

Comments locked

The author has locked this comment topic for the time being
  1. esu_riddick
    • premium
    • 204 kudos



    1) Always read the description and play with the mod BEFORE commenting or suggesting ANYTHING. READ before you do anything with this mod, or any mod, it is really irritating and frustrating for a mod creator to have most bug reports be mistakes people make because they don't READ! The same goes for suggestions. The description is there for a reason, read it and play the mod before you even consider posting here.

    2) We can't help you if you're cheating. We can't help you for the simple fact that more often than not it's you breaking something instead of the mod being unstable. Inaccurate bug reports are bad and only serve to hinder the progress of the mod development.

    3) Having real bug reports is great but not when there's a ton of people reporting the same thing. We know you just want to help, however, if everyone posts a report on the same thing then people reporting different bugs might get drowned out in the madness. Please read through the comments at least once before reporting something and if you find someone who has the same bugs as you simply reply to their post saying "Okay I have this bug too and it happened to me while doing this." It'll help everyone, especially me, while I'm looking through the comments for bugs.

    4) DO NOT post spoilers, of any kind, pictures and gifs included. This mod has been cut off from the manga to avoid insane requests and OP madness. This mod will never, ever, go beyond the 4th Great Ninja War and it will be strictly canon unless something is changed for balance purposes. The only reason Sasuke has a Rinnegan is because people were excruciatingly annoying about it, as such, Shisui will never get a Susano'o so stop asking for it. Last but not least, no, we will not make Izanami. It was created to counter Izanagi and no one uses Izanagi in the game so it's useless. Gameplay-wise it would only be a Tsukuyomi that takes your eye away so it's literally useless. All posts regarding it will be considered spam and deleted with the user blocked at the admin's discretion.

    Please keep these in mind before reporting something amiss, making suggestions, or otherwise, it will help both you and us. If you break any of these rules all you'll get is a snarky, and most likely insulting, response from Omega1084 then your comment will be deleted by me with a possible block from ever downloading the mod or posting on the page again. Omega1084 reserves the right to be incredibly unfriendly, blunt and opinionated at her own discretion. Having read this means you agree with these terms and are bound by them when posting on this mod page. You've been warned.

    "90% of the Skyrim problems can be solved through reading, 90% of the Skyrim problems are caused by not reading!" - Groovtama



    Is there any new feature being planned?
    As of version 2.0, this mod will only be updated when a bug is fixed. Nothing new will be added nor will a current feature be modified.

    Will this mod be ported to consoles?
    Sadly, no. The reason is that most of this mod's spells require the use of a third party tool called "Skyrim Script Extender". However, on consoles you are not allowed to install third party tools, so this mod would never function properly in consoles.

    Will this mod be ported to Skyrim Special Edition?
    Skyrim Special Edition version is now available in the Nexus!

    Will the Naruto Overhaul mod ever be back on the Nexus?
    It should be noted that the mod was blocked by a Nexus moderator and it was not removed by us. After several attempts of dialogue with the moderator responsible for this decision, we stopped getting any answer and the reason that was given to us for this action was not considered reasonable by either me or Omega1084. Therefore, the mod is now permanently being hosted at the Steam Workshop. With this said, the Naruto Overhaul mod will only ever be available on the Steam Workshop from now on (this is the only supported version as well). We will NOT be providing support to any "non-steam" versions of Skyrim. We do not support piracy in any way shape or form.



    Omega1084 created a thread on the Forums tab of this mod page for people who want do share/advertise/discuss other Naruto mods or mods in general. Check it out and share.
    Both me and her will, from now on, provide very little support to the mod. I hope other users will be able to help you and, if we notice that an issue is very common, we will add it to the description.
  2. jadenmark6
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    the eye manager is not working and the sharingan ate not showing
    1. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      That seems like an issue on your side. I assure you that they are all working properly.
  3. KingJame111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any chance we could get an amaterasu weapon enchantment? I'd make it myself but I suck at modding.
    1. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      It is already in the mod what you are looking for (spell that adds Amaterasu to equipped weapon). It is unlocked when in the Sasuke Path and you obtain the Rinnegan.
  4. Geck1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So where do you get madara's armor?
    1. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      You fight an NPC to restore your eyes and he has the armor. After getting new eyes, you will also be able to craft it.
  5. esu_riddick
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    Skyrim special edition version has just been added to the Nexus. ;)
    1. jaitsu
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Awesome! I'm gonna plan my new playthrough for tomorrow. :D
    2. Mortsllem
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I didn't see this! That's awesome man, thank you so much!!!
  6. Shlong69
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ..... I got a problem I dont know if its a bug or if it should be like that but sasuke's Rinnegan drains magicka constantly...its kinda annoying having to switch in and out of it.. any way to fix it ?
    1. XlegacyZero
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      its suppose to be like that
    2. Shlong69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok.. thanks for the reply... time to give myself 9999999 magicka
    3. alfaomega1998
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is there a way to make sasukes rinnegan not cost mana?
    4. Mortsllem
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It's supposed to be like the manga/anime. Nagato and Madara could have theirs active constantly and spam their powers, but Sasuke has been forced to deactivate his a few times because it was using up his chakara, and it forces a deactivation when he's used a few major moves.

      I always saw it as Madara earning his Rinnegan the hard way and doing it naturally and Sasuke just was given his as a free upgrade by the SOT6P, so it has drawbacks.
  7. Zerinian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm still new when doing mods so this may be a dumb question but does anyone know what to do when stuff like the anbu masks, jutsus and other stuff wont appear? or well let me rephrase the masks are there but they are visible and the jutsus such as the first one you get when you get the sharingan from madara's path takes chakra but does nothing.
  8. MrPepsiWaffles
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No DLC version, please?
  9. Faiauido
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, any way to fix the bug where the susano'o will re-equip the wrong items/armor?
  10. SkyrimNexusBailey
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Another question sorry, what would happen if I were to remove the dependency of racecompatibility and the unofficial patch manually with Tes5Edit? I understand this could bug things out and I wont get support for the version of skyrim that I do this to etc, but are there any expected things you are almost certain it would cause, other than obvious vampirism/werewolf issues? I ask because there is a modpack I am in the middle of installing that is completely incompatible with both of those mods and I am attempting to basically force your mod into the pack, as one does XD. I don't really consider any form of skyrim playable without good ol uchiha clan on it.
    1. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      That sounds like a real bad idea altogether xD Trust me, I tried to remove dawnguard as a dependent file. Tbh, I have no idea what will happen but I'm sure you will break some custom race references needed.
    2. owenreilly89
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Simply removing the psijic effect from Obito's spells messed things up for me. I definitely wouldnt be shocked if you wreck more than a few things doing this xD
    3. SkyrimNexusBailey
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      yeah instant crashes when turning into a vampire, everything went really smooth until I turned into a vampire, which is really strange for a modpack over 900 mods merged together I expected more issues. Still probably a lot more going on that I dont know of. I am going to just force this mod pack to take on USLEEP aswell instead of forcing uchiha clan to not use it lol, more effort but less issues. Riddick knows all.
    4. owenreilly89
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You tried to make the Uchiha character a vampire without race compat? Bad idea. Custom race + skyrim + vampires - race compatability = big freaking disaster. That said, if you could replace USLEEP and RaceCompat with their SSE equivalents AFTER converting the esp for SSE, maybe it could work. I generally play with BV, myself.
    5. SkyrimNexusBailey
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No, I have no intentions of this char ever being a vampire. I managed to force racecompat and the legendary patch into that massive modpack as opposed to forcing the requirements out of uchiha, so all is well finally ;-;
  11. white101
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    so guys i wanted to let you know theres a way to use this mod in the skyrim SE version.
    now ofcourse its not the optimal way to do so and for some it may not work or make the game unstable, but for now i did it and there was no problem atm. but use at your own risk...
    its basicly says to unpack the bsa files (of both the uchiha and the naruto overhaul and put the folders in the data folder)
    PS:use the alpha skse64
    2ps:if you use skyUI you'll need to do the same to it becuse the naruto mod interupt skyUI otherwise for some reason
    1. msevenfold
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the information, sadly when I try it skyrim se doesn't even open up. Quick question did you use race compatibility from old skyrim or the one for SE. Also with skyui do you mean unpack the SE version?
    2. white101
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      yes i used the new one for se , and unpack the se version of skyui
    3. SynthetiXxX
      • supporter
      • 51 kudos
      This is EXTREMELY dangerous and not recommended. esp files DO need to be properly converted through CK64. There is no telling what aftereffects there may be not converting them.
    4. white101
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      as i said it may cause problems and use at your own risk....
    5. msevenfold
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks, will give it a try see if it works more me.
    6. SynthetiXxX
      • supporter
      • 51 kudos
      I don't understand why the mod author stickied this. This will cause instability, corrupt your save, and cause many unwanted unpredictable effects. The mod author needs to convert this over himself otherwise everyone else will continue to follow this and mess up their save. If you do not believe me, please go ahead and try this, see for yourself what will happen. The game may not crash or mess up immediately after start up, but it will eventually. That is how it goes with unconverted esps in SE. ALL form 43 (Skyrim LE) esps need to be converted to Form 44 (SE) for the mod to perform without crutching the game's stability and performance. Even Bethesda has said this.

      I tested the mod myself in SE a while before this comment was posted. MCM, Eyes manager, Sharingan refresher do work. Sharingan, Mangekyo, and Rinnegan powers crash the game upon activation more than 50% of the time. This is with a clean install of SE with cleaned masters. I've converted multiple LE mods over to SE properly, Naruto Ultimate Overhaul included. But Uchiha Clan.esp will not save properly in CK64. CK64 crashes upon pressing save and I haven't been able to properly debug it, so I gave up on it.

      Riddick, please port the mod over yourself, for the enjoyment of mod users and reduce risk of people bricking their saves because they did what was said in this member's comment. Leave it to their responsibility to port Naruto Ultimate Overhaul over to SE themselves, if they really want this mod in SE. They will learn how to port mods
    7. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      Guess I'll work on a port to see if it is possible. I'm not entirely sure if the new SKSE works well enough for it, but we shall see.
    8. Kadeda
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nice, I just about to make a bootleg version of an Uchiha in the Skyrim SE. I will wait and see if you port first before making her. The only thing stopping me from converting it myself is converting the esp to form 44.
    9. esu_riddick
      • premium
      • 204 kudos
      If you try to port this mod over with Creation Kit, the tool will crash. This issue was first identified by SynthetiXxX. He converted pretty much every asset, including the ones from Naruto Overhaul, and sent them to me. With a little help from me, the Uchiha Clan esp file has been successfully ported and was sent to him for testing. A few issues have been identified with both mods (very few though) and none seem to crash your game. I'm going to work a little on both of them to try to fix these issues and then they will be uploaded. The Uchiha Clan to the Nexus and the Naruto Overhaul to the due to the reason stated in the sticky.
    10. Kadeda
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nice, can't wait.