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  1. AstroGazer
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    seems that there is a section of corner wall in the air in Whiterun near temple.
    1. Bozzz123
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Ya thats because I actually made the sewers above ground. I actually deleted that, but when I saved the ck crashed. So in my mind I deleted it but it never fully saved. I was wondering how long it would take before someone caught on to that. Needless to say it will be gone by the next update.
    2. AstroGazer
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      great work. thanks.
    3. airbornesold
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Is this why I'm bugging out and crashing when going into my perk tree and level up screen? I love this mod but I'm getting some weird glitchy behavior "above Whiterun" in my level up screen.
  2. seppblechkaser
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This should have been in the Vanilla Version already. Oh how I miss to have more dungeons!
    Thank you for the work! I know to build such systems takes hours and hourss!
  3. Ironstalk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good Mod for a thief BUT I think he craete a bug, when i kill the first dragon In the Main quest " Dragon Rising", Balgruuf don't give the quest " The Way of the Voice"

  4. ForgottenPrime
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    All this needs is a few thieves and a few Monsters. Add a lower sewer system controlled by goblins or something.
  5. Deathneko11
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    I'm actually waiting to download the update before doing the special whiterun thieves guild mission :p
  6. seden
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    In case, you do know there is a mod called " Skyrim Sewers " already released over Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm and Markarth & Fort Sungard and Greenwall ?

    Guess you should see to team with him ?
    1. Bozzz123
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Yes Ive known about this mod for a while but from what I can tell there are only a few exits into the city. In my sewers, you can get into every cell in the city while remaining undetected.
    2. VasMere
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      they work 2gether.. i use them both.. the only thing that is i guess a conflict that i have found is the manhole at the entrance of whiterun in sewers and this mod are placed in the same spot.. other than that its good to go.. and u can still use both and enter either of the manholes.. they are slightly offset from one another but still over lap slightly
  7. Bozzz123
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    For all of you wondering, the next update will add two thieves guild fences, 6 thieves guild members that can be made followers, skeevers spread throughout the sewer, flowing water covering the sewer, and locks for the entrances to peoples houses
    1. spectr3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Sounds good,
      Although to get back to the whole 'keep it simple' thing, I thought I'd point out that this is usually how things start: 1:You add thieve guild members,2:You make them followers,3:Someone\many people start complaining that gettting them so early on is breaking the game,4:You make it so that one has to prove yourself to Brynjolf first before you can recruit them,5:Someone\many people start complaining that you're favoring the thieves guild, what about the dark brotherhood, maybe some initiate hiding down there 'waiting too get the word from Astrid', 6: You add a DB initiate,7: Someone complains that now you're REALLY breaking the game,8: You make it so you have to be accepted into the BD first,9:Some\many people start complaining that it is not believable that Thieve guild and DB members can just live below the city without the guard knowing, why don't you have them start patrols down in the sewers and have them fight every now and then ET VIOLA, suddenly you have scripts coming out your ears, get fed up, tell everyone go ^*&% themselves because they're JUST TOO DEMANDING and the mod gets dropped.....

      maybe all this is over the top, I'm just pointing out that this is how it start....want my advice? Get the water, the layout, the entrances and exits EXACTLY the way you want them, and then and only THEN, start adding skeevers, then a beggar or two. If you want to add something REALLY cool(IMO), add the poisonous gas one get when going through Calcelmo's lab. Only if it's script free though. Sewer SHOULD have areas that are just SO PLAIN NASTY that you wouldn't\couldn't go there for the fumes alone.

      To quote my initial comment in the beginning "too many mods have started out based on a brilliant and simple idea, only to end up being script heavy with unnecessary characters doing unnecessary things". There is already thieves guild members you can recruit, do the frigging quest people!

      Keep your eye on the ball, what's the purpose of this mod? To make a follower den or to create a easy navigable well designed and believable sewer system that's script free?

      Just saying.
    2. Deathneko11
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      a few well placed scripts will not hurt a mod. it's when ignorant mod users try to throw in 200+ mods that run on scripts that you have issues with said scripts. let the mod author do as he/she sees fit with this mod because so far it is staying at its core purpose. I for one could care less about followers, i have enough as it is and usually only use 1 or 2 of them at a time anyway. however, some people may not even WANT to do the thieves guild but because of that miss out on a chance to gain access to fences, so imo it's a nice addition. definitely not OP to have a fence or 2 near the beginning of the game, so long as the gold allocation to said fences is smart.

      Skeevers will make a nice addtion. do they respawn? skeevers and small rats really would add to the immersion of the sewer system and I like the idea of a small cloud of poisonous gas here and there because this is true in real sewer systems as well.

      a beggar or 2 would be immersive as well.

      the whole point of the existance of the sewer system is to keep hidden from eyes up top. of course a sneaky thief could live down there without the guards' knowledge :p
    3. spectr3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @deathneko11 - Alrighty then ... Just to be clear though, I was asking and not telling anyone to do ideas, there for what they're worth...based on the amount of ideas you've given for this mod so far, I ask that you don't jump on "let the author do what he wants" band-wagon to's only ideas, nothing more...*slowly backs out of the cage, holding a upturned chair in one hand and a whip in the other...(before you take it seriously, I'm saying this based on your avatar pic...get it? )*
    4. Deathneko11
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      rofl yep i get it

      and as for ideas, i agree. anything i have said here is just an idea as they were requested, but I made that post for the benefit of all and did not direct it towards one, but all. I look forward to seeing which ideas the mod author takes and uses for this mod, it is already looking good for what it's worth and i plan to do an immediate install on next update. cannot WAIT for all 5 major cities to be done.
    5. mrj0j0e
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      This mod looks great but I have to agree with spectr3, perfect the basics first and then add the small details and this could be a must have mod.
    6. Bozzz123
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      So about the thieves guild in the sewers I have an idea. I am going to make it so the guild only appears after the special job for Whiterun is done in the thieves guild radiant questline. Then if you aren't a guild member you cant just simply go into the sewers and find a thieves guild member that will willingly follow you. Also it adds to the immersion because after the special thieves guild quests the guild pretty much gains control over the city, and so the thieves can peacefully live under the city just like the thieves in the ragged flagon live peacefully under riften. And finally, it shouldnt require any scripts for those of you concerned about that.
      It turns out that would require a script so I am debating to myself whether I should or shouldnt follow up on that idea.
    7. Oriviath
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      You could make that an optional file "With Thieves" or "Without Thieves" in the sewers. As long as you state that one has scripts and may be slightly more demanding, I'm sure that it'll be fine. You do what you want, though, I'm loving the idea of the Thieves being unlocked alongside the Thieves Guild Whiterun quest though, I'd definitely get that version, if you choose to make it.

      If you do the other main cities, I'd give you 50 high fives. As it stands, I'm downloading this one, because I've always wanted a more realistic way to sneak out of a city after stealing some loot, rather than to just bluntly sneak through the middle of town.

      Great job, and keep up the good work!
    8. Deathneko11
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      Does it require a script that is in the ck or does it need a script written? If it's a script found in the ck then it's safe

      The whole game is made of scripts
    9. Bozzz123
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      I think it needs to be written but Ill look more into it this weekend.
    10. Deathneko11
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      you should be able to put in there an on event marker or something of that nature, and attach that marker to the event of the quest being completed to spawn the thieves in the sewer. really rough way of putting it without going into the mechanics but i've never done such, just seen markers set up this way when doing cell edits for RLO (such as wedding events in solitude)
    11. Bozzz123
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Actually I just figured it out. I was worried I would have to make a new xmarker which would probably require an edited script, but I remebered something. After you complete those quests new shops are added to the guild. Everything in those shops is hooked to the xmarker I want so alls I have to do is connect the thieves guild with that xmarker and I will be good to go. I will mess with it this weekend.
    12. Deathneko11
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      glad to hear it

      soon as the update is out i'm downloading and installing. I'm ready to do that special mission in whiterun, holding out until i install this mod as i want to compare before and after for testing and feedback.

      btw, localized thieves guild quest mod is amazing. get to choose where i want my next mission to be and I can take timed challenges on missions for extra payout if I complete the missions on time. highly recommend it for any thief loving player.
  8. marchiali
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Are you going to make a compatibility patch for Shenk Thievery Overhault when Solitude comes out (and maybe adding a sewer entrance to the vault?) Don't know if you would be allowed to, but if you can two awesome mods will come together.

    And another idea: Adding an exit to the ratway, so you can enter the city without using the City Gates.

    Thanks for your great work!
  9. Deathneko11
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    another idea is to have levels in the sewers, like real life sewers sometimes do. similar to the ratways but on a much much smaller scale :p
  10. Controlspire
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Great idea, only thing I'd change is adding ankle deep water all over (Which is looks like you are already working on) , for sewage with perhaps some waterfalls coming in showing the water in Whiterun running down into this sewer (which again, looks like you are already working on, heh). Very cool mod, thanks!