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Nightingale Hall & Karliah as Follower

Version: 3.0
Author: kryptopyr
Released: Feb 09, 2014


As of Version 3.0, Karliah's initial follower dialogue will route through the DialogueFavorGeneric quest. This will allow her to work with many mods that add features to generic followers, such as Convenient Horses or Followers Can Relax.

However, she may not work perfectly with all features added by multifollower mods. This is because she is not a generic follower and still primarily uses a unique follower quest. She will work more or less well depending on how the multifollower mod is set up.

Karliah will work flawlessly when used with Multiple Followers Lite and mods like Convenient Horses, Follower Can Relax, etc. However, my tests with EFF have shown that she will only partially work with this mod, and you will lose most of her voiced follower dialogue when using her through EFF's follower system. She will respond to some commands but not others, and you will need to both command and also talk to her in order to get her to wait. Using EFF's optional mind control spell will force her to work within it's system, but you will still lose most of her voiced follower dialogue.

You do have the option to switch her dialogue back to use a fully standalone follower quest. This will result in mods like Convenient Horses no longer affecting Karliah, but it will also eliminate any conflicts between her follower commands and other follower mods. It will also guarentee that she has access to her full range of voiced follower dialogue.

**To switch back to using Karliah's standalone follower quest, open the console, and type:
set UseVanillaFollowerQuestKarliah to 0


Karliah will now change back to her leather Thieves Guild outfit (minus the hood) after the quest Darkness Returns. After looking in the creation Kit, it appears that she was probably intended to revert back to her original armor at some point during the questline. After Darkness Returns she will also be willing to follow the player.

In addition, I've given her some new perks and altered her stats slightly to make her more suitable as a high-level stealthy follower. She has Lightfoot and won't trigger pressure plates. For fun, and since she supposedly has some decent alchemy skills, I also gave her Green Thumb (this means that if you ask her to pick a plant for you, she'll end up with 2 ingredients in her inventory).

I removed the conditions that checked whether the player already had a follower. She will now follow you regardless of whether you have other followers. Please be aware, however, that my intention has always been to develop her as a stand-alone follower for a high-level character. Therefore, she has very high-end perks and using her together with other followers (especially other high-level followers) may unbalance your game. Please do not complain to me if this happens. Even when used as a sole follower, she may unbalance the game at lower levels. I'm aware of this but haven't figured out a good way to scale her perks.

Specific changes include:

Increased maximum level to 100
Increased speed to 125
Changed morality to Property Crime Only

Added the following perks: muffled movement, lightfoot, silentroll, silence, green thumb, agiledefender40, unhindered, windwalker, overdraw, ranger, quickshot, bullseye. These are in addition to her original perks: stealth80, customfit, CriticalShot30, and Powershot

The perks I've added affect the base actor, so Karliah will also be more powerful/steathy while she is following the player during the Blindsighted quest. I've also conditioned the perks so that they won't all apply to Karliah in the early stages of the game. Karliah will gain access to more of her perks as she levels.

I gave her Thieves Guild outfit the same enchantments that I placed on Brynjolf and Vex's armor in my other mod. The enchantments are: Karliah's boots (muffle), Karliah's cuirass (fortify light armor), Karliah's gloves (fortify sneak). This is her default outfit; the player does not have access to it.