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  1. ramccoid
    • supporter
    • 1,479 kudos
    VERSION 3.0 is now available to download. This will be considered, by me, to be the final version, unless bugs are reported.
    1. Nightgazer
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Will Gamwich be making textures for V 3.0 sometime?

    2. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      I don't know, usually he PMs me, if he's done anything to my textures and wants me to see them. Nothing this time, maybe he likes the new ones or he's still working on it.

      I'd like to see him create completely new ones and see how he would approach them. Maybe something for the future, you never know.
  2. ramccoid
    • supporter
    • 1,479 kudos
    Try the new fantastic enhancements of my textures to look more 3D, by the brilliant Gamwich. Now in the optional section, just overwrite my main file with them and you won't be disappointed by the improvement they make.
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,602 kudos
    2. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      Thanks very much but all the appreciation lies with Gamwich for taking the time to enhance my textures.
    3. Gruftlord
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      nice. you know, i thought i was done with web textures, but than your 2.0 version came along and really convinced me, to give it a try. it's awesome, and the best i've seen.
      some textures did indeed look a bit flat/lacked some transparency/fake depth, e.g. what can be seen in image nr. 3, especially after the web has been broken.

      so, i'd like to give the enhanced 3d version a try. any chance you could make a performance friendly 512^2 download available? whenever i see these massive webs in a dungeon, it makes me feel sorry for my VRAM :-D. your 512 version looked reasonably detailed to me, so i'm happy with that resolution.
    4. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      I see about reducing them tomorrow for you.
      Thanks for enjoying the mod.
    5. cronozero5
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      cool. thanks ramccoid for all your great mods, they really improve the skyrim experience. I look forward to when you have time to make a 512 version, and I appreciate it. thanks!
    6. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      You are very welcome, my friend. I'm presently working on updating the textures to look more 3D, thanks to all the valuable advice given from Gamwich and I think they now look more impressive than version 2.0. Will be uploading as soon as I have finished them.
  3. ramccoid
    • supporter
    • 1,479 kudos
    VERSION 2.0 is now up.
    Uninstall completely all previous versions before installing version 2.0.
    All new textures and improved web shimmer effect. There is no ESP with this version and the old one will not work with it.
    1. 999-jay-999
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Utterly brilliant, you maybe should consider to cast your spider talents towards making some spider skins as well.

      Your be the spider man of nexus ..
    2. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      ... Thanks very much and I might consider it because I like the title.
    3. AstroGazer
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      seems your newer version should be called version 4 or is the newer dated version 2 as shown wrong and the older version 3final is the new version. and is the Animated clutter patch still neecded.
    4. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      Version 3final is from my old WEBS mod.
      This is a different mod which extends the web concept further than retexturing the vanilla few textures and expands on a variety of looks to them.
      The patch is still needed if you use Animated Clutter.
      Thanks for the interest and I hope this clarifies everything.
    5. AstroGazer
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Thanks, just wanted to clarify. Beautiful work.
    6. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      You are very welcome and thanks very much and I'm glad that you enjoy the effect.
  4. Rodr1sen
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    thanks, they look great now.
  5. BenjsminBRE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Darn. I've tried a lot of things, but it just seems that ENB + spider webs = invisible no matter what. They simply do not absorb light.
    1. Darnexx
      • premium
      • 305 kudos
      True, I don't have them visible aswell.
  6. lucidstorm1
    • member
    • 198 kudos
    I found excellent web texture but I can't remember who did them, maybe you know since you know much about spider webs in skyrim than me

    they were more stretched, there was pattern like this but there was an additional layer stretching wide from right to left (like spider web forming an elastic belt)

    which looked very realistic, almost unreal, I cannot find these textures anymore

    anyway I love these webs but I miss the ''belt'' of spider web
  7. vicky78
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    This s comfusing... So gamwich`s textures are only compatiblw with version 2. But version 2 dont exist... Or are you talking about your other mod, the one you made before extended...?
  8. abi008
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Thank you for this amazing re-texture!
    Just one question, if I have ELFX with ELFXEnhancer.esp and I downloaded WEBS extended v3, do I need "WEBS extended ELFXenhancer replacer" from optional files or it's just for v2 or older vesrions..
    Sry, I know It has been answered in description, but I need to be sure
  9. lordquilton
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    THE definitive web mod. They look great ramcoid, heartily endorsed!
    1. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      Thanks very much, I do love this mod and it pleases me loads to hear brilliant compliments about it's effects and that you are enjoying it, my friend.
  10. ff7legend
    • premium
    • 1,501 kudos
    WEBS extended is a must-have mod period. With ENB installed, this blows the vanilla webs (ugly & bland, to say the least) clean out of the water. I also use your SOUL & OIL mods as well ramccoid. Thanks again for sharing your work with the community. It's quite obvious countless hours went into this & your other mods as they are some of the very best retex mods out there. Peace.
    1. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      Thanks very much, my friend. This one is my favourite out them all and the one which incited me to do more and the many, many hours I put into this one were all a complete enjoyment. I just wish there were more I could add to this, but that would mean entering into the realms of the ESP which I wouldn't want to add to the stress of anyone's already stretched load order.

      Thanks again, my friend and I'm pleased you are enjoying them.
    2. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,501 kudos
      I have a suggestion to make. You know what could use a performance-friendly retex from an expert like you ramccoid? All that rather bland & ugly IVY in the game. Yes, I capitalized it since that's your trademark. I know there are some HD ivy mods out but those are rather performance intrusive whereas your mods are perfectly balanced for quality & performance. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
    3. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      I'll have a look into it, for you and see if there is anything I could do with them.
    4. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,501 kudos
      Sweet! Much appreciated. The ivy is quite blurry & bland, especially when found in the various dungeons. Peace.
  11. honmjhbv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with ENB? I noticed it overwrites some meshes from the ENB Particle patch.  94.gif42.gif
    1. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,501 kudos
      Works fine for me. I allowed this to overwrite the ENB Particle Patch without issues. Hope this helps. Peace.
    2. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      ff7legend is right, they don't need the particle patch meshes because I edited these meshes used to work best with the textures and gradient effect. I hope this helps, my friend.
  12. UV777
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Back when I used the old extended version with the .esp most of the webs had that awesome shimmering effect. After switching to version 3 without the plugin, most of the webs have this old dry look and don't look as high res as b4. The only shimmering web I saw was at the main spider in bleak falls.
    I did remove the old version beforehand and do have the new ELFX with enhancer so I'm not sure. Unless it's meant to look like this now? Maybe going for a different look? Which is fine, I'm more curious as to how it's meant to look so I know if I'm meant to troubleshoot or not. lol
    1. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      The shimmer effect in version 3.0 is more pronounced than the previous versions. It might be to do with the new Enhancer from ELFX because it used to use mostly black ambient lighting but the new one uses brown instead which will cause an adverse effect on the colouring of the webs. Have you tried the Enhancer from my optional section? I've changed the ambient light to be more web friendly without losing too much of the lighting effect.
    2. UV777
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, after I posted I had a good look and noticed I was using v2 with gamwich addon. I downloaded v3 to try but did not get to try due to black out for 4 days now. I'll see if that makes a difference and if not I'll try your suggestion.

    3. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      I hope version 3.0 looks better, I do think it is the best out of all the versions.

      I hope you sort out you power problems very soon.
    4. UV777
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply and thanks for your support and concern.
      Yes, version 3 did fix the problem. It looks awesome. One thing I noticed which I really like, even if it's a bug with my enb, is that the shiny webs have this kinda snihy light effect swiping in the direction you are moving the camera, thus making it look like the amount of visible web is dynamically changing. ^^
    5. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      I'm pleased version 3 fixed the issue. The effect is intended and I'm glad that's it works nicely with a ENB. I wasn't sure if a ENB would display the effect correctly, it's not perfect but it's as close as I could get it with a gradient to produce a type of shimmer to the webs.
      Thanks for enjoying it.
  13. mongbong
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    At first I was ok with new webs, but after visiting a few dungeons there was always a problem with them. In some places, they all looked out of place, like someone made a simple triangle and threw it in the corner with textures slapped on. That's basically all Beth did, but for some reason their vanilla files look way less out of place or unnatural. I'm too lazy for comparison shots now, but the problem exists with ALL cobweb mods, meshes, or not. It's weird. Probably has something to do with the high density all these re-textures apply. Not sure anyone ever did a light version, as in same cobweb density as vanilla. Just my impression.
    1. Gruftlord
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Hm, interesting. Can't say i have observed the same. If you use the 512 version, that one has the same resolution as vanilla, and i think the strings amount has not been increased with webs extended very much. Having said that, the problem with webs in skyrim is, that they are indeed just flat textures, and there is only so much you can do with transparency, reflectance and luminescence. And the end result ingame varies heavily depending on lighting conditions. This means that all web textures need to be optimized to strike some sort of middle ground, that looks good in most conditions, but can never look best in all. And it means, that various lighting mods can have a very big influence on whether the illusion is maintained or not. Do you use any form of lighting mod, dungeon overhaul or enb? This may in the end have the biggest impact after all, because as with textures, so enbs have to always be optimized to strike a middle ground, and you may have installed one, that did not take webs into account all that much.

      In other words, webs extended is a clear improvement over vanilla, and most everyone would agree. But it is possible, that it's magic and trickery does not work under every condition.
    2. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,479 kudos
      Gruftlord, is absolutely right there has to be a compromise to modding the vanilla game and no matter what I do, I would never be able to make every instant of the effect look well in every situation without introducing a ESP into the equation, which I'm sure most people wouldn't appreciate adding more to their load lengths.

      Thanks for trying it out and I appreciate your valid opinions.