

  1. Mujuro
    • premium
    • 226 kudos

    Hi everyone, I'll be updating this sticky topic periodically, so please check here for answers to common questions.
    For General Questions:
    Please see Ceri's FAQ for questions relating to Ceri's location, compatibility with other mods (including follower frameworks), configuration, installation, troubleshooting and debug modes.
    Ceri's Backstory Quest Installments and Friendship:  
    Please see the Spoiler Guide, available for download in the Optional Files area.
    Ceri's Next Update:  
    We're presently working on Ceri v1.8, which will include the next installment of her backstory quest, and an optional romance subplot that will lead to marriage.  Most of the underlying content has been written, and is in process of being voiced.
    Known Issues:  
    In addition to what I've listed on Ceri's main description page, recent versions of AFT (v1.5x) are causing trouble with Ceri's wardrobe, healing/curing and ability to lead the player to plot destinations during Ceri's backstory quest.  The cause is AFT forcing overrides/priority over Ceri's functions in this mod.  I've been in contact with Dheuster to find a suitable work-around. Dheuster mentioned that AFT v1.6 will include a wardrobe toggle.  Users of other follower frameworks, including UFO, EFF and Simple Multiple Followers are unaffected.

    elite403 has also reported some issues relating to "duping" of gear under EFF. This is something that applies to followers in the vanilla system generally, and not limited to Ceri. I'll be investigating whether this issue is truly something to do with EFF, or if Bethesda changed something under the hood with Skyrim's v1.8 patch without telling anyone. Not like this has happened before. *cough*
    1. geknight
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Bethesda released the final version of 1.9 on the 23, after one or two redeployments... its supposed to go live on consoles next week. It is possible for any one of a number of things to be causing these new follower issues. I use the all of the unofficial patches and UFO. Pay attention to your version numbers on NMM. Silverlock vetted thru the last SKSE change in under 4 hours.. I was on.. maybe that's it. I'm not playing a game with Ceri ATM, but I haven't noticed any other unusual UFO behavior. I did have that no follow problem with Vilya in the mare my second run thru way back in February but fixed it by just uninstalling and re-installing the mod. Be patient. I've removed Diversified Dragons' and replaced it with ' Deadly Dragons' because of the patch. This one is proving to be tough on some of the mods out there. If it breaks your game just take it out and play without it till its fixed.

      Edit 4/11/13DHUUH. Sorry Mujuro... didn't mean to tack this onto your sticky......
    2. reaper9111
      • member
      • 339 kudos
      @ geknight
      No my friend, Mujuro's right about AFT 1.5, Sadly it create a bunch of issue with Follower's AI, Some issues also show in my mods... So i had to remove the mod from my list and head somewhere else for Follower Overhault...

      @ Mujuro
      Hi Mate, havn't talk to you for what seems an "Era" Been trying to reach you recently as i'm back to Skyrim scene !
      Everything's seem ok with RDT, I should be able to finnaly update it soon... Yeah, i know, i've been saying this for month now... The usual... lol
      Take care my friend, talk to you soon !

      ps: Lock your sticky post mate ;-)
    3. mahmudaminmahi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what about the no follow problems...? I think I am having one similar..... direct uninstall through nmm? or follow the hard steps?
    4. ohwowimhigh
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos

      If you use UFO you WILL have issues. UFO has been an ugly mess like 4 updates ago... even before Dawnguard came out. AFT... doesn't work either now. That is why I simply use MultipleFollowers.esp (

      This mod simply lets you have up to 11 followers at once and that's it. Simplicity in itself and compatible with ALL follower mods. I went through a nightmare with UFO and AFT and will never install them again. Yeah the extra dialogue options are cool but not worth the headache.
    5. Dolic
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      What's wrong with UFO ? I've been using it faithfully for a long while and have never had an issue. I probably "use" it less than most though. Mostly I just run with Ceri (and b4 I found her, just ran with a mule). Very once in a while I'll run with 2. I'll also tack horses, and have never had an issue. But, mostly I just love quick relax, stop fighting, flee UFO gives me .. as well as the dialog.
    6. Ramseur14
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      I have used UFO from day one and have never had a problem with it and my mods are maxed out as are my numbers of followers including Vilja.

      I removed Cerwiden because she was not my cup of tea or suited to my type of game but intend to reinstall some time down the road.
    7. elite403
      • member
      • 32 kudos
    8. Ulfric1
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      What I find with UFO is that its buggy: it has unclean edits and even after cleaning them with BOSS it can cause some commands not to work. Especially with custom followers.

      I like the Extensible Follower Framework: it lets you command all of your followers at once, use a menu interface to give commands like the Fallout games(so it works even with custom followers), and lets you set a follower limit by menu anywhere from 1 to 100.

      I'm not trying to attack UFO...I loved it and used it for a long time, I'm just giving you my reasons for switching and hopefully it will help you if you have the same problems I had with it.
    9. elite403
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Recent Common Questions v2.0

      Q: When's the update expected?
      A: Author is swamped at work. Last known info was that he hoped to start things off again End August 2013. However since it's September now, there has been no further updates as yet.

      Q: How do I start Ceri's quests? I'm already lvl <insert level here> and she still won't tell me what's up with those assassins?
      A: See sticky post up top, look for Spoiler Guide

      Q: Ceri keeps losing the armour I gave her / Ceri runs around naked / Ceri won't wear what I gave her
      A: See --> this post here - Naked Bug Fix <-- for wardrobe problems

      Q: Ceri stopped healing me!
      A: Might be due to a brawl bug. You have to check which brawl you did not "win", and go back to the one you "lost" to win it to make Ceri heal again.

      Q: I don't want Ceri to fight AT ALL, just heal!
      A: Sorry, she's an INTELLIGENT Companion. She will always fight to defend herself at the very least, and she will use the correct spells to fight, unlike vanilla mages.
    10. Natzjr2
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Yep - I have AFT and the wardrobe bug has been driving me crazy. I've lost several pieces of gear due to this, so sadly I'll be uninstalling Ceridwen until a fix/patch or a workaround has been found. The clothing duplication issue happens in my game as well, so it's not an issue with EFF. I don't have this problem with any other follower -- whether modded or vanilla -- because I have Odvar the Afflicted in my game and the clothing duplication bug does not occur with him, nor do I have any problems with Odvar or any other follower randomly changing their gear. This (at least, in my game) appears to be a Ceridwen-specific issue.

      I like Ceri and would love to use her (again) once the wardrobe and AI issues have been fixed. For now, I have to uninstall because I'm simply losing too many crafted/enchanted sets of armor (and my sanity!) due to the wardrobe bug. I'll be tracking this and holding my breath!
    11. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,390 kudos
      Download/install Follower Compatibility by Vamyan, found right here on the Nexus. I have this installed along with Cerwiden & have had no issues so far as of right now. She followed me without hesitation after our short conversation in the Sleeping Giant Inn & I'm using AFT. Sort your load order via BOSS & you should have no issues at all. I hope this helps those having issues with Cerwiden not following, etc. Peace.
    12. fnvplayer90
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ceri journeyed with me for 196 hours. Fantastic addition to the game, thanks very much!
    13. ekk1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've got an Issue, I don't know if ceri is the one doing this but I often get the "ceri heals the partys wounds" message and ennemies get healed too,it's a pain in the ass when i'm fighting people (especially the ebony warior)
    14. ThePoeticOne
      • member
      • 210 kudos
    15. RedJarvasOflame
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      she is an amazing companion and a great mod but she stoped follow me and i can´t talk to her
    16. gab21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how to start the quest??
    17. KMA
      • member
      • 69 kudos

      The Follower Compatibility mod by Vamyan does not fix everything.  Clothing and armor will still be deleted, and the naked bug fix does not bring it back - since dismissing her bakes the loss of the armor/clothing into the next save.  So never give her any armor or clothing you are not willing to risk being lost.
    18. RedeemerAZ
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Been enjoying her so far, but the general audio quality is very annoying. Hearing the mic turn on and general static before and after she speaks really really bugs me.
    19. cbal75
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey did you know your in G.E.M.S? Why don't you put a banner up? I found this out by looking at the G.E.M.S website.
    20. bdawg201
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Hey I know this has probably been asked more than there are bugs in vanilla skyrim but have you guys abandoned this mod? I just wish to know if this is still being worked on but this is still an amazing mod regardless.
    21. yzerman19
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      GEMS is kind of a deadish website...has not been updated in quite a while.
    22. Gryffgar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, sadly the AFT wardrobe bug makes her unusable. I'm going to delete her too. I love the voice and her powers but this random nakedness and missing armor just doesn't cut it. The only follower I've had that has had this much trouble with AFT.
    23. ThePopulous
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      The download is gone and no longer hosted. After reading these posts I am starting to understand all the issues I am having with followers. Thanks!
    24. Ryuji8823
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Trolls have resistance to Frost damage and weaker of Fire, so why does she use Frost spells to trolls?
    25. Kiowa7
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Well i haven't had any issues with Ceri and AFT that are game breaking. I'm just waitin on version 1.8, sure hope it's soon.
    26. DSavage56
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Abandoned mod. No one has heard from the author in years. Don't hold your breath for v1.8 or an SSE version.

      Edit: Per The Poetic One "Thank you. I feel bad that this didn't get to where we had hoped. I had voiced the whole next section of her quest, but we never got to get it to you guys. I'm just glad people enjoyed the parts we did get done."
    27. silverzz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I couldn't see the debug mode and I got "unknown variable 'kfcdebugmode' " when I tried to type "set kfcdebugmode to 1" in console command.
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Who really cares about followers??? They just slow u down...Mujuro, please get your awsome Stormbringer mod back up and running!!! With Stormbringer you dam sure don't need no silly followers!!!
    29. darthktempus
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      there are a lot of people who care and like to have followers with them
    30. spellwis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this may be very very old and i'm sorry for that but I hate to say it but I can't get her to fucken follow me at all even though I have her join me and I get 2 other dialog options between the ceri can we talk? which are join me and follow me I need some help or something of those lines but even if I click those 2 she just stands there and won't follow me at all or even fight but once she saw and acknowledged enemies and fought them but not anymore?
    31. ElrazielMoon
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Greetings. How can I enter the Ryamney shop if it was found prior to the staff quest?
  2. Freyr95
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    For anyone looking to use this in Special Edition:

    All I had to do to get this to work is

    1. Extract the BSA

    2. Install the loose files from the extracted BSA

    3. Delete the BSA

    4. Open the esp in creation kit

    5. Make a tiny edit to some random record, I edited Niruin's name to have an extra "n" at the end of it

    6. Save plugin in Creation Kit

    7. Open esp in xEdit then delete the minor record change you made

    8. Save the plugin one last time

    After doing all that, mod appears to be working fine for me.

    Although her outfit, face, & hair appeared to change on its own compared to when I tried the mod without updating it in CK.

    No idea what's up with that. But, her voice is working and I'm not getting the dreaded blackface bug so that's nice.

    1. jz3515
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      mine is that her eyes are weird(weird as in like brown entirely, not just the pupils lol) and not blue.. i can live with the somewhat changed face, but the eyes being weird is what i'm tryint to figure out to fix...

      i added the eyes of beauty remastered as a master so i can edit her eyes, and she got a blackface bug and i can't even talk to her as well... so back to drawing board on fixing her eyes..
    2. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Wish I could help with the eyes bug but I didn't have that problem so I have no clue as to a possible solution.

      I just came back here to let people know that if you're using this mod to keep in mind that her default outfits cause a rather strange bug of making light sources flicker.

      An example of this can be seen in the Sleeping Giant inn where you first recruit her.

      When she has a default outfit on, and she's standing near the fire, it causes the shadows to flicker very unnaturally.

      I imagine this has something to do with not updating the meshes properly but I have no idea how to do that anyway so, the easiest and simplest solution would be to just give her some other clothing/armor.

      Doing that fixed the shadow flicker for me entirely.
    3. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Update, following the instructions listed below involving using CAO fixed the shadow flicker issue.
    4. kamikad3e123
      • member
      • 8 kudos
  3. secretagent6012
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this or will this be available for SE/AE version? loved this companion in LE and concider her essential to all non solo playthroughs
  4. David2014
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Anyway to get followers to back up a little. they literally sitting on top of me while im reading, chopping wood etc.
  5. gromulos
    • supporter
    • 38 kudos
    I have a version of Cerwiden that i made myself to work with Skyrim Special Edition. It l also works with Anniversary Edition. I would like your permission to upload it to the Special Edition Nexus. You will have full access to the file and more importantly I will give you full credit. I have been using this file for Ceri since March 2017 and can say it works perfectly with SSE & SSE - AE.  I should point out that the version I have is NOT altered in anyway, only converted to SSE. ALL of your files are intact the way you made them.

    I even made a forum thread back then when I first got it to work located here: Cerwiden for SSE / AE
  6. Pythonhier
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I was hit with a bit of nostalgia today, and stumbled on finding this mod again (It's the only mod I endorsed). Just got to say; I still think of Cerwiden, and miss adventuring with her. No other follower in any game to date has been able to compare to the enjoyment I had with this friend. 
  7. Stillsnow1234
    • member
    • 186 kudos
    The mod looks good.
    The voice quality is a bit outdated though...
    There's also the thing about trivializing Alduin as a servant to chaos lords... (narratively of course)
    That doesn't fit too well...considering the fact that he is the "world eater" and all.
    But since it won't be getting any updates, That's that i guess.
  8. darthksurfer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    sad that this great mod has been abandoned by the author who just up and quit and didn't give any permissions to anyone to come and work on this mod. Which makes this mod abandoned.
  9. AlphaOmegaFreak123
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Plz make a port for SSE!
    1. sbelmont85
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I've got Cerwiden Mod working in SSE (A complete port to SSE).

      Originally I followed the directions from this form,
      but I had issues and it only worked in an extracted form (meaning the bsa had to be extracted), this also led to problems with graphics errors, her face turned brown.

      The below instructions I have tested so far, the mod is in an SSE esp / bsa format and runs properly, no graphics issues or face discolorations. I went in game with Alternate Start - Live Another Life Mod (LAL) and everything is working, but I have not tested past creating a new character, selecting quest (I'm a patron at an Inn -- Sleeping Giant -- Riverwood), finding Cerwiden, having a brief engagement, talking to her.

      Requirements, CreationKit64 (SSE), SSEEDIT, Cathedral Assets Optimizer

      1. Download the Cerwiden Companion - Essential Version - BSA-20787-1-7-1.7z
      2. Import Into MO2 (Mod Organizer 2)
      3. Create a New Profile in MO2
      4. In the new profile, unselect all mods, then select only "Cerwiden" mod
      5. Follow ALL steps 1-9 from "Converting the plugin with the Creation Kit"
      SEE Instructions here: -->
      a - Run Creation Kit from MO2
      b - Select "CerwidenCompanion.esp" & make sure its checkbox is checked
      c - Click "Set as Active File"
      d - Parent Masters shows that it needs "Skyrim.esm"
      e - Select "Skyrim.esm" & make sure its checkbox is checked
      f - Click "OK"
      g - Save imported file; --> File --> Save (This save's mod in SSE form 44 format)

      6. Follow the Instructions "Use Instructions" for Cathedral Assets Optimizer
      SEE Instructions here: -->
      a - Run CAO
      b - Profile = SSE
      c - LEFT BUTTON --> Open folder where MO2 stores CERWIDEN mod, Example "..\Mod Organizer 2\mods\Cerwiden"
      d - RIGHT BUTTON --> "One Mod"
      e - CHECK "Show Advanced Settings"
      f - [BSA] tab: CHECK (Extract BSA, Create BSA, Create the least BSAs possible, Create dummy plugins)
      g - [Meshes] tab: CHECK (Process meshes, Full optimization, Always process headparts, Resave meshes)
      h - [Textures] tab: CHECK (Process textures, Necessary optimization, Compress textures, Generate mipmaps)
      i - [Animations] tab: CHECK (Necessary optimizations)
      j - MIDDLE BUTTON --> Run (click on it to process)
      Close when Done

      6. Follow ALL steps 1-8 from "Verifying the plugin with SSEEdit"
      SEE Instructions here: -->

      7. Follow these steps to remove potential brown face issues
      SEE Instructions here: -->
      a - Still working in the New Profile in MO2 where "Cerwiden" mod is the only one selected
      Follow ALL steps 1-6 from "Converting the plugin with the Creation Kit"
      SEE Instructions here: -->
      b - Run Creation Kit from MO2
      c - Select "CerwidenCompanion.esp" & make sure its checkbox is checked
      d - Click "Set as Active File"
      e - Parent Masters shows that it needs "Skyrim.esm"
      f - Select "Skyrim.esm" & make sure its checkbox is checked
      g - Click "OK"
      h - In "Object Window" expand [+] Actors
      i - Click on "Actor"
      j - Find Editor ID "_kcfCerwiden" should be first entry
      k - Click on "_kcfCerwiden" to highlight; then press CTRL + F4
      l - "Export face gen data for all selected NPCs?" Click "Yes"
      g - Save imported file; --> File --> Save (This save's mod in SSE form 44 format)

      8. Create a backup of the mod for if needed recovery
      a - Open up an explorer window & browse to "..\Mod Organizer 2\mods\Cerwiden"
      b - Compress all the files within that folder to "Cerwiden Companion - Essential v1.71 SSE.7z"

      DISCLAIMER: This process worked for me, I can't guarantee success, and please test throughly in new saves first, I even think the original mod maker says to start with new save? I'm just trying to pass along what I've found. Best of luck for you!

      CreationKit64 (SSE) : Download & Install Instructions


      Cathedral Assets Optimizer
    2. lhaim
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      @sbelmont85 nice guide mate! Thanks for writing it down
    3. pjy1772
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I have followed the steps and everything works fine, but the generic follower dialogue options are missing from her e.g. wait here/I want to trade with you/. Any guess what might have caused it?
    4. jeyoon
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks very much sbelmont85.  This is still such a great mod all these years later.  I'm glad to be able to have it working in SSE.  Thanks again
    5. realprometheusx
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      LOL can you just make a link
    6. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Could someone who got this working in SSE just reupload as an SSE mod?
  10. mukkin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I am actually quite surprised to notice this mod is from 2012, it works exceedingly well, but that is also quite sad to have noticed, the mod was never continued and the author seems to have gone. the smartcast features and the expansion from 1 companion to having a party of 3 plus the voice acting quality all from a mod from 2012 that was never completed or continued.

    It takes a hell of a long time to get her quests to finally start, you have to thank her 5+ times, ask about and be attacked by assassins three times, give her the correct food 10 times to even get to the stage of starting her quest and continue doing those actions with a time delay to prevent these actions being spammed and then you get her plus two others and with the four of you combined you look like a genuine quest party, an archer, a tank/dps, ceri support/combat and yourself, it just fits, while the story wasn't finished, you get to keep the three of them and enjoy what feels like a real gaming party instead of the standard follower role of not really having a role.
  11. kaito31
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Dont know if youll reply but i was wondering if you have any plans of porting cerwiden to sse?