

  1. User_3142012
    • account closed
    • 289 kudos
    Update: 10/29/16 (please read)
    Hello folks! IcePenguin here. As of today, Chesko will be taking over this mod and any future updates or releases. This includes the new Skyrim Special Edition.


    Q: Does this mod require anything?
    A: No. This mod does not require anything to work. However, if you want an even more detailed map, you can download Ethatron's map meshes. The recommended file to use is: "HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res". Keep in mind, that these meshes are high poly, and may cause performance issues if your PC can't handle it.

    Q: Will you do a map for Falskaar and Wyrmstooth?
    A: The maps for these mods have already been done by swordboy.

    Q: What are those little water squares on the map, above my player icon?
    A: This anomaly is not a result of my mod. I've seen them occur in the vanilla map, as well. I can't say what causes it, unfortunately.

    Q: How do I manually install this mod?
    It is quite easy. Extract the folder of whatever map option you downloaded. Inside the extracted folder, right click and copy the 'data' folder. Navigate to your Skyrim directory on your computer and paste this mod's data folder there. The file path should look like this:

    Q: IcePenguin, what is your favorite mod?
    Okay I admit, no one has actually asked me this, but I wanted to share it anyways. Ha ha. I would have to say that Kenney's Fairy Cursor mod is my favorite. It's simple, it's compatible with pretty much everything, and it makes the cursor 1000x better.

    Q: When is the next update?
    Version 9.0+ will be the final update, unless Chesko decides to do anything further with the mod. Eventually I plan to draw a paper map for Solstheim, but I can't say when I'll have time to work on it.
  2. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,934 kudos
    Hey everyone,

    I have released updates to the Vivid style (Stone and Flat).

    * The file size was greatly reduced with no perceptible loss of visual fidelity.
    * The files are now distributed as loose files in order to improve compatibility.
    * A short script now sets the world map blur INI settings, instead of distributing a separate INI file with the mod, to improve compatibility.

    To address concerns that were brought up on the Skyrim SE page: If you do not trust me, or otherwise want to make these INI changes yourself, and don't want any scripts included with this mod, you can safely delete both of the scripts included if you want to make the following INI edits yourself:


    If you do trust me, then, the work is done for you when you start the game.

    I think it's important that you understand what is in the mod and what it does, and how it does it, and to try to dissuade you from the feeling that "script" is a bad word. The game is full of scripts, it's how many things in the base game runs.

    Here are the scripts. I'm happy to walk you through them. I hope this calms any fears you might have.

    There is a quest. It needs to be started when the game runs. The quest doesn't do anything other than give us something that's needed to listen for a game load event.

    The script reads, effectively, "If I'm not running, start myself."


    scriptname _WorldMap_MapSettingsQuest extends Quest

    Event OnInit()
    if !self.IsRunning()


    There is a Reference Alias filled by the player. (A Reference Alias can be thought of as a "container" for another object, and lets us listen for events on that object without affecting the object itself. In this case, the object is the player.)

    When the quest starts, this script runs. When it first runs (OnInit), and when the game is reloaded (OnPlayerLoadGame), it makes INI settings changes. INI settings changes via script are temporary, which is why we do it when they reload the game, too. This temporary-ness has the nice side-effect that if you uninstall the mod, the changes automatically revert to the defaults. There are no persistent changes or things "sticking in your save game". There are no loops or continuously running code.

    This script can be read as: "When I initialize, or when the player loads the game, set the camera settings. When I set the camera settings, I should set the value of these 4 things and stop."

    scriptname _WorldMap_SetMapOnLoad extends ReferenceAlias

    import Utility

    Event OnInit()

    Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

    function SetCameraSettings()
    debug.trace("[A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load." )
    SetINIBool("bWorldMapNoSkyDepthBlur:MapMenu", true)
    SetINIFloat("fWorldMapNearDepthBlurScale:MapMenu", 0)
    SetINIFloat("fWorldMapDepthBlurScale:MapMenu", 0)
    SetINIFloat("fWorldMapMaximumDepthBlur:MapMenu", 0)
    debug.trace("[A Quality World Map] Settings applied." )


    That's all there is to it. I hope this provided some clarity.


    -- Chesko
  3. ronelst85
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My map is so bright I can't see the roads in the snow, any ideas?
  4. Samthemna045
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    tried downloading the old style map mod, but when I try and load up the game, this mod is stopping me from playing... not sure why
  5. Brucasco
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod, thanks!
  6. Tonedeaf101
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I manually download and unzip, I do not get a DATA folder, just some files and sub folders. I tried placing these direct into my game DATA folder but nothing appears in the game Load order. Am I doing something wrong?

  7. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    This mod for the game is always popular and necessary.Glory and honor to the author, because the mod has become legendary, as well as the game itself. Huge heartfelt thanks, happiness, health and all the best to you.
  8. Drakefell01
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    would there be a way to add this to my mod i am creating one that gives land npcs quests for the other arias of tamriel (surrounding arias past skyrim)
    i'm also using Bethesda for my mod
    if you want to see its called all of nirn it's currently a work in progress mod
    i don't know if these factors will affect it or not
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      I'd get directly in touch with the Caretaker if I were you, the original author 'IcePenguin' isn't around so the caretaker would seem to be the correct way forward.
    2. Drakefell01
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      its ok i just thought it would be cool
  9. NicotineCaffeine
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Beautiful idea. Having the paper-like map brings me back when i was reading Lone Wolf adventures. Besides it really resembles those maps.
    Too bad there isn't Solstein version too.
  10. BigSteamyPeas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I enable paper and try to play Skyrim it does nothing, no error or anything. Just doesn't play. Same thing happens with SkyUI. Seems like every mod that dramatically changes the UI makes the game unplayable for me. Any advice?
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      If you're using the 64 bit version* of the game you should look on those pages for mods,
      I mention this because this mod and SKY UI work without a problem on the right game versions, that's Skyrim, Skyrim LE
      As an aside, always put this mod at the bottom of your load order.

      *Skyrim SE (Special Edition), Skyrim AE (Anniversary Edition) and Skyrim VR... and any other unique editions that Bethesda might  fire out on the 64bit platform.
  11. Veyragon
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    1. lukaz180
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You managed to fix it and get the map to work with the correct water textures?
    2. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      @Veyragon, (I know this is late) You're new to modding so the thing to remember is to read the instructions and only ever install one mod at a time, then if YOU mess it up you know exactly how to correct it.
      Don't forget, information is good!, so read a couple of pages of comments before pointing fingers filled with hate.
    3. deleted150923488
      • account closed
      • 9 kudos

      Jesus Christ: is every strong reaction related to hate these days? Grow up, will you? 
  12. BuckWatson02
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    so the mod is saying i have the wrong SkyUI version it says i have SkyUI version 4.1 when clearly on Vortex and the SkyUI page says 5.1 ?
    1. PapaVino
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If you haven't figured this out, go into SkyUI advanced tab and untick all the fields for Version Checking.
    2. RuisuHayabusa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank youuuuuu!