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/**********************************/Version 2.00/*************************************************\
|Copy the "STPT v2" folders contents to your Skyrim Data folder.
\***********************************/Version 2.00/************************************************/

/**********************************/Version 1.09/*************************************************\
|Install first Sneak Tools mod. Second copy the files you will use from this mod (check below, if
|prompted overwrite files). All doors are in the Riften Thieves HQ, in the training room with chests.
|--OPTIONS (three):
|1)If you want just the patch, then copy the content from "01 ST Patch XX" folder to Skyrim Data folder.
|The XX stands for:
|-a) GS (Wall Door)
|-b) HD (High Door)
|-c) LD (Low Door)
|You must choose one (they differ in the way to access the shop). Also copy "01 == core ==" folder
|contents. Features:
|-No teleport power.
|-Fixed rope/jump height bug.
|-Fixed buggy shadows.
|-Fixed Navmesh so AI inside the shop will be better.
|-Added door on the floor at Riften Thieves Guild HQ.
|2)If you want just the patch + tweak, then copy the content from "02 ST Patch XX plus Tweak" folder to
|Skyrim Data folder. The XX stands for:
|-a) GS (Wall Door)
|-b) HD (High Door)
|-c) LD (Low Door)
|You must choose one (they differ in the way to access the shop). Also copy "01 == core ==" and
|"02 == core ==" folders contents. Features:
|-No teleport power.
|-Fixed rope/jump height bug.
|-Fixed buggy shadows.
|-Fixed Navmesh so AI inside the shop will be better.
|-Added door on the floor at Riften Thieves Guild HQ.
|-Removed many craftting recipes.
|-Added books to teach how to craft arrows and cowls.
|-Dark cowl can be disenchanted.
|-Added Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. Quite powerful.
|-Arrows and cowls are a lot more expensive and harder to craft.
|-Tweaked all arrows and bolts meshes and textures.
|3)If you want just the patch + tweak A, then copy the content from "03 ST Patch XX plus Tweak" folder
|to Skyrim Data folder. The XX stands for:
|-a) GS (Wall Door)
|You must choose one (they differ in the way to access the shop). Also copy "01 == core ==",
|"02 == core ==" and "03 == core ==" folders contents. Features:
|-Fixed rope/jump height bug.
|-Fixed buggy shadows.
|-Fixed Navmesh so AI inside the shop will be better.
|-Added door on the floor at Riften Thieves Guild HQ.
|-Removed many craftting recipes.
|-Added books to teach how to craft arrows and cowls.
|-Dark cowl can be disenchanted.
|-Added Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. Quite powerful.
|-Arrows and cowls are a lot more expensive and harder to craft.
|-Tweaked all arrows and bolts meshes and textures.
|-Added Spell Tome to learn teleport power. You will need to buy it.
|-No perk requisites for crafting or invoking.
|1)The contents in "10 ST Patch Talk Mask", are optional you can or not copy to Skyrim Data folder. If
|done, this will removes talking restriction while wearing mask.
|2)The contents in "99 ST PplusT source", are optional you can or not copy to Skyrim Data folder. If
|done, this will add source code for developing.
\***********************************/Version 1.09/************************************************/

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