
Relics of Hyrule - Common Bugs and Issues (1 comment)

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  1. JKalenad
    • premium
    • 190 kudos
    To save time, here's a list of common issues users have with Relics of Hyrule, and their solutions. If a solution does not work after a few tries, let me know: there may be an underlying issue.
    But please, try to solve the issue yourself first.

    0. Installation confusion or malfunction.
    Install the Main File.
    Nexus Mod Manager tends to struggle with my mod because Relics of Hyrule lacks a .bsa file, but usually reinstalling will solve any issues. I do not have any answers for other NMM issues.
    Files in the Updates section, including Hotfixes, are optional. DO NOT uninstall the Main File or "upgrade" to an update or hotfix, as they are incomplete and rely on Main Files to function. Install them normally, replacing old content with the content they contain.

    1. Enemies, including bosses, do not spawn.
    This usually happens the first time an area is loaded. Try reloading an earlier save, or waiting in-game for the cell to reset, usually 10 days.

    2. Items or enemies are invisible.
    The meshes are not being loaded properly. Try reinstalling the mod or latest update to it, or the meshes portion of the "split core". If the problem persists, let me know.

    3. Items or enemies are purple.
    The textures are not being loaded properly. Try reinstalling the mod or latest update to it, or the textures portions of the "split core". If the problem persists, let me know.

    Unfinished items may also have missing assets, but unfinished items are almost always inaccessible outside of the debug chest or console. Please check the change log before informing me that an item you obtained via the console or debug chest is missing its textures or meshes. Chances are that item is simply incomplete and will be finished or scrapped in a future update.

    Here are some more that are commonly reported:

    Sometimes I'll use a piece of armor or open a door and the game crashes.
    Crashes are hard to diagnose, but it might be worth it to try reinstalling the scripts from Relics of Hyrule. You can do that with the Split Core.

    Certain shields are crooked on armor racks
    UNFIXABLE. Use mannequins or This mod

    Light Arrows can be given to followers for infinite instant kills.
    It's up to you whether you ruin your own game with this or other exploits. Some follower mods make NPC ammo finite, so for now that might be an option. I have lowered the strength of Light Arrows, so you ca'n't instantly kill Alduin, but I ca'n't figure out a way to keep followers from raining destruction on your enemies using this exploit.

    The hats (Goron, Zora, Lanayru, etc.) make characters bald or don't cover enough hair.
    PRETTY MUCH UNFIXABLE. I've done my best with the hats, and if it were up to me I'd get rid of them altogether, but that would result in quite a few angry comments and flipped desks. Skyrim is rather limited when it comes to headgear, so all I can offer with the hats is limited compatibility with some hairstyles. Sorry.
    One suggestion may be to try Apachii's hair mod, specifically the wigs. It's not a perfect solution, but it may help.

    Ellary, or another NPC grows to normal size when hired as a steward in a Hearthfire home
    This can't really be fixed, as it is a result of how Skyrim works with furniture and other things NPCs can interact with. It's fine for Ellary, though, given her mysterious nature.

    Morwitijaal is inaccessible because another mod places something over its entrance
    I don't know why I should be expected to change my mod because of someone else's. Morwitijaal has a side entrance and an alternate entrance via Mad God Passage in Falkreath Secret Grotto.

    Relics of Hyrule chest blocked by Legacy of the Dragonborn dig site or item