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Mod: Scoped Bows
Version: 4.0
Date: December 2017
Author: OutLaw666

Play without crosshair they said
It will be fun they said

OutLaw666 proudly presents:***********************************************
____ _ ____
/ ___| ___ ___ _ __ ___ __| | | __ ) _____ _____
\___ \ / __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | _ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / __|
___) | (_| (_) | |_) | __/ (_| | | |_) | (_) \ V V /\__ \
|____/ \___\___/| .__/ \___|\__,_| |____/ \___/ \_/\_/ |___/ Final Edition
| |

Scoped Bows is a huge weapons mod that adds scoped variants of all bows to the game, designed to be used without crosshair.
It comes with 4 optional tweaks (scroll down for details) that will greatly improve your archery gameplay experience.

Each scoped bow has two scopes. One is designed for quick shots (used when standing), the other one is designed for precise shots (used when sneaking).
All scopes are matching the design of the corresponding bow to keep them lore-friendly.

You are getting 32 Scoped Bows in total.

<-------<< Install >>------->

Scoped Bows comes with a FOmod scripted Installer and therefore requires a mod manager to be installed.

<-------<< Obtaining >>------->

Scoped bows are seamlessly integrated into the game.
Accordingly to your level scoped bows will randomly appear in the world of skyrim (on npc's, in shop vendor menus or in containers), but you can also craft them yourself
if you have the required smithing perks and the corresponding vanilla base bow. Unique bows are already scoped when you find them.

Complete List of Bows:

Dwarven Sniper
Daedric Wrath
Nordic Assault Bow
Dragonbone Bow - Scoped
Glass Bow - Scoped
Hunting Bow - Scoped
Noble Hunting Bow - Scoped
Imperial Bow - Scoped
Orcish Bow - Scoped
Elven - Bow Scoped
Stalhrim Bow - Scoped
Ebony Bow - Scoped
Forsworn Bow - Scoped
Longbow - Scoped
Nordhero Bow - Scoped
Falmer Bow - Scoped
Ancient Nord Bow - Scoped
Stormcloak Hunting Bow
Imperial Legionary Bow

Auriel's Bow
Glass Bow of the Stag Prince
Bound Bow
Dwarven Black Bow of Fate
Angi's Bow
Bow of the Hunt
Nightingale Bow
Firiniel's End
Drainspell Bow
Gauldur Black Bow
Froki's Bow
Dravin's Bow

<-------<< RECOMMENDATIONS >>------->

For the best gameplay experience (in other words to use this mod how it is intended) you should:

1.) Disable the crosshair in your game settings.
2.) Use all the tweaks that come with the installer.

<-------<< OPTIONAL TWEAKS >>------->

The following optional tweaks are included into the installer:

Stealth Meter-Tweak:
Moves the Sneak Eye away from the center to enable an unobstructed view through the scopes. - This tweak is incompatible with any mod that changes the hudmenu.gfx file.

Increases the distance arrows fly, removes the aim assist and makes the crosshair or reticle the centre (rather than being slightly above it). They are the same as recommended in "S.T.E.P." (
You don't have to edit your skyrim ini manually. ScopedBows.ini is overwriting the settings without changing the original skyrim.ini. - Ini tweaks should be compatible with everything.

Faster Arrows:
Makes arrows go 50% faster and further. - This tweak is incompatible with any mod that does the same thing.

Better Eagle Eye:
Increases the zoom you get with the Eagle Eye perk. (Vanilla value: 0.6, modded: 0.8) - This tweak is incompatible with any mod that overhauls the archery perk tree.

<-------<< Compatibility and Issues >>------->

Please note that Scoped Bows is script free and therefore should not be able to cause any harm under any circumstances.

The position of the Sights featured in Scoped Bows is carefully tweaked to work with vanilla animations and skeleton. The sights are supposed to point exactly into the center of the screen.
Mods that change the way your character holds the bow in first person mode (first person skeleton/ first person animations), or mods that change the position of the first person camera will most lkely interfere with the alignment of the sights.
The sights would no longer appear in the center of your screen, in other words: You would no longer look trough the sights when aming which for obvious reasons would make them useless.

Known Issues:
Clipping with some of the bows when wearing thick gauntlets. - Fix: None, but i's barely noticeable after getting the "quick shot" perk.
Opaque glass lenses with Ebony Mail armor. - Fix: Use the mod "Ebony Mail - Smoke Only"

Field of View (FOV):
The sights are working with all possible values.
But keep in mind: The higher the value, the smaller (further away) the sights will appear. I recommend to use the default fov-value!

<-------<< PERMISSIONS >>------->

You are allowed to use all of my assets freely as long as you don't use them in mods/files that are being sold for money.
Crediting me with a link to the original page would be appreciated.

<-------<< DISCLAIMER >>------->

Scoped Bows is a fanmade modification ("mod") for the pc game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition". A legal copy of the original game is required in order to use this mod. You are using this mod at your own risk.
Scoped Bows partially contains assets of the original game. I do not claim to be the owner of such content. All credit goes to Bethesda.
Scoped Bows is, and always will be, available for free!

<-------<< CREDITS >>------->

Credit goes to Bethesda for this amazing game.

A big "Thanks!" to everyone who gave feedback and helped to keep me motivated with nice words, endorsements and donations. Without your support this mod would not exist!

A big "Thanks!" also goes to all the developers who made the tools which where neccessary to create this mod.


If you enjoy Scoped Bows don't forget to endorse it on Nexus Mods:


Immerse yourself into awesomness of badass SCOPE!
