I know this probably won't be seen for a while but I need help. I'm in Irknthamz and I have grabbed the key from the dresser. But for some reason I still can't open the door it's supposed to unlock? Is there a way I can fix this? Could I possibly use console commands to spawn in a new key?
What is the quest ID of the quest please?? Cant find the note in mercers frey house, so I need either the notes ID to spawn it in with console or the quest ID to start it
Hi Just thought I'd weigh in & add myself to the apparently many others that aren't getting the quest showing up in their log but since this hasn't been updated in over a year, I'm assuming it's not going to any time soon either. Oh well
I've encountered the black load screen of death at Irkinthamz, Bonestrewn Crest, and Barrow Cove. Any ideas what may be causing this. I really want to be able to complete without having to resort to console commands.
Like others, when I read the Old Note, it didn't start the quest for me. I hadn't finished the Thieve's Guild questline at that point. I pulled the note out later and read it, but nothing happened. I couldn't find "Irknthamz" on the map, or find it when I searched for it on google. The two closest were "Arknthamz" and "Irknthand." The one closest to the description of where it was on the mod's page was Arknthamz, so I went there, but that started another quest and I never saw Mercer's shade. I read the note and it said, "Irknthamz? no" so I assumed I would go to the next location, Irknthand. I've gotten to one point where I have to go through a door to get to a new area (the Irknthand Sanctuary) and the door won't open for me. It looks like it's about to open and it makes the sound, but nothing happens. I don't know what to do from here. I don't like using a lot of console commands to complete quests, but if there's no other workaround I'll use them.
Update: I realized I couldn't get through the Irknthand Sanctuary because that was the area flooded during the Nightingales Questline. I tried running through Arknthamz again but still didn't encounter Mercer's shade. So I can't finish that part of the quest and get his ring. I was able to go to the next location, Bonestrewn Cave, and find Mercer's shade there, so I guess that's where I'm picking up the questline, even though it still doesn't show up in my quest journal. I'm having to use the spoilers in the description to know where to go next.
Update 2: Ok, I'm an idiot. Even though Google searches couldn't find "Irknthamz," all I had to do was really read the description on the mod's page and it said exactly where to find it. When in doubt, read the directions! (Or in this case, the spoilers!)
Love this mod, but for Irknthamz, perhaps having a key 4 pixels large hand-placed in a dungeon 4 football fields wide with no hints as to its whereabouts wasn't the best quest design, lol.
I never enjoy having my hand held like a child like Vanilla Skyrim often does, but come on dude, how was I supposed to see a bronze key on a bronze dresser in a bronze Dwemer dungeon? Just wasted an hour running around in there for nothing before I gave up and went to your spoiler section.
Greetings! I don't know if this is normal for the new update (Version 2.4), but no matter what I do, I couldn't get the quest entries in my Journal. It's like they're invisible. When I read the Old Note from Mercer's table at Riftweald Manor, my Journal didn't update with the quest entries Recovering Assets and Collecting Plans. When I went to Irknthams and defeated Mercer, I got the letter telling me to go to the next location, but the quest entries are still missing from my Journal. Is this because I accidentally stumbled into Bonestrewn Cave while on another quest before doing the Thieves Guild MQ? The only other mod that I have installed for the Thieves Guild was Brynjolf Has Time, which the mod author clearly indicated works well with this mod. So, am I doing something wrong or can I continue playing the mod even with the missing Journal quest entries? I hope somebody would respond. Thanks much.
Over a year late, but I am noticing the same issue. I picked up the old note from Mercer's place, and went through the first location, but none of the quests seem to start. Doubly weird, when I went to search for the quest in the console, it wasn't there. (Granted, I should probably use the code for the quest instead of searching help "{QuestNameHere}", but that was my first idea) I don't think we're doing anything wrong, but something I've noticed is that some people note how you can just stumble upon the locations randomly before going to the Thieves Guild Questlines. If that's what causes it to break, it could cause potential problems. I'm not sure though, so don't take my word for it.
Just thought I'd weigh in & add myself to the apparently many others that aren't getting the quest showing up in their log
Update: I realized I couldn't get through the Irknthand Sanctuary because that was the area flooded during the Nightingales Questline. I tried running through Arknthamz again but still didn't encounter Mercer's shade. So I can't finish that part of the quest and get his ring. I was able to go to the next location, Bonestrewn Cave, and find Mercer's shade there, so I guess that's where I'm picking up the questline, even though it still doesn't show up in my quest journal. I'm having to use the spoilers in the description to know where to go next.
Update 2: Ok, I'm an idiot. Even though Google searches couldn't find "Irknthamz," all I had to do was really read the description on the mod's page and it said exactly where to find it. When in doubt, read the directions! (Or in this case, the spoilers!)
I never enjoy having my hand held like a child like Vanilla Skyrim often does, but come on dude, how was I supposed to see a bronze key on a bronze dresser in a bronze Dwemer dungeon? Just wasted an hour running around in there for nothing before I gave up and went to your spoiler section.
I don't know if this is normal for the new update (Version 2.4), but no matter what I do, I couldn't get the quest entries in my Journal. It's like they're invisible. When I read the Old Note from Mercer's table at Riftweald Manor, my Journal didn't update with the quest entries Recovering Assets and Collecting Plans. When I went to Irknthams and defeated Mercer, I got the letter telling me to go to the next location, but the quest entries are still missing from my Journal. Is this because I accidentally stumbled into Bonestrewn Cave while on another quest before doing the Thieves Guild MQ? The only other mod that I have installed for the Thieves Guild was Brynjolf Has Time, which the mod author clearly indicated works well with this mod. So, am I doing something wrong or can I continue playing the mod even with the missing Journal quest entries? I hope somebody would respond. Thanks much.
I don't think we're doing anything wrong, but something I've noticed is that some people note how you can just stumble upon the locations randomly before going to the Thieves Guild Questlines. If that's what causes it to break, it could cause potential problems. I'm not sure though, so don't take my word for it.