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  1. Xavec_Telvanni
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I know a couple of others have picked up and left before but usually because they were mad about something. Joined a religious cult maybe? What version was Wyrmstooth up to. It's been a long time since I've messed around with Skyrim so the version I have installed is probably fairly out of date
    1. DaRkTrAzZ
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      the last update I have is 1.16.
    2. Xavec_Telvanni
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      So that's not the most recent. I was able to find that same one, just not any higher. Still no reasons given as to why he would go suddenly go underground? Kind of hard to believe it's because he's "mad at the world" or something like that.
    3. Verontier
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      jonx0r, the author of Wyrmstooth, disappeared from the internet. Every account, all mods, and even his wyrmstooth comics website has been deleted. As for the last version: it is v1.16. The only way to get Wyrmstooth is by private sharing, as requested by jonx0r on a reddits post that was mysteriously deleted not long after being posted.


      @DaRkTrAzZ, could I get v1.16 from you?
    4. VulcanTourist
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I have Wyrmstooth v 1.18. I got it from The Wayback Machine (archive.org).
    5. deleted86523568
      • account closed
      • 26 kudos

      Well I guess he returned from the jaws of Oblivion....
  2. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 670 kudos
    would this work with quality world map? I know it breaks the bruma map.

    I'd love to see something simple like this for the vanilla maps... AQWM is a bit far reaching and breaks some new lands maps
  3. MightyCrow
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    1. DRAGONJOE69
      • premium
      • 153 kudos
      no conversion needed, manually install or use nmm if you know how to import oldrim files into nmm for se
    2. pendragg0n
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      29 May 2017, 2:08PM
      no conversion needed, manually install or use nmm if you know how to import oldrim files into nmm for se

      DRAGONJOE69 - How Do I Oldrim files? Can I use MO2 to do this?
      Or is there a work-around that gets me there?
    3. ffann1998
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      You can install it through MO2, yes
  4. Caxias
    • member
    • 8 kudos

    I found this site while searching the net. I hope Skyrim Nexus directors understand that I just wanted to help and I have nothing to do with the site where I found the mod Wyrmstooth 1.16 . I do not want to get banned here, I just wanted to help.
    1. kimmuryiel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would think it would be ok, since there's no other way for new users to get it and you aren't claiming to be him/her
    2. Caxias
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you friend.
    3. SkyrimAddict0
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hello!Just wanted to ask something,didn't know where else to turn...I am using Wyrmstooth version 1.16. ...The mercenaries,after the main quest will not follow me.They say they accept following me,but they carry on with their normal schedule....In case it matters,I use UFO....Any suggestions?
    4. Bloedfissa
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Don't use UFO. https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/523890681422555089/
  5. hopventure
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    That is too weird! I only found this mod to get the map of Falskaar, but hearing the strange tale about the Wyrmstooth mod made me want to get that one, too!
    1. Jadex64
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      uh considering Wyrmstooth is a moderately nuked off the nexus hope you found it
  6. Gokual
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Work in my sse , BUT HOW TO DO LIMIT MAP ?
  7. g8rk0k
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Regarding the Wyrmstooth vanishing act "found religion" sounds about right to me. I have some evangelical types in my family that are very anti-entertainment, especially when it comes to anything with magic and wizards and so on. You should have heard how they used to go on about Harry Potter... I have a headache just from the memory.
    1. kimmuryiel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      not all Christians are that way I can name a family of Christian gamers...mine XD we're even into Harry Potter
  8. Caxias
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    jonx0r left the Skyrim Nexus?! I can not find any of it on the site.
    1. DaRkTrAzZ
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      yeah the file just went poof! what the flaming hell? o__O
    2. Caxias
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I hope the author of Wyrmstooth is good, but it's weird too that a person as he disappeared from any webpage . Not the right place for this comment , but I think other people think the same way. TES V Skyrim will not easily disappear from most played games list and get the crowd that both the author and his work again .
    3. Verontier
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Umm, jonx0r left everything, literally. Even his Reddits post (the only response to why) was deleted shortly after being posted. The only way to get Wyrmstooth is by private sharing the files, as requested be jonx0r in the "Mystery of the Vanishing Post". No one has heard from him since. . .
  9. DaRkTrAzZ
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sad news, it seems that jonx0r requested an account close, what gets me though is theres no sign in the forums of a reason WHY.

    swordboy whats your thoughts? in addition will you update this mod still?

    ...its a shame he left.
    1. DaRkTrAzZ
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      unbelievable..he literally WIPED himself from the entirety of the internet: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4hmy9x/jonx0r_wyrmstooth_mod_author_is_gone/

  10. ff7legend
    • premium
    • 1,489 kudos
    Falskaar roads have been changed in the most recent update. Are there any plans to update this mod with the new layout for the roads? Thanks.