Just a quick update out of the blue: I am working on porting this over to SSE. I probably won't be updating this version of it, however. Sorry. (I'm not really planning on adding anything to the SSE version either, I'm just doing a straight port).
I am all about anything vampire related. Yes, this is an older mod, but it still works today. Nice spaces that are in keeping with the look and feel of each city local. I love that they include merchant NPCs that sell....blood potions, among other items. Thank you. Vanilla Skyrim doesn't have enough merchants imo. I think one of the locations, Solitude maybe, had a couple of extra NPC vamps that really had no dialogue or value. Perfect if you just want filler, but I used the console and killed/disabled them and instead, used the Jaxonz Postitioner mod added a few more coffins in each space. Each space only has one coffin, btw. This allowed me to add my own followers using IAFT and My Home Is Your Home to set the dens as my followers new homes. Perfection!!
If you want a real game changer via playing a vamp, use Better Vampires, Better Vampire NPCs and Better Vampire Weapons and Royal Bloodline Vampire mod (patch also to work with Better Vampires) and you will be in Vampire heaven with all new abilities, weapons and storytelling quests. This mod will make sure you always have food and shelter.
My only wish is that it included a den for Dawnstar. I am still on the look for a good vampire den around this location.
So wait, do I need Dawnguard for this mod? (I'm also a bit of a necro) Fantastic idea! Love playing as a vampire, and an underground scene has been desperately needed!
A little longer: I came upon this mod after instaling "Better Vampires" and the real need to have a few extra necks to sink my characters fangs in. I really like the mod, i loved discovering the entrances to all of the dens and the dens themselves. I have no idea if the mod author will read this, much less update it, but just in case s/he (they?) do, i would like to leave a little suggestion:
I wish the letters and diaries found in the dens would explain in more detail what exactly are they doing in the cities. The one in Solitude left me wanting to know more about what was going on there. The Windhelm den (my favourite, even though i dislike the city itself) has one ncp that only said "humpf" to my character, she didn't even had a vendor's greeeting. The note you can find there is very enigmatic, and i wanted to know to whom was it written to.
All in all, i think this little gem will stay in my load order for a long time, specially because i wanted alternatives to just live at Volkihar castle (boring!) and most of them serve as good starter homes. Thank you again!
I am finally playing as a Vampire for the first time and so discovering some gems like this that have been around for years. This mod covers the sort of thing that I noticed was missing in the game just as you described, thanks for these cool places! I know you said your'e not updating BUT, I am thinking of making a mod that adds vampire trainers and your mod locations would be perfect places for that. Would you consider adding some vampire trainers to at least some locations? Training in magic based skills primarily would make sense. Cheers
If you want a real game changer via playing a vamp, use Better Vampires, Better Vampire NPCs and Better Vampire Weapons and Royal Bloodline Vampire mod (patch also to work with Better Vampires) and you will be in Vampire heaven with all new abilities, weapons and storytelling quests. This mod will make sure you always have food and shelter.
My only wish is that it included a den for Dawnstar. I am still on the look for a good vampire den around this location.
Skyrim patched up to the latest version
A computer
I guess I need 3 more Dawnguard DLCs to get this.
(I'm also a bit of a necro)
Fantastic idea! Love playing as a vampire, and an underground scene has been desperately needed!
A little longer: I came upon this mod after instaling "Better Vampires" and the real need to have a few extra necks to sink my characters fangs in.
I really like the mod, i loved discovering the entrances to all of the dens and the dens themselves.
I have no idea if the mod author will read this, much less update it, but just in case s/he (they?) do, i would like to leave a little suggestion:
All in all, i think this little gem will stay in my load order for a long time, specially because i wanted alternatives to just live at Volkihar castle (boring!) and most of them serve as good starter homes.
Thank you again!
I know you said your'e not updating BUT, I am thinking of making a mod that adds vampire trainers and your mod locations would be perfect places for that. Would you consider adding some vampire trainers to at least some locations? Training in magic based skills primarily would make sense.
This is the perfect mod for my vampire character. I've been using it for my vampire character (level 84 by now), and these dens are simply essential!
Seriously tho, this look great, I'll def look into it for my next vamp playthrough