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  1. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    For those who have missed it in the file description and are continuing to report this mod:

    A direct note from the owner of the Nexus sites on the use of the Swastika in this mod
    This mod has caused some controversy among users due to its use of a swastika on one of the shoulder pads. It's sparked several debates on the subject, and despite considering myself a WW2 buff who's done extensive travelling through France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Poland to visit battlegrounds, museums and locations where atrocities were committed (including Auschwitz), it has caused me to do some further reading on the subject where I've learnt some new things.

    The inherent problem is thus; due to a lack of education and understanding in the matter people are looking at the swastika in the mod and immediately concluding that it is a Nazi symbol. Let me lay this to rest right now: the swastika used in this mod is NOT the same as the swastika the Nazi's used. In case you didn't know the swastika symbol has been used, literally, for thousands of years. The earliest record of it's use dates back as far as 10,000 BC, so over 12,000 years ago. The Nazi's used a variation of it just under 100 years ago. To this day the swastika is still used in many cultures, especially in India.

    After having personal conversations with the author of this mod on the topic he was even kind enough to present me with a chart showing some of the widely used swastika symbols, which you can see here, which clearly marks out the swastika he has used and the swastika that the Nazi's used. You can easily see the difference between the two.

    Before the Nexus staff stepped in on this matter some of the uneducated and intolerant posts that people made were, frankly, appalling. You people, and you know who you are, should be utterly ashamed of yourselves. That stops now. I choose to allow this mod to remain on these sites because I think educating people on this symbology is more important than burying our heads in the sand and wiping our hands clean of a situation that has caused some drama. The Nazis made their own version of the swastika, tainting the original swastika in the process. They stood for censorship, intolerance and hatred. The very things some of the comments on this file page exuded in abundance against this mod. The swastika in this mod is NOT THAT SWASTIKA.

    Now, you can choose to remain ignorant to the facts and attempt to claim this supports Nazism. You'll be wrong. If you continue to spread your hatred in this file's comments, or on this network of sites then you will be shown the door. You have been warned.
    1. Xoptimus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I saw the image of the mod, and that got me interested, I know, from reading and some documentals, that the swastika before WWII was a symbol for several cultures, it wasn't until the Third Reich looked for a symbol they came across it, that, alongside the atrocities commited by soldiers wearing it, simply put, vilified the symbol, even today, when we have info at the literal tip of our fingers, we don't get curious and look for the histories behind it, and reasons, and simply associated it to the nazi regime.

      I, for my part, find nothing offensive by it, you chose to add the emblem for a reason, several cultures believed that the four arms represented a cycle of life itself, the emblem is basically everywhere in the world, but, like I said, due to the way the nazis used it, it became vilified up to the point that buildings that once had it before the war, and once it passed, had to remove it, heck, in some jurisdictions is stricly prohibited to wear it, despite the fact once upon a time it was a symbol of luck for aviators.

      Of course you put an optional file to those who don't want it in their armors, that showed that you thought that this would happen, yet you went trough with it, i respect you for that, and for, so far weathered the storm that has come for that symbol alone, i hope to see more quality work of yours.
    2. cflare
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      The orientation that the Nazis used was symbolic for power. The reverse of that orientation is symbolic for peace. Hitler was very interested in the "pagan" cultures, and took interest in everything from spiritual to psuedo-science. So to associate everything Hitler did with the symbology he chose is unfair for the plethora of cultures who had their identity forever tarnished.

      Thank you for supporting the pre-existing meanings of the symbol that the Indians have had to defend to this day.
    3. Slaunyeh
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Hitler was interested in all "Germanic" thus the runes. The swastika, whatever you want to write it is merely 2 SIG (win) run crossed toghether, and form the Hammer of destiny. This was the symbology used by the nazy.
      What isfun is the fact that the Sig run cannot be reversed, its always alone its a good sign but doesn t mean much.

      Sad that people jump to conclusions by ignorance. its like burning Nietshze s books because they were used by nazis.
    4. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      Ofcourse. in futire will be more works. and more quality
    5. Cha0sC0re
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Major props Dark0ne, couldn't put it better myself.
    6. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      Xoptimus; cflare; Slaunyeh
      - words of wisdom
    7. ratrace
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Thanks Dark0ne for ending that shamefully dumb discussion.
    8. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      I will admit when i first saw it i was like "why did he put that on there" but when i actually took a look.. i saw major differences, obvious one being that the Nazi Swastika has 4 arms and bold, this one has 8 and thin.

      After that history lesson from Dark0ne i have indeed learned something new and just look at all those variations!! now im wondering if the Nazis also stole the Iron Cross and Eagle..hmm... GOOGLE!

      Thank you Severus616.... will endorse soon as it lets me.
    9. Unit076
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks a lot DarkOne.

      Boy, we all got fast internet connection here, why don't people check -at least- Wikipedia before raging over this? A 30 second skimming would prevent these whole dumb debates.
    10. hypnox1
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      They did steal the Iron cross and eagle symbols as well, Adipsycho. Good on you for sticking to your guns and keeping this symbol in the mod for what it is and not caving to common misconception, Severus616. I am downloading and endorsing simply for your perseverance, that I like the armor is secondary in this case. I hope you continue to educate and remove misconceptions with future mods.
    11. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      Iron cross.. with a quick search i did infact see this
      as for the eagle i saw nothing but Nazi symbols, maybe i was searching wrong text?
    12. Read
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol, well, using a swastika's always a bad advertisement. Can't people expect to know it. But good you educated people.

      Anyway, great mod. Looks hot on FHD. I'm looking forward for more. Endorsed.
    13. Meoix
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Wow, one point to Dark0ne and the Nexus, 0 points to bigotry.
      I sincerely thank you. My first though upon seeing the screen shot was "uh-oh, this is gonna cause some debate, lets check
      the comments!", and sure enough.

      Respectfully, fellow nexus members, the internet has more information then anyone can imagine, please use it to your advantage and think before you react so harshly under the guise of anonymity.
    14. WinterWolf321
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      kudos for the reality check. nice to see not everyone folds under the weight of stigma
    15. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      Thank you all for your support!
    16. badpeoplesuck
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      AM I the only one that didn't report this, and the MOD can back me up on this. Are people that stupid that they can't do a little history research?? It's sad that the world has become this stupidly dumb.
    17. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      @badpeoplesuck.... i did not report either.
    18. Beerbeer007
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Finally someone cultured enough to explain stuff to those who lack patience and knowledge!
    19. Dimw1t
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I just stumbled upon this mod when browsing through and was not particularly interested even and then I noticed the image. Before looking the posts I knew that this WILL cause a problem with some users. I'm so very glad that when I entered the comments section to see these posts, there was an actual intelligent reply from a moderator. Like someone wrote before, Major props Dark0ne. Thumbs up for creator of this mod.
    20. Alyzabeth
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I never report mods, I only attempt to warn modders if they have something that is against the TOS
    21. Bossxx
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      i agree people need to get there symbols fixed and need to get there opinions of people fixed its like people who are Muslim being all called the same or Japanese and Chinese cultures getting mixed people need to learn there history. oh and the famous Nazi salute was also stolen it's true name is the roman salute(i believe) it is very old dates back to the roman republic. The third Reich (the German army) also didn't adopt the salute till Hitler's attempted assassination in 1944 so please people get your facts right
    22. niceguy
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      They will steal ANY symbol they see fit, and by stopping to use them our self we hand them over to the nazi's. Here in Sweden our own national flag have become a hostage of neo nazi's leading to almost any use of it to be equated with nazism! When we stop using symbols as they are meant to be used, we hand them over to extremists.
    23. Khrada
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Well said Dark0ne. Glad the Nexus (first moderators, and now you) is siding with the author here!
      I knew Svastikas are old, but THIS old? I learn something new everyday.
    24. bodeman
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you dear sir for shedding some much needed light on this, and for showing the many who might still read this that there are still open minded people in the world. I would say, and I hope that many would agree, that it is through learning and education that we can deter the ignorance and hatred that still exists.
    25. RelicDuDe
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I love this mod... My Player character Emily uses it almost exclusively on every play-trough. My grandfather was in a CC in WW2.. and i hate the Nazi's and everything associated with it... ... But i love this mod, including the swastika... i went to school.

      This "swastika" is just a symbol.. and not the Nazi one... I refuse to let my fun be spoiled by ignorance. This swastika fits the armour perfectly.. and i, Emily, wear it with pride... its just that plain and simple. a fine piece of quality work by Severus616..

      Thanks man.. you made my skyrim...

      This armour is a piece of art... and is endorsed and voted for by Emily...
    26. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      Sorry for my bad English!
      Thank you very much. I have not do fashion. However, sometimes people with their comments prove that I'm not in vain worked.
    27. Recon34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The swastika is Aryan/ Nordic and was introduced to other cultures from Aryan cultures. It should be immersive with skyrim. For instance. In norse mythology, thor had a swastika on his belt and on his Mjolnir. Nazis know this by the way. That is the whole reason why they value it.
    28. RopeSander
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      I know it's been awhile since anyone really actively posted on this topic, I just wanted to inform you that the 'see here' link does not function... at least it doesn't on my end, having read that apparently the OWNER of the Nexus site wanted to spread education I thought maybe you'd appreciate being informed.
  2. Severus616
    • member
    • 141 kudos
    thanks to everyone who endorse!!!
    additional mod:

    AT THE MOMENT I do not have on the site, so I can not to answer your questions now. But write, I answer later.
    1. Xaevyn
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Downloaded, will endorse when able to show my support of an awesome armor mod.
    2. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
    3. LotteryDiscountz
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Such beautiful texture- I can *feel* the wool! And, I didn't even have to ask for my character's favorite color- there are so many choices in the other mod. Thanks very much!

      I felt a little pang when I saw my buddy Cabbage in a Pot on the magazine cover, still managing to be controversial.
    4. skepticck
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Beautiful armor, so much attention to detail, tyvm for sharing and endorsed.
    5. maplevolt
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Sorry, Lottery, but I'm responsible for the Rogue cover posted here. I intended the Cabbage in a Pot reference to be "controversial" for what I can only imagine would be a wholesale lack of nutrients. Severus has apparently had a hard time lately, so to be clear, referencing the cabbage debacle rests squarely on my shoulders. I apologize for the pang
    6. LotteryDiscountz
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      No worries maplevolt, it was a pang in a *good* way, nostalgia for the fun times we shared. I love your cover to bits, and I'd subscribe to the mag!
  3. Conatus
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you for taking the high road concerning the swastika. This opposing the contemporary "sticks and stones" of ignoring actual history and destroying symbols is evil and right in line with what the Nazi's did. Kudos Dark0ne!
    1. Lexmax
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      [Double Post]
    2. Lexmax
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Exactly. Well spoken.
  4. RagnarSeptim
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    In case anyone is wondering, I had to do research my self cause I could not believe it at first but the Nazi's store both the Swastika and the Eagle. the Eagle on many of their "Flag like Banner's" they paraded around are Identical to those of the Roman Empire (certain legion banners) except with only one difference the Swastika under the Eagle. Considering "Third Reich" Translates to Third Empire, and in history there was the Roman Empire, Than the Holy Roman Empire, Followed by the Third Reich aka Third Empire. The fact that people instead of researching these things (considering the "Nazi eagle" is the same eagle style Rome used and it has been seen in so many movie about Rome its not even funny) they see one thing and they want to "Crucify" someone with their words, and hate. That is what I hate illogical, simple minded, lazy people. People who need to really read and research because they assume too many things and as my mother puts it "they make an ass out of themselves" (note: making an ASS oUt of ME is how you should see the word Assume). Thank you Dark0ne for the lesson, I learned something i probably would never have looked into.
  5. distortedrealms
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Love the outfit! I knew the history of the Swastika well before seeing this mod so I made sure to check if the authors reasons were sound and I am happy it was for the proper, and original symbol. Hitler was such an asinine man he couldn't even come up with his own symbolism. Everything he had adopted that still riles people up to this day were all stolen from other cultures, from the Yuezhi/Tocharian/Kushan empire's use of the swastika , to Roman salutes, and the eagle symbolism of the empire. He was a no good copycat and his taint lingers to this day.

    If anybody wants an interesting read on an entire community living in a town called Swastika in Northern Ontario Canada who have resisted calls for a name change since WW2 google it. The town was named such since 1907 and named after a Sanskrit usage of the symbol by some railroad workers who settled there. Following ww2 the village have had to defend the name time and again saying they will not change it on matter of principal as the symbol is for peace, and was used well before WW2. Its like this mod but on a bigger scale.

  6. User_23213994
    • account closed
    • 25 kudos
    Great armor to wear to go and slaughter Redguards with.
  7. axanima
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    ---mistaken post---
  8. niceguy
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Any plans to update this to modern standard with UUNP/CBBE with HDT and Bodyslides? By removing the "shoulder plates" and making them separate objects one could even have an assortment of different symbols depicted on them like hold insignias, not that I mind the current one. If both are separate from ech other, two symbols could be depicted this way and maybe even used with other outfits.
  9. tigersmoondiva
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I know you've probably been given a hard time with this mod - but I'd like to thank you for it anyway! I appreciate some armor I can put on my female that is stylish and modest! THANK YOU!
  10. Gelantious
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice, love the details.

    Request: Any chance of a version with normal "flat" boots instead of high heels?
    Find the high heels looks silly, and it always looks like they have super tiny feet
    1. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      may be in other or next mod
    2. meredithmiles
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I second this request, fwiw.
  11. Nadimos
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    nice armor and the swatiska a nazi symbol? yes, they used it. misused it. so this is what some people see and i can see why. but afaik where they got their ideas from was tibet, where it is also a symbol, the whole of asia infact. and if you look at it without preconception, it is truly a universal symbol, because life is just like a spiral. and so they knew about this character and thats why they made the symbol. inside, outside. there is no time, no space. anyway. you guys carry on.

    this is a fine work of art. thanks for the author and dark one for being so open minded.

    there is just one thing that is abit unhappy with this and that is the name.
  12. Anuket
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I can see a lot of work went into this mod. It looks great in game. There are pages of thong and pushup metal bra armour mods, but those just make me feel uncomfortable and my character unprotected, whatever the armour value given. No offence meant to those who like that or the modders who make them. Your armour is perfect for all climates in Skyrim, and with addition of a fur cloak good for Solstheim's whiteout blizzards as well. Also don't feel like a clanking walking tank when I go to the palaces. This is my favourite armour mod. Thanks very much for making it and sharing it.
    1. Severus616
      • member
      • 141 kudos
      Thanks for good words!