Patch Mod to allow the Lightning during Thunder Storms mod to detect the bad weathers from Climates of Tamriel.
Note: This requires the full Lightning mod and COT to also be installed.
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Version 3.1
Repacked weather forms as the COT 3.1 update seems to have changed the form ids
Version 2.1
Initial Version moved over from the main Lightning during Thunder Storms mod
Support for COT 2.1 - added all weathers ending in _T as instructed by JJ
Lightning during Thunder Storms - Climates of Tamriel - Patch.
This mod allows the main Lightning during Thunder Storms mod to recognize which of the weathers provided by Climates of Tamriel justify the Lightning Strikes.
Requires the following mods to already be installed:- Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - LightingSkyRim Nexus Lightning during Thunder Storms - SkyRim Nexus
If you want the same patch for the Lite version of COT available from Steam see Steam WorkShop (Lite Version) Note that the Steam WorkShop version of the patch only works against the Steam WorkShop version of COT, same goes for the Nexus hosted version of the patch, it only works against the Nexus version of COT.