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  1. DreamKingMods
    • member
    • 246 kudos
    General notes for people new to the mod or to version 0.3.x:

    1 ) The version 0.3.x update series is a large and complex expansion, so you are advised to save frequently and keep a history of such saves rather than overwriting them as you play through the mod. And if you're installing this into an existing game, you should always keep at least one save game from before you installed, that you can revert back to in case of any problems.

    2 ) For people new to the mod: it can be installed into an existing game--it does not need a new game, although see the list of Known Issues regarding the potential for a minor issue with Silver Hand labeling (and you'll probably need to reset Athis's outfit through the MCM). For obvious reasons this mod works best when installed before you join the Companions. To install after you've already joined the Companions, the most likely safe points would be while you're in Dustman's Cairn or Gallows Rock but before you kill the bosses in those locations. No guarantees, though.

    3 ) The mod includes a Troubleshooting section in the SkyUI MCM that can help resolve some common issues.

    4 ) There's a lot of silent dialogue in the Full Version. Particularly during one stretch in the middle of the questline. What can I say, I like dialogue. If you don't, then you may want to stick with the Requirements-Only Version of the mod.

    5 ) The 0.3.2 - 0.3.8 updates make a number of changes to the whelps: armor, weapons, classes and skills, combat styles, etc. I have an article to list them in full. If you have been using a face replacer for any of the whelps, you'll need to position that facemod lower in your load order for it to continue to work; that will of course negate my changes for that NPC.

    6 ) Dawnguard players in the middle of that DLC's main quest on the Vampire Lord side should decline Aela and Skjor's offer in the Underforge--choosing to accept hasn't been tested but could very likely break the quest.

    I've tested the new content repeatedly, but I'm sure there will be bugs that I missed simply because this is a complex addition to an already complex Companions questline in a complex game; there are lots of variables. Your calm, detailed reporting of bugs will help make the mod better.
  2. DreamKingMods
    • member
    • 246 kudos
    Known Issues with 0.3.8

    The post-questline "Purity" quests will not trigger due to changes made in the Unofficial Patch since my last update. This will be fixed in the next update to this mod (see below). If you're comfortable with TES5Edit, you can fix this in your game by opening ESFCompanions.esp and editing the "Coven" location alias on the CR13 quest: you need to set the "Allow Reserved" and "Allow Cleared" flags. That fix will work in existing saves.

    Will this mod be ported to Skyrim Special Edition (SSE)?

    I am slowly working on a new version of the mod that will work with Special Edition. I do not have an ETA for when it will be done. It is more than a simple port because a lot of the configurable settings were attached to the MCM code which requires SKSE and SkyUI--so I am needing to re-locate and re-test a lot of that code in order to make everything work without them.

    Update 12 September 2017: the release today of an alpha version of SKSE64 for modders to test with is exciting and does move an SSE version closer to happening. I still don't have any ETA, but I am newly energized to put work into it.
  3. reyzark
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    any progress on this? i was hoping with all the covid isolation you could release this at last dreamking
    1. DreamKingMods
      • member
      • 246 kudos
      Sorry I have not been posting much--I am not at all on the frontline against COVID or anything like that, but my work has gotten more busy, not less, due to the pandemic. There is some hope that may ease up over the next few months, but I obviously can't promise anything. Thank you to everyone for your continued interest in the mod, and I appreciate the help you're giving each other here. Stay safe and be well!
  4. beaverfeaver12
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    Played this mod 5 years ago are so and it was truly amazing, gives such life to this questline, I fondly remember my time with. Hopefully one day we can have it on the SE version.
  5. AlastorBosch
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is cool. thank you. I'd been using Don't Be a Milk Drinker on SE, was sad to see it's not on LE, but this seems to do the same thing? is this mod compatible with Improved Companions Quest Tweaks?
  6. jmercer559
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    has anyone else had a problem of multiple npcs sitting in same chairs?
  7. sorenguard98
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    found this mod via a youtube vid i saw and as a player that almost always becomes a werewolf and joins the companions i thought it would bring alot to my gameplay, i was pretty dissappointed when i found out that this mod does NOT work with SE or AE versions of skyrim, as i use AE. i hope that things work out so that all of us SE and AE players can also enjoy your seemingly wonderful mod. even though i havent been able to use it myself some of the gameplay i saw on youtube looked great and the extra dialouge really added to the immersion.

    also why are you denying ppl the ability to help out us SE and AE players with a port? are you one of those mod devs that only cares about credit and not the players using your mods? from what i have been reading in the comments it has been over 3 years since you said you would make the update but it still has yet to come out. Along with the fact that you are basically telling players to go fk themselves and port it themselves for "personal use". and on the note of making players port it for themselves with no support from you, there have been alot of issues with porting your mod using the normal methods. 

    Seems like a great concept and for OG skyrim players it apparently works fine, but i am going to call you on your sht DreamKing, you have had several people offer to help out due to your "work" situation and you have refused them all. it seems to me that you DO NOT CARE ABOUT SE/AE PLAYERS THAT WANT TO USE YOUR MODS. and i sincerely hope that you either get with the program or let someone else help. 
  8. 1aerllik
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    The best Companions Overhaul ever, even being unfinished and buggy. It's really a pity that it still doesn't have an official port on SE so that even more people can get to know it.
  9. Vexcation
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    I Know it's Been a Very Long Time Since this Mod Was Posted, However I Wanted To Know If I Could Get Permission to Port it to Special Edition? I Have the Tools to do so Easy. I Know its your work and all Credit would go to you, But A Lot of People Loved this Mod For OG Skyrim. Many More Want it on Special Edition.
    1. xxxSYNNxxxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      +1 love this mod
    2. DreamKingMods
      • member
      • 246 kudos
      Hi, thanks for your message. I am working on an update to the mod that adds new content and fixes bugs. When that update is done, I'll be releasing it for both LE and SE/AE. Unfortunately work doesn't give me a lot of time for modding these days (to say nothing of answering posts here), so I don't know when the update will be done.One of the other reasons I haven't been in any hurry to post a simple port is that standard porting instructions do work fine in my experience, so it is something people can easily do on their own, for their own personal use, with the understanding that I won't offer support. And for that reason I am still not granting permission for people to publicly post SE or AE ports here or elsewhere. The current version here has some known bugs and deficiencies that I don't want to see carried over to SE/AE, and I've already written and implemented a lot of new stuff for the coming update, slowly over the past few years.

      I have been playing around with XVASynth and what it can add to a mod like this, to answer another common question--it is something I have been testing as I work on the update. It gives me the chance to rewrite and expand some of the mod's existing dialogue sections, as well as adding new ones; so it's not something that is helping me get done faster, let's just say, although it will hopefully make the wait more worthwhile.

      If this situation ever changes, I will let folks know here. But that's the latest.
    3. itsthecrazydude
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      Oh it's great to know this for sure. The companions guild quests have been a blind spot in modded skyrim for almost half a decade, a reworked ESF - Companions Guild would be a godsend. Hoping the best to you.
    4. RebellionRequiem
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      patiantly waiting
    5. OldManHaystack9
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i just wanna know if this mod supports players who already became a werewolf/bear before joining the circle, if not will this mod conflict with one that gives players an option to join without taking the beast blood?
    6. Jvp5
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      It's great to see that you're doing more or less alright and at least have some time to mod. It's been quite a crazy two, almost three years huh?
    7. kamikad3e123
      • member
      • 8 kudos
    8. KajKajKaj
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Crazy that the author will leave SE/AE/VR players hanging (not even knowing of this mods' existence) for 2,533 days and counting.
      But will still periodically reappear to deny people the right to make it more accessible because... reasons??
      The newer version of this better have some insane ElevenLabs level voiceover.
    9. ZeriocTheTank
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Some of us have just gritted our teeth, and to the best of our abilities just moved it over to SE/AE for personal use. Is it perfect? Most likely not, but I can't play the companions questline without it, so I deal with it. 
    10. jaderiver
      • member
      • 122 kudos

      • i just wanna know if this mod supports players who already became a werewolf/bear before joining the circle, if not will this mod conflict with one that gives players an option to join without taking the beast blood?

      • Yeah , That was something in vanilla, that was really weird, and immersion breaking, when I used to play as a werewolf Before joining companions, They'd never see or sense or their ai wouldn't see / sense you were already one of them... 
    11. DualDaggers
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for doing the work to make this happen.
    12. kamikad3e123
      • member
      • 8 kudos
  10. David2014
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Nice mod thank you but I'm getting everybody is bunched up at the front door when I spawn-in
    ? should i move the mod down the bottom of the load order?
  11. TakodaWahya
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    AE/SSE users: When installing, extract the BSA, then use Creation Kit to convert the .esp to form 44, is just a matter of load as active file it in CK (this is important, have to be as active file), and then save and close CK. Done. Now the .esp is in form 44.

    If you are using last version of CK, the header version of the plugin will be updated to 1.710000, and if you are playing in a version of Skyrim prior to version 1.6.1130, you will have to use Backported Extended ESL Support plugin in order to use a mod with the newer header.
    If you want to know where you can see the header version of any plugin, you can use xEdit to load the plugin, and in the File Header you will see the version. Can be 1.710000 (newer), or 1.70000 (before the last 2 updates)

    Trying to use a plugin with the newer header version on a version of the game older, like 1.5.97, without the Backported Extended ESL Support (BEES) installed, will result in crush to desktop because older versions of the game can't read properly the new header.

    In fact, anyone playing on any version of Skyrim SE prior to 1.6.1130 should definitely use BEES, is completely harmless and at the same time allow you to use mods created in the new version of CK.

    Hope it helps.
    1. Dragonify03
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Can you or anyone else link me the converted mod? For reasons I can't use Creation Kit.
    2. FroziumAG
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I did just that and Skyrim now just CTDs on startup.
  12. AlexanderTheGreat1998
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Comrades, can someone send me a port version of this mod for SSE?
    1. reyzark
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      id like it too, my hd fryed and i lost the copy i had
  13. ProStyle13
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    can you please write the steps to port this to AE
    1. JamesTParker
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Same as porting any other mod with a ESP and BSA. There are no special steps. This isn't one of those special snowflake mods with a dozen extra steps. It's been a long time since I ported a mod. So sorry for not writing it out as my methods are more than a little outdated. But just look up how to port a mod to SSE. 

      A standard porting guide for any mod will do when it comes to porting this mod. It's not overly complicated. 
    2. ProStyle13
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      i saw a video from gamerpoets, but loot still doesnt recognize the mod.. so i must be doing something wrong.
    3. reyzark
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      same thing here, cant port it myself