

  1. anamorfus
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    When reporting bug, list your lighting mods and where the issue happens, it may help me to track down the issues.

    If you have huge frame drops in some areas change your iShadowMapResolution under [Display] to 2048 or less.

    Don't reply to stickies, please. Some people were able to make it even with it locked.
  2. anamorfus
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    3.0 - All modules are legendary.

    I made a cool shader for the big cities exterior buildings windows in the exterior module, check that out. Also fake shadows for boats and ships.

    Your fight with the dragons in that frozen lake in Dawnguard will be more epic now with the new ice shaders.

    The hardcore module will make your dungeons pitch black, so make sure you have some form of light with you. It may have some issues like some glowing looking mists I may have left behind, report if you see them as well as any dungeon I forgot.

    The Wizard for Wrye Bash is possibly broken, so if you know how to fix it, please let me know.
  3. Stirofom
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  4. Axland
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    • 5 kudos

    If you want to avoid ENB the (almost) perfect marriage is ELFX + RAID Weathers. It blends well both versions, enhanced and hardcore.
    1. David2014
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Your load order? loot is making a mess
  5. Pengithepenguin
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    Hello! I'm having a bit of an issue with *all* shadows outdoors missing. I do not have any other mods that affect the lighting *at all* in my load order, and I am a bit stumped on where to go from here... This being said, I have not gone through the depths of this comment section yet - so.

    I would appreciate any sort of advice because I love this mod, it makes everything so beautiful... but now my game looks horribly uncanny. I do not remember if this was an issue before and I am only just now noticing it, but now it's all I see... I am also coming back to this save after a while of not playing-- but I've already checked for updates and such and I've deduced that this is the mod causing the issue (as it was quite simple, I am only running ~20 mods.).
    1. 00Carlitos00
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      • 0 kudos
  6. 00Carlitos00
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    • 0 kudos
    it is very bright and there is no shadow 
  7. Elliottina
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    In general I love this mod. However, the rain/mist I hate. both now give me 0 visibility. It's like looking through a frosted window rather than rain :(
  8. HorribleMemes32
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    so i really like this mod, the lighting is great and immersive, its great, but i was having an issue where interior roofs would despawn. i looked hear and thats when i found out its not for special edition. is there a similar lighting mod compatible with special edition?

    edit: nevermind, i just found a special edition version. probably should have looked first before posting, huh?
  9. G3RWANT
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    I've been using this mod for the last 2 years, but about 2 days ago I noticed that the light rays are so bright that it hurts your eyes, unfortunately I had to uninstall the mod as soon as you reduce the light rays I will be able to install it again
  10. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    I admire your work and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  11. SgtoSeryei
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    The mod is great, I love it, but I have a big problem: whenever I get into a loading screen there is a very high chance it gets stuck loading forever. I have traced down manually by uninstalling/instanlling and it is this mod that causes it. Now my logical thinking process is the pc can't run the mod, however I don't have any performance issues whenever I can run it in places with a lot of different light sources.

    I would appreciate insight, help and alternatives if it comes down to that, thank you.
    1. ynysmeardy
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      • 0 kudos
      I was experiencing this same issue. The only thing I've found that seems to prevent it is saving frequently, before fast traveling or entering a new area.

      I'm also using SMIM alongside ELFX, and put ELFX before it in the load order. I can't say for sure if this had any direct impact on it, as I changed the load order and started frequently saving at the same time, but it may help.
  12. Nanoraiden9
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    Why do we need the DLC?
    1. DwemerRocks
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Its locations are also covered by the mod