

  1. Emma
    • premium
    • 1,922 kudos
    Since some versions back, the Vilja-mod includes 4 files that potentially, during certain circumstances *could* cause problems with animations. If you are experiencing any such problems, please remove the following files from your Steam/SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Meshes folder:
  2. Emma
    • premium
    • 1,922 kudos
    FAQ-thread for frequently asked questions available here:

    Online guide to Vilja's Wardrobe avaialble here:

    Also available in the download section.

    Vilja in Skyrim

    ver 4_2 is now available!!






    Keep an eye on the upper left corner of the screen when the new interaction options are displayed!




    picture by SmartBlueCat


    What is new ver 4_2?


    - Side-by-side walking - developed from the system introduced in the Followers as Companions mod by Ishara Meradin. 

    - Improved hotkeys attack system - Vilja should now hit her target more accurately.

    - Improved sneaking behaviour. Vilja can be ordered to stay away and take cover.

    - New flute music - four new tunes - for Vilja by Bosa123.

    - Tweaking of marksman behaviour - Vilja should no longer prefer steel arrows in combat but instead use the best possible arrows in her inventory.

    - Minor tweaks and corrections.


    This was new in ver 4_0: 


    - A new system to interact with Vilja through hotkeys. The system will allow you to:

    a) determine attack targets for her, also for sneak attacks.

    b) configure her dialog tree to your liking and be able to talk to her without activating her with the E-key.

    c) make her shut up when needed.

    d) smalltalk with her as you travel without using the E-key or breaking the movement (perfect for roleplayers)

    - Full interaction and lots of scenes with the follower Inigo by SmartBlueCat Inigo is an excellent mod which we highly recommend!

    - A new questline which will give you a new optional follower and a new full set of armor. For reasons that will become obvious, this quest line is only available for pc-characters that are married to Vilja.

    - Vilja's chatter setup has been reworked and it is now possible to keep down the chatter pace to every 10th minute (quest-comments and other typical event-based comments are not affected by chatter pace)

    - Vilja can sit on your character's lap.

    - You can ask Vilja to step aside if she is blocking your way.

    - A variety of *optional* player pet-names that you can suggest that Vilja call your character if they are married.

    - More diversity to Vilja's healing of the player - you can now decide how much healing she should provide.

    - You can decide where Bruse should stable, and ask Vilja to send him home to the stable. This will also work if you should manage to bring him to a location where he shouldn't be.

    - New, fun features for Leifur. He can be ordered to follow anyone, and he can hunt down prey on your command. (Please note! among the optional files for Vilja, you will find the "Barking Dogs Cure" which will keep Leifur from barking all the time. As this will affect all the dogs in the game, we have chosen not to include it in the main mod.)

    - More drunk dialog and new chatter lines (including more comments on Thieves Guild quests). 

    - Another +500 of the original low quality voice files have been manually cleaned or re-recorded with a high quality microphone. As around 800 lines have been re-recorded previously, this means that less than 2000 voice files remains to be re-recorded. (Please be aware that the majority of the low quality files appears during Vilja's first quest, so the quality should improve over time)

    - Various fixes, changes and improvements, for instance:

    - - horse riding and mounted combat should be more stable.

    - - brawl behaviour should be improved

    - - thanks to the enclosed files by Fore, we should now have a totally reliable cure for the hug-kill-bug. The solution is fully compatible with FNIS.

    - - Vilja now goes to prison with the player.

    - - Radiant quests shouldn't pick places in areas added by mods anymore.

    - - Wolfcry armor should now also work for beast races.

    - - Certain quest glitches have been ironed out; you should no longer need to tab out of dialog with Wilbert, Magda should be reliable found where she ought to be.

    - - Vigilants of Stendarr should no longer go hostile when Vilja is using her "free running" following style.

    - - Vilja' headtracking after scenes should now auto-reset so that she starts looking at the player instead of the other follower.

    - - Vilja will no longer double her amount of torches after performing.

    - - It should now be safe to change Vilja's appearance before you have started her quest (this has in previous versions caused an inventory bug).

    - - increased compatibility with SPERG and NPC Knockout overhaul.




    Vilja in Solstheim

    -  Add-on for Vilja in Skyrim

    available in the download section

    Requires: Vilja in Skyrim, Skyrim.esm, Dragonborn.esm



    Ver 2 of this expansion includes more than 150 new comments on people, quests and events in Solstheim. Vilja can also lead the way to various places, and occasionally guide you to certain quest-locations. She has unique interaction with the Solstheim companion Frea. And, once you have completed Vilja's original mainquest (the bottle-quest), you can meet her family once a week in Raven Rock! (Please read the readme for more information on this!)

    1. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos

      For those of you who have been asking for a way to listen to the Blacksmith song outside of the game:

      KindaInappropriate (Adrien Ortone) has been so kind and uploaded it on Youtube and on Soundcloud
      You can also find all the original lutemusic for Vilja by KindaInappropriate on Youtube.

      KindaInappropriate has now also provided a version of The Riften Bard song on Youtube and on Soundcloud


      Please note that also with Vilja ver 4, you might want to use the


      which is available in the download section (main files).

      Normally in Hearthfire, as long as you are not married, you talk directly to the children if you want them to move elsewhere. But, once you get married, the children will auto-move when you tell your spouse to move.
      However, as Vilja has her own unique voice and dialog, and as she is independant from Hearthfire, she won't automatically gain the Hearthfire dialog that makes your adopted children move with her to new childfriendly houses.
      Therefore, in this fix, the children will KEEP their dialog that makes it possible to talk to them directly and tell them where to move. It should be useful also for other spouses with unique voices, but as I consider this a betatest-version, I have simply just uploaded it here on the Vilja-page.


      The Mike Sierra sceenshots collection is now available here Enjoy!


      In the Main files section for Vilja, you will now find a file called "Fix for Corrupt Formlists". This is the same file as the "A fix for Chargia", that quite a few of you have been using by now.
      During certain circumstances, for instance when you are reinstalling Skyrim, the formlists in your game might get corrupt. With Vilja, you can spot this as she will suddenly refuse to use her wardrobe properly - sometimes items you remove from her inventory will spawn there anyway.
      Luckily, this is fairly easily sorted. Just download the "Fix for Corrupt Formlists" and follow the instructions provided in the package, and Vilja's wardrobe system will work properly.



      A new tutorial by Dubhorizon on how to change Vilja's face using NPC Nif Merge and Gimp is now available in the MISC section of the downloads for Vilja. Thank you so much, Dubhorizon!
    2. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos

      With version 4, you have a full - but completely optional - interaction with the follower Inigo by SmartBlueCat. It's warmly recommended that you try out this excellent follower!
      Spooky.fx (Duke Patrick) has ported one of my favorite mods to use together with Vilja to Skyrim.
      FOLLOW THAT ACTOR will allow you to let Vilja take the lead, autofollow her and just sit back and relax.
      Campsites in Skyrim by Jet4571.
      The Hairstyler by Lycanthrops
      BECOME A BARD by LP1
      You can read more about the mod here
      And here are two links from LP1 to the download:
      direct download
      Steam download
      Multiple Floors Sandboxing by Dovahklon

    3. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos

      Dubhorizon has updated his highpoly redhead beauty version of Vilja, which is now also available in one CBBE and one UNP version!

      There are larger pictures from two angles in the screenshots section, too.

      The new files are available in section 5 of optional files. Direct link to CBBE version and to UNP version.

      Thank you so much, Dubhorizon .
    4. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos
      Elephant42 has made the mod Vilja Extra hotkeys which gives you MCM hotkeys for Vilja's horns.
      Please note that this mod requires SKSE and MCM.
    5. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos
      Ver 4.2 is now available!!!

      Important: before upgrading, if you have told Vilja that she may run ahead, tell her NOT to do this, and then tell her to wander.

      If you don't do this, you might have some problems with her running backwards the first time you tell her to walk side by side, and you will have to reset her manually.
    6. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos
      Seyheb has made a new alternate look for Vilja!

      Two versions - for CBBE and UNP - are available in the Optional files section. Enjoy!
    7. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos
      Cstarkey42 has made a texture replacer for Vilja based on Pride of Valhalla.
      It's available here
    8. Emma
      • premium
      • 1,922 kudos
      APK222 has made two lovely faces for Vilja, both available among the Optional downloads in the download section for Vilja.

  3. Lycanthrops
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    I added a little tutorial in the Misc section of the files:
    Simple Changes for Vilja in Skyrim

    There are simple instructions which only require basic computer knowledge on

    - how to fix neckseams in an easy way (just by copying and pasting the matching face textures belonging to the installed body mod into Vilja's folder)

    - how to give Vilja's horse Bruse a different look and use different saddles and even horse armor on him

    - how to make Vilja's dog Leifur look like a Husky
    Barking Dogs Cure

    There is a small file available in the Misc Files section that makes Leifur and all dogs in the game stop their annyoing barking while still mainting a natural behavior. This is the improved version without headshanking of Luthrael's original idea by ThePopeKYA . Luthrael's smart mod hasn't be updated yet with the improvement. Otherwise we would have liked to link to his mod directly but obviously the mod is abandoned. If you are using the file you must visit , endorse Luthrael's mod and give kudos to ThePopeKYA. It's all their ideas.

    Just scroll down to the last files.
  4. Xaa1962
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    I finally did it - I let Vilja take down Alduin in the first fight atop the Throat of the World.  And she absolutely kicked his lizard butt, all I had to do was repeatedly dragonrend to keep him on the ground so she could do it.  Once she had him down below half, I just let her finish the fight herself.

    Wait,  it gets better:  When Alduin does his "You have become strong, Dovakiin" speech, he was looking at Vilja, not me.  Really, all I did was dragonrend a few times, she did all the fighting.

    That so rocked.  Thank you, Emma, for my favorite Skyrim person.

    Well, okay, favorite after Nazeem, but you can only behead that chump once, then the fun is gone. ;-)
  5. Atreyuu2003
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Mine doesn't work at all. First, Vortex, and now MO2 say that it is incompatible with SSE. I read somewhere to "make sure you have the Vilja LE version." Nowhere in the download links does it say the letters LE. Please help, guys. Vilja seems like a cut above all the rest. Thanks.
    1. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      If you have Skyrim Stable Edition then use the Vilja SE version.  Likewise, if you have LE Skyrim, use the LE version of Vilja.

      If you are new to modding, watch one of the excellent modding tutorials on YouTube for Vortex or MO2.  Best wishes.
  6. AndreXP123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After i finish her quests, how can i make they disappear from the journal?
  7. chentao6987
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    我喜欢 BUT nemesis engine how use?
    1. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      No Nemesis,  FNIS!
      No Coke,  Pepsi.
      Pepsi, Cheeseburgie, FNIS!
    2. GammaThreve
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      No fries, chips!
    3. Mookeylama
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      u guys made my night! i miss Belushi
  8. Freyr95
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    I'm using the Special Edition version of this mod and Vilja tries starting conversations with Dragonborn DLC follower Frea but Frea has no responses and it just seems like Vilja is talking to herself.

    Is this a bug for this version, too? Or is this specific to the SE version of the mod?
    1. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Vilja has one-sided dialogue built in for a number of vanilla Skyrim characters.  Vilja was the first mod to have inter-mod dialogue (with Inigo).  That idea has now caught on with a number of advanced Skyrim companions.
    2. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      I think you're missing the point of my question.

      Vilja's dialogue with Frea is not meant to be one sided. The evidence for this exists in the fact that in the Solstheim BSA there are already cut up, voiced dialogue responses for Frea. They just don't play properly in-game.

      So, it comes across like Vilja is having a conversation with herself, even though she is very clearly meant to be getting responses they do not play. Vilja responds as though she is getting responses, but the voiced responses from Frea do not play in-game.
    3. murder5
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      This mod definitely has some bugs.
  9. murder5
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Excellent mod. The best thing is to be able to train with Vilja.
  10. Owenally1
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded vilja but she is not appearing in whiterun. Is there anything else i need to download?
    1. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Using a mod manager usually foolproofs the installation procedure.  Make sure the mod is activated.  Vilja will be sitting in the Bannered Mare looking worried.  "Blast it, those thieves have taken something precious."
  11. Farzaneh
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I wonder how Herika A.I. would respond to Vilja?

    My AI Skyrim Companion took me from Riften to Solitude

    This AI Mod just transformed Skyrim forever!


    PS  3/4 of this Post page is taken up by these annoying red box comments! Put this discussion on a separate forum page.
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      The Red box comments are in fact informative comments from the author/authors, your post however seems to have only one annoying fact, it's spam to you tube channels, and should be removed! if you wish to advertise then make a mod and post links on your page.
    2. SirCadsimar
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      "3/4 of this Post page is taken up by these annoying red box comments!"

      Stop browsing Nexus on anything other than a computer then.  So easy to scroll down with a mouse!
  12. Alexjot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    как сделать эту прическу вилье
  13. HoraceSlughorn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there!!!! Thanks a lot for your hard work on this mod!!!!

    BUT My Skyrim Legendary Edition won't start when the Vilja mod is enabled. I'm using Vortex mod manager. Any help would be highly appreciated 
    1. Moksha8088
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Make sure you have the LE version of Vilja.  In the plug-ins section of Vortex, check to see of you have any conflicts with Vilja and other mods.  Resolve those conflicts and then see how the game runs.  Vilja should load after the conflicting mod.
    2. HoraceSlughorn
      • member
      • 0 kudos