

  1. Holczy0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! Could someone do a port for SE?
  2. thewabingjackk15
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    Is this house compatible with spouses?
  3. dresden69
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    • 3 kudos
    This is my go to home every time I play any sort of hunter or alchemist. I know it's probably too late, but a water source would be a great addition. Either a small pond, or maybe a well?
    1. thewabingjackk15
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you use the iNeed mod you craft a bucket that can be used to fill waterskins
  4. Fuarian
    • supporter
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    Great Cabin but the bow didn't spawn! I can't find it anywhere.

    Also, I love the idea of living in seclusion. But I also haven't gotten very far in the Hearthfire DLC. So would it be possible to add a smaller cabin next to it that supports room for Spouses and Children? That would be great! Or include space for them in the main cabin (basement?).

    The Cabin also isn't considered an actual home. So in order for that to work you would need to classify it as a home.


  5. BBSurf37
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I do love this cabin. It's actually working out really well. I do have a question... what is the cage for? I've been putting stinky meat in there in hopes to trap something but the meat just seems to disappear into the ground. Also could you add a little pond nearby or a water source. It's because I want to use the bathing in skyrim and the nearest place is the lake and i though it would be nice to just stay close to this cabin.
    1. dresden69
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      • 3 kudos
      The cave is for decorational purposes mostly, to help with the hunting theme, as there's several cages/traps used for wolves and whatnot throughout the land. One example is a trap near Redwater Den, that contains a wolf and if you free the wolf, you get attacked by poachers.
  6. chypres89
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    would love a smelter
    1. dresden69
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      • 3 kudos
      smelter can be placed with console.
      open up console, type help smelter
      use page up/down buttons to scroll if needed
      find furn: smelter
      player.placeatme itemcode

      if it's coorked or not quite how you wanted, open up console, click it, type disable
      if you misclicked, hit enable and try again

      repeat as needed until you get it right. I usually place mine by the rocks near the boat.
  7. GHSBoondock
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    • 0 kudos
    house isn't there for me.
  8. PeyodelaMancha
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos

    Nice mod, I added it to my "must have" list because when wandering in the area, your cabin is really perfect.

    However, I've noticed a strange thing. Last time I went there, a bear was stuck in the same place than the cabin itself. My follower could "see" it, I could see it with magic or shout, but he was just unreachable. I managed to kill him with fireball and it was the only time I had this problem, but perhaps there's a spawn flag just under the cabin. Could you check this please ?

    Anyway, thanks for your work, really appreciated.
    1. PeyodelaMancha
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      After some hours of play, I can confirm there's a spawn under or right behind the cabin. Nothing hard to kill, but still annoying.
    2. slygeezer
      • member
      • 78 kudos
      I really like this mod, it's a perfect hunter's cabin. Some might find it a bit posh, but my Bosmer does like his creature comforts.

      However, it should be cleaned before using in game. There are 10 ITMs, which are no big deal, but there are also 10 inadvertently deleted records. Nine can be undeleted and disabled but the deleted navmesh cannot.

      Also, the spawn point can easily be moved or removed in the CK. (It's easier to find from below ground level.)
  9. DJbimbo
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    if i may ask, where is this cabin located?
    1. TwistedMonkeyXD
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Did you look at the images?
  10. dresden69
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    In the corner by the bed, and table, would nice fit a bookshelf or bookcase. Aside from that, it's perfect for my spouse, pet fox and I. XD