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  1. Riomah
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, let me ask you about a PC to PS3 .hkx file conversion tool. Has anyone seen this tool? I recently discovered a post on how to mod PS3 Skyrim with that tool, but the link is dead. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Or better, any other method to convert mods (specifically about diving moves like opening doors, picking locks, eating, drinking) for ps3? Thanks in advance.
  2. Sporky07
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    I tested this tool trying to convert some .hkx animations to .kf and then back to .hkx and they get screwed.
    They loose a lot of quality. Does anyone got any solution/idea??
  3. Dovjun0613
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i tryng convert xml to hkx,but It doesn't work well. Sometimes It can convert the file successfully,but not everytime.Even I didn't change any words in the xml file. This really make me sad and confused
  4. dumbrabbity
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    i tryng convert hkx to xml but the file created in outfolder still hkx :/ someone can help me?
    1. doublekun9
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      you should manually rename the file in the infolder from .hkx to .xml, then you can open it
    2. BlueGunk
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      @doublekun9 means go to the output folder and change the extension from HKX to XML.
      And it really does work. Good observation, doublekun9 and Kudos to you.
  5. Ashley95
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    For anyone having trouble with HKX to KF here's what you need to do:

    1. Create a folder and place the ConvertUI.exe inside
    2. Create two new folders within that folder and call them 'infolder' and 'outfolder
    3. Extract Oldrim's skeleton.hkx file from the Animations.bsa, and place it within the 'infolder'
    4. Run the exe file, select 'hkx to kf' and click Convet, your KF files will appear in the 'outfolder' 
    5. Might have to run the exe with administrator rights

    1. samuelga24
      • premium
      • 369 kudos
      And to add more, you have to use .hkx files from oldrim, if you try to convert Special Edition hkx files they won't be converted.
    2. Dovakinchikvova
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      in addition to p.3 - 'infolder' must contain:
      1) skeleton.hkx
      2) animations attached to that skeleton (that you need to convert to .kf)
    3. macrocosm144
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Thanks for the mini tutorial, very helpful, & it finally worked for me. Also I was able to use SSE files, I just have to jump thru hoops to convert them to LE first, lol...... I wouldn't recommend that... since you can just install LE and use those files saving yourself tons of time in workflow, even if you're only making SSE compatible mods.
    4. Sokusha
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      there is a sse hkx tool that can convet hkx to xml, if i use that tool and get sse hkx's xml could i use this tool to convet xml to kf files?
      here is the link
  6. Sphered
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Some things

    For the stubborn ones that dont convert to KF: You simply need to be using the skeleton.hkx from the resource archive of XPMSE. It has all those hair and cloak etc nodes these animations may not be using, but are referenced all the same in the graph which makes this app not want to convert them if using the default xpmse skel file. You can edit xmls instead if you wish as others mentioned but this is way faster

    Crazy weirdness when inspecting in Skope = Probably scaling params are in the transform data areas of each controller. Common culprits are NPC Root and COM but can be on any controller. You can go under each interpolator and zero those out but this gets old quick to do that often

    Move the Controller Manager lower down to ignore the manipulations it has inc the above annoyances. Also for ref if you want to only see spine and up anims and not pelvis or below, you can move the Manager under CME Upper Body, and now you will just see the Spine portions. Or put it under say.. Thigh Right to only see stuff it is doing to that leg. Niche probably to want to do this often but its handy

    Star dot star aka*.* will suffice in the tool to make it convert any applicable files, without needing to manually supply indiv file names

    IDK other things, but yeah this tool is so handy, just has some quirks
    1. JamesHalliday
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      You are hero.  I've been using this converter for quite some time with absolutely no issues, but today I had some stubborn hkx files that simply wouldn't convert to kf.  I was really bummed, too, cuz I really wanted to work with these animations in Blender.  I finally realized that the animation was referencing those cloak and hair bones, which my skeleton file didn't have.  I tried downloading the newest XP32MSE resource archive, but it was the same as the skeleton I already had.  I then tried the old, outdated legacy XP32MS resource archive... AND IT WORKED!!  The skeleton had the right bones!  I cannot for the life of me understand why the old skeleton would be necessary here, because these animations are quite new.  Downgrading the skeleton... *facepalm*... that took me forever to figure out.  Ridiculous.  Anyway, I cannot thank you enough.  I never would have thought to try the legacy skeleton resource archive were it not for this post.  You saved my animation adventures!  Really, it means a lot.  You have no idea.  Thanks again.
  7. Khasdore
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How exactly do I use this? I put some vanilla oldrim hkx files in the in folder and hit the hkx to kf button, then it told me that its converted. But nothing happened, there is nothing in the out folder, am I missing something?
    1. ed1990on
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks a lot for asking this. I was asking the same thing over and over again. There are no other instructions in the interface. I did the same things you did
    2. SamClemens82
      • supporter
      • 43 kudos
      Ah, Skyrim modding.  Where nearly a decade later we're still asking about an owners/operators manual. 
    3. Binak
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ah, nexus users. Where nearly a decad later smug people make funof people who want to learn and ask questions.
    4. solidmecha
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Some witless people think everyone is familiar with modding on a technical level to this day. Someone must teach them that not everyone's interest is in computer sciences/coding and there are variety of different interests that people have other than computer related stuff.
  8. deleted51443851
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    to anyone who might need this, the filename needs to include file extension as well (<filename>.xml in my case).
  9. al10jake
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    i've manage to convert .hkx animation to .kf but when i open it up in blender it got all messed up, animation doesn't play and the model is getting warped
  10. in50mn14c
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To make it work "kf to hkx". 1.You need to put "skeleleton.hkx or skeleton_female.hkx" in "infolder" 2.When you start the program In the menu where is kf to hkx on "skeleton" write skeleton.hkx or skeleton_female.hkx. 3.Where is "kf in" write *.kf 4. In "khx out" i dont have anything.