

  1. blackninja50
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    I believe this is the most misnamed mod in the history of Skyrim modding and should be renamed or deleted at once.
    1. deleted18267574
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      i believe u should remove that stick in ur bum and get a sense of humour for once
    2. baclibra24
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I agree,blackninja50. Especially since it will confuse some people with the REAL MOD of the same name.
  2. hazman232
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This is the most important mod in Skyrim modding history.
  3. crimane
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    u could also make a red chicken half his size to follow him, would be hilarious
  4. Kaselini
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    great mod, very immersive. at first I thought ULTIMATE SKYRIM MOD was an exaggeration, but it seems like I was wrong.. can you make the red more reddish like perhaps? optional file will be ok too

  5. MirrorKnight
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Why some people so serious about the name. It's reverse psychology. Don't change the name, Joseph. It's fun watching these type of people to 'pseudo-mod'.
  6. tonycubed2
    • premium
    • 1,145 kudos
    I am stuck in a server room watching a raid build with a boring hour left. Thank you for making me laugh. I admire your audacity.
  7. skunky123
    • account closed
    • 81 kudos
    Chris needs a red head to match his body with some horns that would be good (maybe use horns from an argonian or dremora), he would look like a devil child then .

    Edit: Had another thought how about a flame effect on him like the flame atronach. Endorsed for your efforts as i would have no idea how to do such things.
    1. idevicehelper16
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Good idea, but remember this is just the beta ! More add-ons coming. I'm actually working on adding a companion that's trains smithing (expert class)
    2. idevicehelper16
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Master class *
    3. skunky123
      • account closed
      • 81 kudos
      That's a very good idea i don't think there are any follower mods that train people nice one.
  8. Aleitheo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Ultimate most certainly is not the word I would use to describe this mod, that is a description on the opposite end of the scale of what should be used to define this mod. I know we all have to start off from the beginning but that doesn't explain what it is exactly you have made here.

    Here's an important question, why should I want to download this mod? Sell it to me, give me reason to go through the effort of installing it. Justify 2 minutes and a few mouseclicks required from me.

    I downloaded the Space Core mod after all, the bar isn't high for me regarding novelty mods.
  9. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos
    Ok, over half-a-dozen formal warnings later, (including a second offense for one person) and about the same number of borderline trolling comments that were simply removed, it's time to put a stop to this nonsense. 
    If people can't let a new  modder try things and get better with experience without being bombarded with insults and sarcastic remarks, there'll be no good  modders.
    The Number One Rule on the Nexus is:  "Don't like it?  Don't use it, but pass in silence."
    So before posting anything in this mod's Official Comment thread, I suggest people review the Terms of Service (link in the top-right of every page) and re-familiarize themselves with the four, and only four, allowable categories of comments.  Notice that "Snarky" is not one of them.   
  10. cire992
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    idevicehelper16, wait, is there more than one 'idevicehelper' registered on nexus? I refuse to believe that.

    Anyway, now that you've figured out how to make the CK do stuff, got any big plans for the future?
    1. idevicehelper16
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Big plans? well I am gonna update this mod and I don't care what people say under this comment because I forgot to add the file int ill I reached 700 views I admit I am pretty mistaken too miss that.