About this mod
Island Fast Travel between any of the 3 popular islands. Whether it is from Solstheim to Wyrmstooth or Falskaar or any other combo of islands without stopping over in Skyrim.! Configurable Dependencies. With or without Dragonborn, Falskaar, Wyrmstooth.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Fast Travel between Solstheim => Falskaar => Wyrmstooth
Without stopping over in Skyrim !
This MOD comes in a Configurable installer.
You can select which islands depending on you installed mods.
With or without Dragonborn or Falskaar or Wyrmstooth.
Q. What does this mod do ?
A. This mod allows you to fast travel between any of the 3 popular islands.
Whether it is from Solstheim to Falskaar or from Falskaar to Wyrmstooth.
Or any other combo of islands without stopping over in Skyrim.
Falskaar is a DLC sized new land mod. By AlexanderJVelicky
Wyrmstooth is a DLC sized new land mod. By Jonx0r
Q. Required mods ?
A. Yes. But Configurable. Atleast 2 of the 3 mods listed below.
* Dragonborn
* Falskaar
* Wyrmstooth
Q. Are the map fast travel markers active by default ?.
A. No. The map markers will only show up after you do the appropriate quest for each island.
For Solstheim you first have to travel to Solstheim after encountering the cultists.
For Falskaar you first have to finish the "Passage Home" Quest.
For Wyrmstooth you first have to travel to Wyrmstooth.
Q. But im already way past that....
A. No problem the markers will then become active shortly after you started a game with this mod.
(Might take up to 30+ seconds)
Q. Will this mod break any of the above excellent MODs ?
A. NO.! Extremely doubtful because this mod only adds a couple of Map Markers to the game
Q. What about load order ?
A. Does not matter, anywhere in the list.
(but below Wyrmstooth.esp if installed for Wyrmstooth)
Q. How to un/install?
A. Automatic Install : Use NMM.
Manual (un)Install : See the ReadMe file. (also included in the zipfile)
Q. Is that all the info I need ?
A. Yes. This is just a tiny mod. not much else to say :)
Users of my mod "Falskaar Fast Travel" should uninstall that when going to use this mod.
Island Fast Travel includes the Falskaar Fast Travel mod.
My Other Mods :
Falskaar Fast Travel
Slaughter Fish Nemesis
Have Fun.