

  1. seifer69er
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    >>>>Update OUT NOW!!! <<<<
    version 1.9.1
    -Fix for hanging searches implemented


    -Rebuilt the initial search from scratch, now addresses program hangs after/during CELL searching (this will make many players happy ^_^)

    -added Feedback if initial search fails, to contact seifer69er

    - updated readme.txt

    -Native File backup added before cleaning, copies your uncleaned save next to the same directory as the tool and applies a timestamp in the filename so you will not lose track of your last clean (you only need a backup if you are unhappy with the cleaning ^_^)

    Warning!!!!! -Cleaning up your Dead Leveled ACHR's will bring back the slayed dragons which in turn makes them attack the towns again, so be prepared
    to fix this: Kill them again !!!!!!

    -Dead dragons will appear as CELL's are reset, but the dragons will disappear after ~3 days in game, tested with 3 days passing( in a different cell) and reloading the save

    Note: after running dead/leveled cleanup on my 13.5MB save, it now drops from 11(original) to 9.5MB(new) it also gives me a tonne of new/old enemies to clear out again :, literally just walk into a cleared dungeon and clear it again ^_^

    -If you are outside, "Exterior cells" are reset and this will teleport you to riverwood when you reload your save file (this is skyrims default starting location)

    Note: If you have an immortal NPC....for what ever reason, you can kill them by using the console: click on them (or prid id number)
    setessential 1 (for immortal )
    setessential 0 (for mortal )

    Remember to keep on endorsing
    1. yasha_boy277
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
    2. obeahx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi excellent mod. I been using this since the earlier versions. I just cleaned my save while in Solsteim (inside a Dwemer ruin) using this version. When I logged back using the cleaned file, I was in Riverwood with NPCs from 3DNPC mod naked -_-. I was pretty shocked!!!
    3. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      how dare they be naked!!!!

      its almost impossible to code for mods as everyone codes/implemets code differently.
      usually a quick uninstall of mods after cleaning, then reinstalling fixes these issues ^_^
    4. Kursan
      • supporter
      • 238 kudos
      I would really appreciate a more detailed and up to date description of how to use this tool. I know you have that on your front page but that info is out of date and incomplete.
      Out of date because it says in step 6. "click on "fix all REFR's", Follow the prompts "mysave.ess.txt" AND "mysave.ess" are in your skyrim saves folder" The save cleaner launcher actually says "Fix all Form ID's" but I assume that means the same thing?
      I find "follow the prompts" very vague, I assume looking for my Skyrim save folder? It should state clearly that you have to click on the "mysave.ess" once you find it in the save folder to start the process described in steps 7 and 8, which then gives you visible progress in a pop up window and prompts to "hit any key to continue".
      Also the "mysave" file did not transport me to Riverwood.
      Does that mean the process did not work? Sorry if this sounds anal, but a clearer step by step for those not so technically inclined would be much appreciated, thanks,
    5. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      i appreciate your input, but essentially the instructions are still current.
      they are up to date and accurate on "how to use the tool" not what the tool does.
      follow the prompts.....the computer prompts you to select your files, you therefore select your files.
      congratulations, you have successfully followed the prompts ^_^
    6. obieephyhm
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i completely agree -- so far as i can tell this mod doesn't do anything at just sits there 'searching' . . . it is not intuitive nor obvious nor are there any bleeding 'prompts' to follow . . .
    7. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      if it sits there "searching" its obvious your dump file is invalid. I would like to know why as to produce a fix for it.

      i have asked to supply me with the aforementioned dump, yet no one has volunteered ^_^

    8. yosecretsquirrel
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Whoa, hold up. Are you saying custom items from mods will or may be removed? So this isn't a "regular use" kind of thing but more "use it when you have to" ?
    9. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos

      as i cant cater for every single mod created in the community, i cant support those mods, only the developers of those mods can
    10. allolouis
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      This look great, but I don't get how to make it work, I downloaded it, now where should I place the program???

      And what should I do??? Yes I've read the readme, but... a bit more details please...

    11. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      its in the readme!!!! facepalm,

      the program may download to your skyrim/data folder if you used the nexus download manager
    12. allolouis
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Allright I've got it ... its just that I do everything manually.... I was just not sure where to place the program.. that is all.... So I placed it in the data folder...
    13. SvalinnAsgard
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I guess I got myself one of them invalid saves because it searches forever.
    14. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      i need one of them save files otherwise i can t fix what i cant see
    15. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      your welcomed,

      i was sitting there looking at the code and there was one line missing.
      this issue only affected some players, not all.
      It was essentially a facepalm on my behalf, BUT the issue is now FIXED as of 1.9.1 ^_^

      Thankyou to all involved ^_^
    16. wolovebyt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      while i click on "fix all REFR's",it always says"NO File selected?"?how can i solve the problem?
    17. seifer69er
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      move the dump files and the program to the root of drive c:\
      then try again

      there is an issue with long file paths

    18. wolovebyt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you very much i will try again
    19. modsec
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I've just tried out your mod. First and foremost, let me mention that this was my original character, from the very first version of skyrim, and as such there is quite a lot of data in this save. That being said, I've been stuck on the "Removing Vanilla FORMID's..." Portion of the cleaner for 30minutes and the Actual UI for this is not responding though the .BAT portion is still functioning as I can see the line where my typing would go, were I to type.

      Windows 7 Ran the file as administrator. I am unsure if I just have a really huge file or if the save game cleaner can't handle my Save.
    20. talkerlistens
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you!
    21. deleted6537900
      • account closed
      • 50 kudos
      This does not work for me it just displays empty save folder when it auto opens the document/skyrim/saves then says no file selected when i close it.... i am using Windows 8 if that makes any difference as i see many here are using Windows 7. also i even move the save.exe to root drive c:/ and both the mysave1.ess and .bak files and still the same thing. but then i read some of the comments here and see that it can delete actual mods i have installed so i will not be using this but it was a good idea.

      Thank you.
    22. sneakykatze82
      • member
      • 7 kudos

      This has a lot of really helpful tips and tricks about helping performance with Skyrim. There is also a section that includes different downloads that can help optimize your game, including this save file cleaner. It will tell you what will happen to your game if you choose to use this as well as twelve in depth steps on what exactly to do. Hope it helps.
    23. Whesky87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      huh, what does this mean? I cant use this if I have mods? I've got a 101 mods.. been using this frequently, my understanding was that mods shouldn't be a problem now I am scared!
    24. Darkarhon
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      @Whesky87 you can use it with mods dont worry
    25. CosMic92
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm sorry but it seems that twice that i've used this my game crashes at certain areas, last save i used this one i crashed close to azuras statue because of some rock trap script that was triggered, with my current save, i used this app earlier today and now i crash when i fast travel to the throat of the world, i really don't know what i can do now. I've searched the net for answers but so far i've come up empty handed, does anyone have an inkling on whats wrong here? my only thought is that it has to be something with scripts.

      Last time it was Rock trap script and now im guessing its a script from the main quest or something, i've just retrieved the elder scroll and was on my way back to the throat of the world, this is the only place this is happening so far.
    26. CosMic92
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ok i loaded back to my backup save that was created when i ran your program and the crash did not occur now, im not saying your program is bad, not at all.. it has actually helped a great deal. but there seems to be some flaws maybe?
      i will run this when i am finished with the main quest. i do realize that messing with save files can be extremely risky for your gameplay, i hope you read this so maybe if you have the time to investigate this further, thanks.
    27. QaxeIsKaze
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      It's cool that the save file is a bit smaller, but at the expense of making npcs ignore outfits and walk around naked. My housecarls...where are their clothes?

      Also, Kursan is spot-on about the instructions, there is absolutely no "fix all REFR's" button to click. There are 3 boxes to tick: Dead NPC's, Leveled NPC's, and Cells. The only buttons read "Manual" and "Display all FORM ID's". We can read. I myself can figure things out, so I hit "Manual" and did what I needed to do, but your instructions are completely wrong. Forget your facepalms and listen to what people are telling you. Making clear and accurate instructions doesn't include expecting others to know what you mean.
    28. lmstearn
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Think seifer69er has gone "AWOL."
      There's no guarantee this mod ever produces the desired result 100%. It's worked for me, it's stats don't quite add up, but then it becomes difficult to tell if subsequent bugs or anomalies are caused by vanilla issues, this mod, or other mods.

      Skyrim's too big: to properly gauge the efficacy this mod it would need testing in a myriad of situations.
      An exercise demanding thousands-- even millions of game hours.
    29. Frencho
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Hello all,

      I've followed all the instructions but my save won't generate the txt dump file:
      1. Load SKYRIM on your PC and load your save file.
      2. Once you are in the game, open the console using the ~ key on your keyboard
      3. type in the following:
      save mysave 1
      4. The game will now make a dump file, so you will need to wait a few minutes while the dump is generating the "mysave.ess.txt" AND "mysave.ess"

      After saving with the console I even waited for about 40 minutes, idling in an interior cell, no dump file, no txt file I only get mysave1.ess and mysave1.skse. I also waited when I closed skyrim, no .txt dump file!

      Any ideas on what could be the issue?
    30. SUBxZER0
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      i have the same problem, maybe it's because my save is 700 mb's. i don't how it got that big, my save from a week ago is only 22 mb's

      -i fixed it, i just chose an older save which was smaller.
    31. CyberStx
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @ SUBxZERO

      Your save is utterly bloated dude :/
      One or more mod is causing that. PM me with your modlist and I'll try to find the mod causing that. This tool is helpful but unfortunately not "magic". I use this tool everytime I update a mod/remove one. So far : no problems. Just don't try to clear cells/body ect... everytime. Only if you're using it for 1st time on a BIG save (subjective pov here but it worked for me like that.)

      Thx for your tool Seifer69er!!
    32. karios525
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Well personally on a new game my save size starts at about 8mb and seems to increase by a couple of hundred kb in only a few minutes, without any scripted mods same issue just save file starts a lot smaller, giving me quite a headache to be honest, anybody got any idea why?
    33. TheFireRodan
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      This should be renamed the save uncorrupter
    34. sekkusu
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      @ Frencho
      No space between mysave and the 1.
    35. spanian77
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      Space between mysave and the 1 make the needed file as well,don't know if even without space works.
    36. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      Correct, it is "mysave 1". No space = No file, as many previous users have found out.
    37. Rehctawthgin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Now this, this is the real thing!!! Helps out with many CTDs and stuff.
    38. poweredbypoosey
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      im sorry but im quite confused as too ( yes i read everything and i apologize considering i dont understand :/ lol ) but the instructions say click fix all form ids.. but the skyrim save launcher which i downloaded through nmm and is in my data folder . Its says Fix All FORM IDs ? is that the same button the instructions are talking about?
    39. ArcAiN6
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just out of curiosity, is the game client supposed to close after it's down making mysave.ess and mysave.ess.txt?

      I'm just wondering if it closed itself intentionally, or if it CTD'd
    40. hanymahmad
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, I just wanna thank you.
      I couldn't fast-travel and/or walking to solitude and the area around it since i was in level 12, the game would crash to desktop saying "the program has stopped working".
      I searched forums for days and tried everything including resetting cells either by waiting or through commands!
      now thanks to you i can go there without any problem =)
      I would donate if i had money, instead i'll vote.
      peace and thanks again bro!!
    41. DariyanSkie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      so odd thing and kinda want to know if this utility may help me fix this really odd problem, my internal map, not my world map is in german but the rest of the game is in english and has been giving the save file names in german as well. but everyone talks in eng, the script is in eng, so i have no idea whats going on .... for instance if i go into the world map it will say dark brotherhood sanctuary, but on the internal map it says this: Zuflucht der Dunklen Bruderschaft, so i have no idea how that happened. any ideas- could i use this utility to see what mod is doing this- i want everything back in english.
    42. xRlGx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can this fix the followers not following problem?
    43. MonkeyKoala
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I think there's a language barrier, as the modder doesn't understand the words "current" and "accurate"... there's a current pic of what the tool looks like right here on the page, but they still insist their incorrect instructions are accurate.

      Tool isn't working for me, as nothing is showing in my saves folder, and the errors don't seem worth the hassle of the bugs this mod introduces. Deleting.
    44. sandy2211
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      This may be a stupid question, my save file was 13,688 KB...I ran this and it seemed to work properly, I went into game made another save and that save file is 13,607 KB. I had thought the number would've been smaller, or am I not understanding what this is actually supposed to do?
    45. Gammackazi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks so much for this tool! My in-game performance has defiantly increased thanks to running a clean save.
    46. 999-jay-999
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      1. Load SKYRIM on your PC and load your save file.
      2. Once you are in the game, open the console using the ~ key on your keyboard
      3. type in the following:
      save mysave 1...

      Now, I been up till now actually just using the normal save files from my game and wonder if therefor I am not doing it right ?
      (what is the difference to a game save compared to a console save ?)

    47. FrozenParagon
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      this method manually produces a dump file and save file of the same names for this app to compare, scan and process the data of. console save is more annoying to do than normal saves for regular game play.
  2. WeirdRichter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Got a problem, making a save and it generates ess file but txt file does not. Is this fine or not?
  3. haslador
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Dont even work, it dont even find the saved games files in the folder.
    1. hrmpk
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You need to do a special save for this mod. Type to console "save FILENAME 1" without quotes to make the special save that this utility needs to work. Also try Hadoram's. 
  4. 12312312312323111
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hi me write "no dlc found" what to do about it
  5. mewgull
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    Amazing tool. I had an awful lot of crashes with my high level char until I used this one: Removed more than 11.000 displaced havoc objects. Whoops!
  6. marchegiano
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This fixes my save so it's great and wonderful.

    I have to run it every time I want to load a hearthfire house. If anyone has any suggestions that's be great. Otherwise, no big deal, I'd rather run this every time than not use my save.
  7. R0DIPIT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Stuck on Removing DLC FORMID'S
    No DLC found
    I've waited 20-30 minutes and tried different savegames, but it's still the same.
    1. wabetacew
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same here, although i used it on Special Edition save file and that might be the problem.
    2. D3b1l1z4m
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
    3. mrshadoo
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      Same issue
    4. kick1213
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Im also stuck on that
    5. NikitosikNosik
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Fix ?
    6. vardath
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Same issue
    7. lucius123412
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same issue here, it's not resolved yet?
  8. keithkj
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So, does this utility work with "Skyrim SE"?
    Yes or No?
  9. Dahveed
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Has anyone found anything similar to this (NOT Fallrim tools!) for Special Edition?
  10. xxXPachucoXxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there a way to use this without saving? my game CTD whenever it saves it doesnt matter what type of save if it saves data it crashes so you can see my problem with this
  11. imnooobeerr
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    this thing takes a long time