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The New Vigil Project

I. Concept
II. Locations
III. Followers and NPCs
IV. Special Itens
V. Installation, Bugs and known issues:
VI. Next steps


- This mod was developed through Skyrim Creation Kit 1.9.32
- Apachii Hair: 1.5 Full

I. Concept

I have been watching the Vigilants of Stendarr among other religious orders. For a faction that claims to hunt down daedra worshippers and supernatural beings like vampires and werewolves, they lack the fortitude. So, I got this idea, to make the Hall of Vigilant be "reborn. This mod is, at last, a convergence of other mods that I was developing.

II. Locations

A) The New Vigil: located near the Honningbrew Meadery, in Whiterun. It's easy to see it if you are travelling from Riverwood to Whiterun. Take a look at the map, too. There are some improvements to be done but you can get in and check.
B) Falkreath's Outpost, just before one of the entrances, by the road.
C) Morthal's Outpost: it's after the bridge, next to Jorgenan and Lamis's House. The site is scary but unless you are using mods that change (completely) the scenario, we cannot say that Morthal is the most colorful, safest hold in Skyrim, can we? And if you have "Skyrim Witcher Experience", beware for drowners, as they might spawn nearby and threaten anyone around!
D) Dawnstar's Outpost: when you get to the Pale, on the left side of the road.
E) Markarth's Watchmen: one house near the stable and a tower, inside Markarth, close to the entrance. (The fast travel to the tower is currently disabled)
F) Winterhold's Vigil: next to the entrance of the hold, on your right.
G) Ramzem�s Inn: close to Riften's main gate (North Gate).
H) Windhelm's Vigil: close to Windhelm's bridge.
I) The Mighty Aegir: It is a ship docked in the port of Solitude.

III. Followers / NPCs

- Some of these New Vigilants are not like the "fundamentalist robots" wandering off Skyrim. They can even follow you with their own, peculiar equipments;
- There are vigilants with different perks and combat styles: one-handed, two-handed, dual-wielding, bow and arrow, knives and daggers...
- Among standard mages, spellswords and battlemages, there are "Exorcists", in other words, mages with advanced perks in Restoration School that can be a real challenge for the undead and other similar creatures.
- The multi-ethnicity is more evident: there are vigilants from all [vanilla] races.
- There is a variety of "watchmen", including supernatural beings.

IV. Special items

If you explore the New Vigil and some of the outposts you will find enchanted items and diaries. Take a look and see if they are useful to you. If you are willing to get in the Danger Room, make sure you are prepared! There is a good reason for the word "danger".

(Before hitting anything that moves inside Danger Room, check if it�s not an ally, ok? You may not have the chance to apologize�)

V. Installation, Bugs and Known Issues
1. SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE INSTALLING! Always save your game BEFORE installing any mod.
2. Use Nexus Mod Manager or just drop the .esp file inside "Data", in your Skyrim folder.
3. To uninstall this mod, delete the .esp file manually or use the Nexus Mod Manager. Load your game, save it and quit. The file should be "clean" again.

Bugs / Known Issues:

- I cannot say that the Vigil�s exterior is in perfect shape. There are some features which can be improved, for sure.

VI. Next Steps

- New patrols roaming Skyrim: mage squads, combat assassins, juggernauts and so on;
- Enable transport via ships (Solitude, Dawnstar, Morthal and a port in Riverwood)
- Quests, for sure, when I learn how to make them or if another user accepts this task.