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Mardoxx and CDCooley

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  1. DanGud
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I do not recommend this mod for those who play Enderal. Got a bug in "Hidden in the Puzzle" quest: Picking up the note and reading it after does not count towards further progression. You need to read it before taking in your inventory.
    1. cdcooley
      • premium
      • 447 kudos
      You should be able to get the quest update if you drop the note and then read it. The basic problem you experience with that note can happen in other situations as well. Some developers choose to watch for OnActivate instead of OnRead events. That's poor design, but Bethesda's developers started it. In Morrowind's initial quest for the Tribunal Temple you are given a book about the pilgrimages you need to make to be come a member. The quest giver places it directly into your inventory. You have to drop the book into the game world and activate it from there to get the quest update that tells you where the shrines are actually located.
    2. Rodr1sen
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      thanks for this info for drop, just instaled yesterday this mod. so far it's going well
  2. Rodr1sen
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Hello, thanks for your mod. in all the play throughs I end up collecting books (or at least the ones I manage to collect before restarting everything and making a new game) and it always bothered me to grab all the skill books and have to read them even if I am already 100. if I restarted that Skill always lost the possibility of having taken advantage of that book. thanks to your mod it has been solved. I just installed it yesterday and I'm testing it, but it's going great. I copied below what I wrote down in the other Just do it mod since they affect each other:

    ----Hello, thank you very much, and by the way I will tell you about the hot key of the other mod that you recommend. I used your mod before for one of those immersive needs which didn't leave any after a while and now I use it again for the SkyrimSouls - Unpaused Game Menus(SKSE Plugin) mod. I also downloaded Sometimes Pick Up Book by Mardoxx and CDCooley, but there is a detail, the other mod has hot key settings to use by default "pick up or read", the thing is that it also affects your mod, I use mod manager so you just have to change the place in ithe load order.----
  3. NikitaMal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, after a while, instead of reading, $ sRead starts to be displayed and does not disappear anywhere like in the settings do not poke.
    1. Jackaline
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I have the same problem! I've nothing useful to contribute about it, just commiserating. 
      EDIT: Went to page 2 and found this from user cdcooley:
      Yes, if the Read prompt has gotten messed up it's because of a game setting getting corrupted. These three simple steps should get it back to the correct value.

      1. Use the MCM and uncheck the first option (Pick Up Books Mod Active).
      2. Open the Console, type "setgs sRead Read", press Enter, then close the Console.
      3. Back in the MCM, check the first option to re-activate the mod.
    2. Minas697
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. Metalunacy
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Thanks, this helped me fix it.
  4. Minas697
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    JFYI I was testing version 2.1 to see if the pick up animation plays when commanding followers to take skill books and noticed that it does not end in their inventory - it ends in the PC instead
    1. cdcooley
      • premium
      • 447 kudos
      The problem is that the Perk applied to the player can't detect you're trying to activate the book to point it out to your follower. It is interpreting it as you activating the book to pick it up.

      I haven't tested it, but I think that if you want to have the follower pick up the book, you'll need to be in "Read" mode instead of the quick pickup mode.
    2. Minas697
      • member
      • 0 kudos
          Thank you for your reply, the explanations, and your choice of words.
          I took the liberty of testing your theory and you are right on the point! Furthermore, I could also complete my own test and see the pickup animation playing.
          Now I can use the "Read" mode when commanding NPCs to take skill books (as you said), and use the modifier key to toggle "Take" mode when I need to take a skill book myself without reading it.
          From what I experienced with other mods, they have no toggle option, and they all seem to overwrite the take action by maybe a disable and an addItem, because we see no physical interaction nor animation in case of commanded NPCs - I am assuming that they made their mods around this, so it's the only way it works by using their method.
          But thanks to your toggle option, we can still enjoy physics, like when taking the bottom book from a pile (NPCs only, or PC in "Read" mode so we read then take - just taking in "Take" mode seems to do the "disable/addItem" thing), and the animation (NPCs only), which I missed for several years, so thank you very much!
  5. genderneutralnoun
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I'm on SSE 1.5.97 and SKSE 2.0.17, it was working for me before but it isn't anymore. Help?
    1. slvsaris
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Someone made a mod for SE called Pick up books simple.  Should probably use that as it is made for SE
  6. Oronys
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I was putting off using this for a long time because I wanted to keep my esp files to a minimum, but holy crap was I missing out. I'm an avid book collector, so picking up/moving a lot of books at once was pure pain. This mod is fantastic. Thank you.

    EDIT: Ran into that (fixable) bug where the mod stops working and you can't read or pick up books. Happened in Reachwind Eyrie, no idea why. Tested it a bit in there and that's the only cell entry I've found where the problem triggered. Like everyone else, cycling the mod on and off again fixed the issue and I haven't run into it again since. Increasing the load time allowance for scripts didn't seem to affect the rate of occurrence during testing, in case anyone is curious. Still a great mod.
    1. JayayePea
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      How do you 'cycle mods' on and off as you put it? 
  7. mccalas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod seems to be working in SSE (1.5.97 with corresponding SKSE64 and optional SkyUI). I installed the mod, unpacked the BSA, DELETED the BSA (or else it won't load) and loaded the ESP in CK and saved to change to form 44 (even though it was working as form 43).

    I haven't done extensive testing, but everything functions as expected, even MCM.
    1. deleted1159775
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for that! I was really missing the changing Take/Read/Steal text from the SSE versions avaliable. No extensive testing here either, but it seems to work as expected
  8. WindzStruct
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    10/10 Perfect Mod, does exactly what you want it to do. Thank you very much to the mod author.
  9. PinkAnderson
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    this is by far the best mod of this sort out there, and all the mods of this sort on SSE suck, glad this can be ported
    1. ColossusX13
      • supporter
      • 26 kudos
      Good to know
  10. JMCB
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    May I ask if anybody here can or able to make a compatibility patch for the Animations mod by Genebriss (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51554) and Sometimes pick up books mod by Mardoxx? (this mod) because they didn't work fine (my character also reads the skill book directly after taking it) I want my character to just take the skill book without reading it and /or read the skill book later. If anyone can make a compatibility patch for the two mods, please let me know. I need this mod working fine with Animations mod I badly want this mod
    1. cdcooley
      • premium
      • 447 kudos
      Did you try turning off the book reading animation in the Animations mod's configuration menu? That should make the two mods compatible at a basic level.
    2. JMCB
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @cdcooley, Thank you for reply, yes you're right. Turning the book reading animation in the Animations mod will make the two mods compatible/will work with each other, but I want them to be working fine together, without disabling the book reading animation from the Animations mod (although disabling the book reading animation before taking the skill book, then enabling it again before reading the skill book will work, but I don't like doing it. It's a hassle for me ) Anybody can make a compatibility patch for those two mods? Please, let me know Thanks again for your reply bro @cdcooley. Appreciate it