

  1. Smartbluecat
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    V2.3 is here!


    *** I have a store! Get your Inigo merch HERE! ***

    V2.3 fixes all known V2.2 issues, adds a few hundred new lines, and adds more whistle functionality. See the change log and the whistling section of the description page for more info.

    FAQs and info for older versions of Inigo can be found in the forums section under 'FAQ and info for earlier versions of INIGO'

    Update instructions

    • 1. Get him out of the control of other mods (UFO, AFT, etc) and make sure he isn't riding, waiting, relaxing, or following Vilja.
    • 2. Save the game using the Save menu and then quit to the desktop.
    • 3. If you previously used Inigo on Steam remember to unsubscribe from the workshop version.
    • 4. Replace the Inigo.esp and Inigo.bsa files with the new versions.
    • 5. For those that use any kind of patcher, ASIS etc, be sure to re-run your patcher.
    • 6. Restart the game and continue from the save you made.

    Step 1 is the critical part. He is completely removed from the standard game factions, if other mods (including Vilja) are still trying to affect him then they are going to get confused when he's no longer in those factions. It's fine if he is actively following you, sitting in the Riften jail, or even walking back to the jail.
    NOTE: When you next save your game do not overwrite the save you created in step two. Make a new one so you can always go back if something goes wrong. This is a good idea when installing any mod.
    Papyrus log activity when updating - When upgrading an existing save game there will be a second or two of scary looking Papyrus log activity. Worry not. This is normal and after saving all future loads should be message free.
    SMF users - If you want to use both Inigo and kuertee's Simple Multiple Followers mod you need to turn off the SMF feature that automatically detects all teammates as followers. More info near the top of the description page beneath the update procedures.


    INIGO MCM by CdCooley (click here)

    CdCooley's wonderful INIGO MCM has been updated for V2.3. Grab it!

    Set a dedicated whistle hotkey. Quickly alter Inigo's speed, damage, and carry capacity. Recover lost items... and much much more. If you use SKSE and SkyUI check it out!


    Watch this video guide to learn about Inigo's most important features




    WARNING: Do not try to control Inigo with options from other mods.
    You will break his brain!

  2. Smartbluecat
    • premium
    • 1,871 kudos
    Inigo For Skyrim Special Edition is live. Swing on by and say 'hi'.
  3. Smartbluecat
    • premium
    • 1,871 kudos
  4. Smartbluecat
    • premium
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    ---------------- WHEN IS V3 COMING??? ----------------

    I'm currently working on V3 (where Inigo's quest will continue and end). If I have to stop for some unexpected reason this post will disappear. V3 is massive and I've had various setbacks (actors dropping out, my back going, covid, my pc exploding), but work continues.  It will take as long as it takes. If you ask when it's coming out you will just be referred to this message.

    If you're interested in seeing a little of what I've been up to with V3 check out the Making Inigo V3 playlist.
  5. Eolhin
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    An Important Message from Gary and Eolhin
    (Updated July 2022)

    Eolhin: Both sections are now updated, spoiler tags added to reduce length to scroll past.  Expand to see the actual updates.

    Gary: "Due to a slew of real life trials and troubles neither myself or Eolhin are currently able to reliably monitor these pages for the time being. On my side, this year hasn't been much better than the last, and I can't justify spending the little free time I have here when I could be using it to work on Inigo. Usually the wonderful Eolhin takes care of the day to day Q and A, etc, but she can no longer perform that role for reasons she outlines below. We humbly ask that those in the community who can help others, do so when they are able. Inigo has been out for a very long time and most of the issues/questions you may have will have already been solved/answered many times. If you get stuck, read the front page, FAQ, and sticky posts, search the forums, watch the user guide video, or give it a good old fashioned google. A massive thank you to those who step up and answer what they can in our absence. Stay safe and well, guys and remember to keep an eye on the Smartbluecat YT channel and twitter for news and progress updates."

    Updated post/new information: 

    "Dearest friends of Inigo,

    As many of you know, my life hasn't been the same since covid. The years just before covid were no picnic either, but since the pandemic things got worse... then continued to get worse. Far less security from my day job has meant relying on more freelance which in turn has left me less time to focus on unpaid work like Inigo. Progress is still ongoing, but it has slowed to a crawl. There was a time when I could afford to work on Inigo every day, now I have to grab an hour here or there when I can. There are factors outside of work; real life problems that will remain personal, that have also restricted my free time. That could change at any moment, but for now rent, bills, and family have to come first.

    To be honest, I've considered posting that I can no longer work on Inigo; that due to circumstances outside my control, I have been forced to abandon the project (to stop the endless questions filling up my inbox, if nothing else), but that isn't true. No one wants the years of work I've already completed on Inigo V3 to reach fruition more than me, I still get, all too brief, periods where I can fully immerse myself in his development, and his character and story are always on my mind. I do however think it's best for people to understand that I am no longer in a position to dedicate my life to his development. I wish it were not the case, but there you have it.

    Despite my apparent lack of progress, I still receive occasional donations. I am beyond grateful for this, and the extra support has really helped. That said, I have a request for those of you who are considering donating explicitly to support Inigo's development: please don't. Given the situation outlined above, I'd much rather people donate for what they've already enjoyed, not what they expect to enjoy in the future. Let's be honest, the way my luck has been going, if I do manage to finish V3 an asteroid will hit the UK just before my finger hits the "publish" button.

    In better news, some substantial freelance work fell into my lap a few months ago which, should it continue as it has been, may give me the security to continue work on my best blue buddy properly for, intermittent, yet more prolonged, blocks of time. That would be fantastic, so fingers crossed!

    I continue to be in awe of the community that surrounds Inigo. The constant love and support from that quarter has made these recent terrible years all the more bearable. With or without Inigo, you guys are utterly amazing.

    Stay fantastic and be kind to one another.

    Much love always


    Eolhin:  Update in spoiler tags: 

    "My brother, who I lived with and have been taking care of all this last year, passed away recently due to the cancer, which metastasized and ate his lungs.  Just two weeks before he passed away, our mother, who is disabled and has dementia, and who I also care for, fell and broke her hip.  The anesthesia made her dementia MUCH worse, so she was in a nursing home/recovery center when my brother passed away.  I had a brief few weeks to get a TON of paperwork, arrangements, and other such taken care of.  During that time, I tried to still do at least some of the Inigo support, though I am sure you will have noticed that I did not respond to everything, and things are not getting covered like they used to.  Now the nursing home has sent mother home, but she is still worse off than she was before breaking her hip.  I am averaging two to three hours of sleep a night, sometimes less, and I can't leave her alone at all.  I have to get someone to stay with her even to just get the groceries and prescriptions, or any other errands, and that is not always easy to arrange.  She frequently needs help during the night, thus the sleep deprivation.  Which is all to say, I will be even less available for now than I was when caring for my brother.  I hope that things will settle down, and I will be able to get decent sleep again eventually... but that is far from certain.  So as I said before, I don't know how things are going to go for a while here, and I may not have the chance to answer things at all for stretches of time, like recently.  As Gary said, anyone with long-standing knowledge of Inigo who can check in and answer questions should please try to do so more often."

    Gary(Sbc) and Eolhin
  6. p33b0s
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    had this guy in my previous playthrough years ago and i was worried if the mod would still be functional. to see you still working and responding to comments is crazy. thanks for the kickass mod
  7. V0rr1n3205
    • premium
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    Is it safe to use just the outfit part of follower mods on Inigo?
    1. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      You mean control what he wears with another mod?  NO!  That is very unsafe and will break him.  The mod has to grab and control him to do that.  He will already change to casual cloths that you give him, when you ask him to relax somewhere safe, and will sandbox there if there is anything to do.  If you want to have him carry cloths and armor, without trying them on, use a portable container mod, like Storage Helpers.  He won't be able to see what you put in the containers and have him carry (having him carry the containers does not harm him), he will count anything in his base inventory as fair game.
    2. V0rr1n3205
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ok thanks for clarifying
  8. Debatemaster1
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey man, best of luck to you in finding stable work. 
  9. dasbonesMR5360noscope
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    i have a problem with inigo its the quest where i have to teleport inigo outside of the house it worked the first time but completely stopped working right after and everytime i talk to him it says that hes busy and he doesnt follow me anymore and ive done everything in the quest but it wont finish whats going on
  10. seanthered
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    SORRY I meant to post this under Special Edition.
    Hi. I’m having a problem with Inigo and Lucien (I suspect caused by Lucien, but I’m not getting any help over there). Lucien was talking to Inigo, and Inigo had his quest to meet Langley trigger. I’ve finished everything there, and Inigo is stuck. He’s constantly “busy”. He won’t teleport, but runs behind me. I can’t open his inventory and he won’t talk to anyone. His active quest shows talking to Lucien, but ending that quest doesn’t re-set Inigo. Should I uninstall and reinstall him mid-playthrough? Thanks
  11. SimonPetrikov1999313
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    Hi. Should we wait for the next version, or is the mod already abandoned?
    1. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos

      O_O Did you try reading stickies, It is not abandoned..
      Gary has a lot of rl things going on, you can still use the current version if you want, as to the next version, its done when its done!
    2. Atheist96
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      jaderiver lol its been 8 years
    3. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Yes, and?  It isn't like the mod was left unsupported and there hasn't been communication on the state of things.  That would be the definition of abandoned.  Even with everything going on in my life right now, I am still trying to keep up on Inigo support, even the LE version, and even with everything going on in his life, Gary still tries to get a little work done on Inigo when he can.

      If you want to decide that for your purposes, it won't be out in time to make a difference in your next playthrough or two, that is perfectly fine, but laughing at those pointing out it is not actually abandoned is uncalled for.  It isn't our fault if you can't conceive of a project taking multiple years of work (in someone's limited spare time) to complete.
  12. CalebSeal
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    • 0 kudos
    I have UFO installed. I plan on going through the process of removing it at some point, but until then, as long as I don't use the "You know..." option that comes with that mod on Inigo, then the two mods shouldn't cause problems, right?
    1. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      ...It has been too long since I have had to deal with UFO.  As long as it does not automatically detect and grab custom followers, and you do not tell it to force-recruit Inigo, and you never use any feature of it, or dialogue option from it on Inigo, you should be okay.  Sorry, a lot of caveats, I know.  I can't rightly remember if UFO was one of the ones that we had arranged things so that it would not detect Inigo, or not.  If the dialogue options from it do not even appear on Inigo, you are likely good.  If they do appear on Inigo, it is trying to grab him, and there is danger, as one miss-click on an option could cause it to break him.

      Oh, and just to be clear, it is NOT safe to remove follower control mods, like UFO, mid-playthrough (or most mods, for that matter).  You can of course remove it just before starting a fresh playthrough, no problem.  But if you remove a mod, and continue on from a save that it had been used on, you are likely to get eventual save corruption from that, though it takes a while to go critical.  That is why the game warns you when you remove a mod and load a save that it was used on.  Anyway, you may already know all that, I just couldn't tell for sure from the way you phrased things.
    2. CalebSeal
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I haven't checked recently whether Inigo has UFO options, but I'll keep that in mind.

      As for removing the mod, UFO's creator seems to have implemented some method of "safely" removing UFO from a game via an NPC called "Tina the Torchbug", who can be found on a small island a few steps north of Riverwood's lumber mill.
    3. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Ah, I think Tina was meant to safely return everything touched by the mod to it's vanilla state before you remove the mod, so that hopefully it will leave no traces in the save, and thus not lead to any corruption.  I can't attest to how well that works, but at least they were trying, which is a good sign.  SOME mods can 'safely' be removed, with varying definitions of 'safely', they are just the exception, rather than the rule, so it is safer to say not to do that, and then add possible caveats later.  If the mod author says it is safe, you can likely get away with it.  They know better than anyone else what a mod actually does behind the scenes.
    4. CalebSeal
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can I ask: what multi-follower mods don't detect Inigo? After witnessing the senseless deaths of numerous followers because that one downed follower was in the line of fire of that other still-fighting follower, I'm mostly convinced that whenever I decide to run a new character, it'll be free from any such mods; it's still good to have options, though.
    5. CeticDragon
      • member
      • 15 kudos
  13. dragonson04
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    Would love to see a small update with Inigo recognizing your marriage to Serana from the Serana Dialogue Edit/Serana Dialogue Add-On. He says I'm single when I have that done.
  14. turtlenignig
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    I am SO freaking happy this mod is still available!! I haven't had a PC in YEARS and just getting my new build up and running with Skyrim being one of my first games installed. I always loved this mod. Thank you for keeping it alive!
  15. Electroraptor
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    Hey there Inigo accompanies me for a few hundreds of hours, but miniquest "Where are you, Inigo" suddenly disappeared from my questline. He's still follows me, but see no mark at map or HUD make me a quite nervous. Unfortunately last save is almost two weeks old, and I don't want to go over it again to find out  where or why it happened. But hey, i can do it. 
    Any idea how to fix it? At the whole internet I didn't found such a problem. Thanks, folks. 
    And yep, still waiting for V3. I see that people become a nervous here Hope you doing well, man. 
    1. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      You are not the only one to experience this.  From what we can tell, the game was only meant to handle so many side quests in your journal, and if you go over whatever that number is, the oldest ones start dropping off to make room for the new ones.  With the vast number of mods now available, clearly it isn't all that difficult to exceed that number of quests in your journal.  From what we can tell, all of Inigo's actual quests, and the content keyed to them still function just fine when this happens.  The only loss is the map marker for him.  I would tell you how to make it visible, again if you had made it invisible on purpose, but that is next to impossible to have done accidentally, and for previous users with this problem, that did not get the map marker back.  On the plus side, the marker was really designed to allow you to find him before you have his summon.  Yeah, it is handy to be able to track him in real time when he is catching up, etc, but not really needed.  By the time you get to the marker quest falling off the back end of your Journal, we assume you will have completed Inigo's quest so far, and be able to summon him.  So if you don't see him around, just use the summon to get him to you.  He does not mind at all if you use it frequently, and will in fact giggle quite gleefully if you abuse the heck out of the summon.    It is not a sign of save corruption, or an actual problem with Inigo, just a game limitation, so you should be safe to continue on (though keep an eye on other really old quests in your journal).

      In-game, pretend that you showed Inigo, sadly, when his tracker went missing from your map, and he nodded, and pointed out that the magic in your map was not unlimited, and if you set it to tracking too many things, it would forget the oldest ones.  "But don't worry my friend, you can bring me to you whenever you need me now, I don't mind."
    2. Electroraptor
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That makes a sense. Many of thanks for quick and comprehensive answer, I didn't expect that :) 
    3. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Things may be quiet back here on the Oldrim side, but I am still keeping an eye on the place. 
    4. Electroraptor
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You are a first active keeper whom I did ever meet. Most of discussion here on Nexus seems to be unmanaged or almost dead. Nice to talk with you ;) 
    5. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Always glad of polite discourse about Inigo.