with the saves Im not sure i've really noticed, as I constantly make new saves but try not to ave to many time over the same one , and then down the track, I get rid of old saves close to the start of the game, because if I have to go back that far, may as well start fresh ^^ ! ..
      Also if you use etac modular or other etac actually has included this home mod in it , but moves it another spot in the town, to better to work together =D
      Edited Later -- Sry I also use jaxonz Renamer
  8. Ordeiberon
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Just tried and it is easily the best Raven Rock home I have seen. But I am running into a couple issues that hold up my full use of it. First it clashes with Expanded Cities and Towns (I couldn't find it at first until I realized it was hidden behind another building). No real fix for that, unless you completely move the location.

    But my preference would be to have this be a Severin manor replacer (there really are no real good ones.)
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos
      I also use etac and this as well , Now when you activate etac it comes up with a tick box choice to include raven rock home, and what miss jenna did with this was if you tick the box to include it will move the home just slightly to another spot not to far from the original, so that both etac and this mod play well and nice together,
      My version of etac is the modular and it includes this home if you say yes...
    2. Ordeiberon
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Hmm, I shall have to test this. I wonder if I can pull the right copy of etac from the files as I made several merges to bring the etac .esp count down and I am afraid of what it might change to reinstall. But thanks for the heads up. I feel better knowing there is a way to play them both.

      Still I feel bad using this house with Severin manor just sitting there. I would love a merge to make them work together.
  9. Hanzel777
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    What armor is that in your one pic?
    1. Ld50365
      • premium
      • 774 kudos
      Contractor's Armor by Zerofrost:
    2. Hanzel777
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks! Knew I'd seen it before. Thanks again, mate.
  10. Ld50365
    • premium
    • 774 kudos
    I've uploaded a new file for Redspire Manor with 1.4 that has been hand cleaned with Tes5Edit to remove any unwanted bugs that were associated with a modders resource I used, this will be the final upload for Redsprie Manor for the foreseeable future as I'm focusing on other projects..
    1. darthxanxus
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Just wanted to ask.... I installed this home and I love it! But only one issue I am having which is preventing me from actually using it; the annoyance of traveling back and forth from Raven Rock. This can be resolved if you changed your spell that brings you to the home also bring you back to where you were once recasted or if that can't work/is too difficult maybe just make an exterior portal of some kind on the Draven Manor property that takes you there and one at Redspire to take you back. Let me know (also i posted on your Draven Manor about a major bug with the armory and would really appreciate a fix/response) Thanks I love your work!
    2. darthxanxus
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I was also curious why you left the bug jars and thieves guild displays out of this home? That's literally the only thing missing from this home.