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  1. James5677029520
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    thanks work perfect my friend!
  2. Argagax
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I installed it manually, it worked perfectly. I had already done this part of the quest three in-game weeks ago, so I did not want to redo that, but I went back to the old save before I spoke to Aventus and went from there. I only made a quick playthrough, with fast travel and waiting, and the courier delivering the note never came, but I did wake up in the shack next time I slept, so it worked as well.

    I am going to write this into my canon now, for this character, as he is very much a "good guy" and while seeing children abused and shackled would make him want to see this woman dead, reporting her to the guard is much more immersive to a lawful-good type character.
  3. valance92
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    If I knew how to do dialogue or trigger events properly I’d cause Grelod to attack the player through dialogue so it's self-defense…
    Dragonborn goes to the orphanage (without knowledge of Aventus/what’s happening at the orphanage) initiates dialogue with Grelod innocently inquiring about adoption.

    Grelod: “So they sent you to kill me did they?”...
    Dragonborn: “I’m sorry, what?”...
    Grelod : “Don’t play dumb, I know an assasin when I see one…I won’t go down without a fight!”…*Grelod attacks*.

    Or if you’ve spoken to Aventus….
    "look kid, I'm no assasin..."
    “...But I’ll have a word with her”…
    Dragonborn confronts Grelod:
    Unto others as others did unto you?...Is that it Grelod?...
    Grelod: What are you implying!?
    Aventus told me everything…
    Driving a child to contact the Dark Brotherhood...Have you no shame?
    Grelod: ?!?! ………*attacks*.

    She would also be a high level mage to even the playing field.

    I'm thinking of making a simple edit of Grelod in the CK, setting her as a poweful mage, set her to enemy of player, setting aggro radius warn/attack so she responds kind of like the crazy in the Ratway who wanna eat you/attacks you if you get to should work in theory...just for an rp/explain it yourself solution...Maybe she's on edge because she expects retribution?

    1. xGUESTx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Immersive speechcraft
    2. jokerman5
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You want a motive, go look in the room next to Grelod's quarters. Not saying this is a bad mod just that it's unnecessary imo.
    3. HannaVictoria
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Hey some people want to fly, some people want a world where the justice system works how we'd like it to.
  4. realmadridirl
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    Far as I'm concerned cleansing Skyrim of a child abusing old crone IS the good hero option here...
    1. HannaVictoria
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Yeah well, I think its more people want a version of the quest where the system actually acknowledge it as a problem & takes action against her.

      Also maybe avoid accidentally convincing Aventus that the true heroes of this world is weird (if very fun) death cult. One that involves pledging to an entity that will damn him to an afterlife in a literal screaming void for all eternity. Like the people in the Brotherhood madly fun, but yikes I don't want to encourage some maladjusted traumatized ten year old into that life.
  5. Kiljoy616
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Can't believe I missed this one, I thought having to kill her only was not very immersive. Yes she is nasty but then where would the children be if it was not for her, oh yeah in the street begging like the other kids you meet.
    1. RoxyLuffer
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Or in the capable hands of her assistant, you know, the OTHER woman in the Orphanage?
    2. AlanPaul
      • member
      • 75 kudos
      She is capable and a better person, but she is still an employee hired by Grelod, it's still Grelod's house
    3. HannaVictoria
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      ...Do they realize this still kills her?
  6. KwendaKutomba
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it would be better if Astrid survived, rather than crying over useless old hag
    1. HannaVictoria
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      There's like over a hundred mods that save Astrid. Also we're crying for a situation where this doesn't go unanswered by the law of the land. Where Aventus might decide 'Wait no, I want to be commander of the guard when I grow up. Not a member of a weird assassin death cult.'

      Is that unrealistic, hell yes. So is punching a dragon to death. Skyrim's a magical thing like that.
  7. HannaVictoria
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Ah, it would be really sweet to see her rot in jail to be honest. But on the other hand, he's already preformed the sacrament- so she's on borrowed time no matter what... wait, *why isn't that an option*!?
    Like in canon even. Oh right, I forgot they've gone astray from the true meaning off assassination. :\

    Edit: literally just realized I'd already left a comment in the genral spirit of my first sentence. Can't find a delete button, I stand by everything here anyway & most of it is new. Could be worse.
  8. AgentBlackwing01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would love an SSE port.
    1. tarlazo
      • premium
      • 901 kudos
      I made a port for SSE, now I'm trying to contact the author to get permission to publish it.
    2. hazeck
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i hope he lets you.
    3. juniorbay
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      can u please give the mod sse?
  9. HannaVictoria
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    To be honest I'd rather see her rot in jail. More fitting for a woman who turned an orphanage into a work house, but maybe that's just me.
  10. Mookeylama
    • premium
    • 89 kudos
    about to try this but i see it overwriting a couple things from Hearthfire...
    [REFR:00105485] (places Book2CommonCabinInTheWoods "The Cabin in the Woods" [BOOK:000EF638] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RiftenHonorhallOrphanage "Honorhall Orphanage" [CELL:00016BD3]) ===thats deleted

    and a couple references to HonorhallOrphanageExtraBeds_Disable [REFR:030137B1] are removed. dunno what those do but wondering if mabe they should be forwarded. also this removes a few things from the Unofficial patch. things added that make aventus go to the orphanage ect. can i forward those? thanks

    EDIT; i think i see. this mod came out probably before Hearthfire. so the changes i wrote of above should probably be forwarded for people using the mod now, or the hearthfire beds won't show up and grelod's bedroom would stay her bedroom