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  1. Lycanthrops
    • premium
    • 118 kudos

    All what you need to run this mod is this main file and Apachii's ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full mod or the latest 1_6 version.

    17th June 2014: The German version - made by Westsidekidd - is available here:

    Lordjoseph has converted The Hairstyler to Skyrim Special Edition. Thank you very much lordjoseph. Much appreciated. You'll find the SSE-version here:
  2. Tyra1776
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    To this day this is still one of my favorite hair mods!
    I know it might be asking a lot, but would there be any way you could explain how to add more/all of the vanilla hairstyles to this mod in the CK for my personal use?

    I prefer the vanilla hair look, and would love to switch up some hair on NPC's, but the vanilla options of this mod are limited
  3. el670005
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm curious if anyone else experiences a gradual performance hit as you add wigs to more and more NPCs. For me, it has happened consistently on three separate play-throughs (each one started brand new). At first, the spell opens up like any inventory dialog. Applying a wig to an NPC is almost instantaneous when you first start the game. However, if you're like me and you apply wigs to every female NPC with hair that looks like sh!t , it will eventually slow down (usually somewhere around level 50 for me).  When I say it slows down, I'm referring to the inventory menu that pops up when you cast the spell. It's not actually during wig selection...its when you attempt to apply the wig to the NPC that it starts to drag. It behaves almost like your grabbing an item out of a container or a treasure chest that has way too many items stored in it. Based solely on the behavior of the spell, I'm guessing he uses a single Skyrim container somehow to keep track who's wearing what wig. There's no save bloat that I can tell. The spell just starts to behave like a container with too many items in it. I'm just wondering if there's a console command that will allow me somehow to clean out whatever container gets used by the mod. I'm have no problem starting over with the wigs, I just don't want to have to start the entire game over.

    By the way, for me this is an absolutely essential mod. And I realize I'm overdoing it with the wigs. But that's also why I want to find a way to clean it up. I was thinking about something like the "RemoveAllItems" command.
    1. R0NlN
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      This may not be much help on your current playthrough, but since you're changing most/all of the NPCs' hair, you might want to use a hair overhaul instead. for example.

      That way all the hairs will be of a type you like, and you won't have the bloat from using this mod to do something it probably wasn't meant for.
    2. el670005
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's the first time I've seen that  mod. The other replacers I have looked at used the ApachiiSky styles on men and women (so basically you end up with a Skyrim populated by Fabio clones). It looks like this one randomly selects the hairstyle the first time the NPC shows up in the game. The ApachiiSky wigs really have to be hand-chosen for the specific face type, but I don't think there are any styles in KS Hairdos that I dislike. I may give that mod a try at some point.

      Regarding the performance issue on this mod, I tried to look for the "container" by using a command like "coc AALycDummyCell". That just puts you in a bottomless pit where you endlessly fall while a dragon circles around you. I also thought maybe the container is tied somehow to an NPCs inventory. It looks like the author creates an "Aela the Huntress" clone called "The Hairdresser" to hold all the wig options in her inventory. If you try "player.moveto xx00182D" the NPC you end up in the AALycDummyCell in a falling state. I also tried opening her inventory with the "xx00182D.openactorcontainer 4" command. It works, but her inventory just contains all the individual wig options. Finally, tried to open the inventory of the dragon circling around in the cell, but it contained nothing. I have no idea what the dragon is being used for in the mod. Anyway, I'm at a loss. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
    3. ShawnDriscoll
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      • 82 kudos
      I haven't had any performance issue with this mod. You're basically just handing out wigs for NPCs to wear. It goes in their inventory just as a helmet would. There's no tracking of the wigs and who wears them that I know of. That would be crazy if true. The mod just additem hair helmets to people. If it sees a wig already in inventory, it removes it. It's a way better system than how Rigmor's hair selection works. I use Hairstyler on her instead.
    4. el670005
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Believe me, you'll see it happen if you hand out enough wigs using the spell - guaranteed. As it slows down, you'll even realize why it's happening (at least to some extent). When you cast the spell, the inventory from dummy NPC called "The Hairdresser" is opened. When you select your preferred wig, for a brief moment, you can watch it first drop into your own inventory and then it disappears. Your carryweight even increases for a brief moment and then it returns back to what it was. At first I thought maybe it was because I had to many items in my own PC inventory so I decided to put all my gear in a Breezehome chest and I stripped down to nothing (by the way, the chest in Breezehome could hold all my gear without the slightest performance hit). But even doing this had no effect. My carryweight was at zero and the spell still took forever to apply a selected wig to its target. But when I watched it again, I realized it was first disappearing from "The Hairdresser" inventory, dropping into my PC inventory, then returning to "The Hairdresser" inventory (obviously, somewhere in that process the wig also gets applied to the spell target). If I was going to guess, I'd say it's at that point where the selected wig somehow gets duplicated.

      I did finally figured out how to fix it for my game save. I started by using the console to create a backup copy of every single wig in the list. I then dropped all those wigs into an arbitrary container. In my case, the container's <RefID> was EE001839. I then had to get the <RefID> of "The Hairdresser" NPC, which in my case was D800182D. From there the fix is pretty easy. Just do this...

      1) Open the console.
      2) Run: D800182D.removeallitems (This will remove all the wigs from "The Hairdresser" inventory, including any duplicates or items not visible. It's interesting because, if you attempt to cast the spell at this point, there will be no wigs in the inventory.)
      3) Next, use your mouse to select the container holding all the equipable wigs that you backed up. The following command will be applied to that container (EE001839, in my case).
      4) Run: removeallitems D800182D (This will remove all the wigs from your backup container and transfer them into to "The Hairdresser" inventory.)

      Everything works like new after that. So, I'm not 100% sure what causes the performance degradation, though I have my suspicions. However, I am 100% sure that removing all of the items from the dummy NPC that holds the individual wigs fixes the problem. You just have to be sure to add the wigs back when you're done.

      Anyway, I love this mod. I can't play without it. After three playthroughs, I had to find a way to fix the problem and I didn't care how long it took. Hopefully, this will save someone else some time.
    5. LaurellaBellaBean
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      I'm replying to an old post, I realize, but I did want to point out that the hair meshes come from the Sims games and some, if not all, of these hairs have thousands and thousands of polygons--the Sims 4 can handle this quite well, but I'm not sure about Skyrim SE's engine. Is the fact that the hairs are high-poly what's causing the lag? I don't know. But, anything high-poly is going to put demands on your pc. 
    6. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Go easy on using this mod.  You might want to change the hair on Vilja (the mod was sort of created for her). Amalee, and maybe Skeever (talk about a character that needs a makeover!)

      Zora is best served with a wig from Apachii Divine Apparel.  Unfortunately, you cannot give Inigo a mohawk with this mod.
    7. Lindalou041
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Very well stated
  4. onslaughta580
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can i use this to make someone bald?
    1. ShawnDriscoll
      • member
      • 82 kudos
    2. mofailed999
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      I did. 
  5. mofailed999
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    load order? does it matter? My spells haven't shown up but the additemenu mod shows the wigs...
  6. vvk78
    • member
    • 83 kudos
    @Lycanthrops, nice mod!

    Request - can you make it work with this mod also please?
    KS Hairdos - Renewal:
    1. Lexmax
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      +1 so much!
  7. LegendLegacy
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    This is really handy, well done!
  8. Auveryn626
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hey there! Random question, what clothing mod is used in the screenshots? The green dress!
  9. fenharelchan
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    been using this for years to add hair to my mannequins, thanks a lot!
  10. Skybroom
    • supporter
    • 80 kudos
    Is there a sort of a tutorial on how to convert hairstyle to a helmet, so that to expand this mod, or the author keeps that in secret?
    I need to add ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_2 to this pack.
    1. R0NlN
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      I found this one about a year ago, but I don't remember if it actually worked or not. Check it out!
    2. Skybroom
      • supporter
      • 80 kudos
      Good, thanks! I did have the idea of giving NPC HDT hair awhile back.
    3. R0NlN
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      giving NPC HDT hair
      This usually doesn't work. HDT hair on followers tends to spazz out; the texture stretches and distorts, and it can even turn them invisible!
    4. Skybroom
      • supporter
      • 80 kudos
      But that's what that tut is about... Skyrim HDT Hair on NPC (Tutorial)...
    5. R0NlN
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      LOL, good point. I forgot it wasn't just a hair-to-helmet tutorial. Still, even when you create a follower and give them HDT hair, it usually doesn't work. YMMV. But it _should_ work for non-HDT hairstyles.
    6. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Excuse my late response to this (posting for the sake of future viewers). From my understanding, the reason HDT hair doesn't work on followers is because when exporting facegen data from CK, it doesn't include bones in the nif file. So it seems like creating a follower with HDT hair is the best way to ENSURE it doesn't work. Wigs, on the other hand, work for followers because they include the skeleton required for it to bounce and sway, rather than stretching into infinity. ;D
    7. R0NlN
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      Wigs, on the other hand, work for followers because they include the skeleton required for it to bounce and sway, rather than stretching into infinity.

      It works except for when it doesn't. ¯\_(?)_/¯
    8. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Dunno, I've managed to make it work okay. :)
  11. AyamePasse
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    I can't get this to work for some reason. I get the spells, I use one on my player, but all it does is add the hair to my inventory. It doesn't equip it, and if I click or press E to equip, nothing happens (not even the arrow that marks it as equipped). AurigaAttata says it should be loaded after Apachii. This mod is at the bottom of my load order, and what's more, according to the CK, it doesn't rely on Apachii's plugin, only its textures. So I don't think load order should matter? Regardless, if it did matter, this mod definitely loads after it's dependency, so I don't know what's wrong.

    Edit: Okay, so the reason it wasn't working seems to be because for some reason, it thought my female character was actually a guy, lol. Trying male hair worked... VERY odd, but probably an external cause. I'm going to try making some of these unisex in the CK, and see if it helps.

    Re-edit: Nope, that wasn't the issue. Before messing with the mod itself, I tried a qasmoke character. Male hairstyles work on the vanilla male Nord, but when I use showracemenu to make him female, none of the wigs will equip on her.

    Uodate: So I tried this on a different MO profile and it works like a charm. :) It must be a mod conflict on my other profile. Now, if only we could get something like this to change eye textures. *Hmmm...* I f I knew how to write scripts I'd be all OVER that, lol.