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File credits
AutoDesk Bethesda Figment Niftools Team
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This modification allows the crafting/tempering of a maskless Nightingale Hood. Works with all male and female vanilla races. Compatible with any texture replacers. Enjoy!
Extract the contents to your Skyrim/Data directory and enable esp or use Nexus Mod Manager.
Delete all files from the Data folder that you extracted or use Nexus Mod Manager.
Can be found under Misc section of a smithing forge after completion of the Nightingale Armor quest line.
Craft: Leather x2 + Leather strips x3
Temper: Void Salts x1
Shouldn't be any now.
Changed to be its own craftable/temperable Item (See "Usage" section for requirements).
Changed Armature IDs to be unique to prevent conficts.
Changed mesh reference names to not conflict for mods that use the vanilla meshs.