

  1. mrnexu
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Played this mod on AE, and as you might expect, there were a few glitched .nif files. I did not try running CAO to fix it.

    I like the simple button based transport, you press a button to get on a ship, you push a button to get to the island, you push a button to get off the ship. Simple and easy.

    Let's talk about the ship. Wow. This thing is massive and spectacular. Quite well designed and implemented.

    The island itself is mostly filled with dwarven architecture. There is a market place, a dungeon to explore, and somewhere, a player home. I have not found it yet, but I did get a teleport spell for it, so that's nice.

    Excellent work, Kudos to WhateverDev, and endorsed. Thank you.
  2. Heeppie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Author, please add DWARWEN BATH (with hot steam and hot girls if you can) to v1.7 if this still actually.
  3. User_75306653
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    Cool looking mod, I think this has been re-uploaded btw.. or the re-upload is a translation..
  4. Cla168
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    You could bring some Dwemer life to the town by using this mod ( that adds the Deep Elf (a.k.a. Dwemer a.k.a. Dwarf) race as a playable race, so perhaps you could use it to create dwemer NPCs.

    Also check out these mods, Dwemer Beards ( that adds traditional Deep Elf beards and Dwemer Garb ( that adds everyday Dwarven clothes. Let me know what you think!
    1. skief
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      agree too, want to see the Dwarf in the Dwarven Island not the Nord and the Dark Elf, whaterver515, you can try combined Dwarven Mechanical Dragons (, Dwarven Colossus (, and Dwarfs Race ( with your mod, that would a wonder mod ever made about Dwarven
  5. azzar2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when ever i step on the ship they attack me, same goes for the island,
    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, it didn't work,
    they also shout something about vampires before they attack (I'm a vampire)
    anyone know how i can stop this?
    1. Kobrum
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think you're using the Civil War Overhoul mod... the guards are set as stormcloacks i think...that's why they are atacking you... I'm not sure ...
  6. kthulhuftaghn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why no quests?
    quests pls! ^_^
  7. littlemoofficial
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    stunning stuff
  8. donkeywho
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Great to see you're still working on your mods. I'll give this a try when I've got my next game started. Look forward to it

    How's progress on the other mods going. I scan the updated files every day.... :-)
  9. Matmetal
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    In response to post #27707165.


    Matmetal wrote: Hi whatever515, I´m very happy with this mod, but there apears a problem in my case. One time, I dont know how it happened, I stood a little bit near by one of the droids in the citadell. After that time my character wears a magical cloak like one the droids have. And theres no way to put it off. I really would be happy if you can solve this problem! Thank you forwards!

    try disabling and then reanabling your character.

    Thank you. I will try that.
  10. MinigunKiller911
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    one question: what is this mod? is this just for fun or it's a DLC-like mod? Has it a quest like Falskaar or nothing?