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MHGhandi and brokendeck

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  1. Angerer
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Better late than never. This is how I fixed a minor problem or two with this mod. First, I unpacked the BSA. Theres only one nif file contained within and unpacking it allowed the Creation Kit to read the door frame mesh. Next, I deleted the door inside the temple cell that this mod added, just the door - not the frame, in Xedit. Then, I duplicated the main Sky Haven Temple entrance door in Creation Kit and place it in the now doorless frame. Next, I double clicked the new door to open its reference window, made sure the door wasnt set to locked, and teleport linked it to the Sanctuarium cell added by this mod. Next, I spun the yellow teleport markers around for the doors in both the Temple and Sanctuary cells so that the directional arrows for each were facing outward and moved the entire yellow teleport marker box out in front of each door to provide the needed room to prevent falling through the void after cell load. Finally, I highlighted Jena in the actors pane and Controlled F4'ed her ass to cure her gray face problem. Now, this mod is set and can be properly appreciated. Endorsed and thank you.
  2. LooneyGravy
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  3. merick1994
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    • 0 kudos
    how to install this mod? im on a original version of skyrim......can u tell me how to manually install this mod
  4. Abraxastaroth
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    • 6 kudos
    Kinda' confused about this mod. I've added it and it seems to put doors in but they say they're locked with a key! I've looked everywhere in your description but it doesn't say anything about a key and no key is found anywhere in the temple in game. I tried to unlock the doors with console commands but they won't lead anywhere.

    Curious... is it possible this isn't working because I added it AFTER I got to Sky Haven Temple initially? I would have added it before but I didn't really think about adding Sky Haven Temple mods till actually getting there in the quest reminded me... "oh yeah... this place is dull"!
  5. brokendeck
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Sept 14 2013.

    Updated and amended this mod so that all the doors link correctly and the lighting errors here and there are mostly fixed. At first I did this so that I could use it with my own SHT mod, but I thought, hey, other people would probably appreciate the ability to use this mod along side with other SHT mods.

    I hope you guys like what I did with this mod, and once again super thanks to MHGhandi for coming up with this mod in the first place!

    1. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
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      • 76 kudos
      I had the same idea previously to use this mod with yours, and I even created a merged file, but it didn't work for reasons you already know. If I use this new version, can this file now be merged with yours using TES5Edit? This would be a great combo, but I have a lot of plugins installed already and I would like to combine them into a single esp file. Either that or if you could do that it would be awesome, the same way Midnight Tales and Werewolf Mastery put out a merged plugin.
    2. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Since this mod now also uses a .bsa archive, merging isn't a really good idea to do just with TES5Edit.

      Right now MHGhandi and I have an agreement to keep our mods separate.

      Both mods work seamlessly with each other however. Just make sure you load this mod first, and the "More" mod after this one, otherwise the music addition in my mod might not be audible.
    3. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
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      • 76 kudos
      I just tried it and all you have to do with 2 bsa files is rename them as follows (for example):

      merged file= sky haven temple combo.esp
      bsa file #1= sky haven temple combo - 001.bsa
      bsa file #2= sky haven temple combo - 002.bsa

      It seemed to have worked in that I got the features of both mods. However, I routinely get a CTD when I try to exit to "Skyrim" through the door opposite the Dragonborn's "Master Bedroom". I found a lot of "dirty edits" and "undeleted references" using TES5Edit, but I didn't remove them until I heard from you that they were not needed.
    4. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Try using these mods as separate plugins and tell me if the CTD still happens.

      There's another possibility. After you merge the plugin, open the .esp file with Creation Kit. It will ask you if you want to correct the file header. Click yes. Then after that function has finished, save the .esp.

      THEN try it out.
    5. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
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      • 76 kudos
      Okay, I ran the merged esp through the CK and got the following messages, but nothing about File Headers:

      EditorID 'SkyHavenDoorFrame01' for STAT (01109529) is not unique, previous object (011098C0) is type STAT. EditorID will be set to 'SkyHavenDoorFrameDUPLICATE02'

      Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "MQ203DelphineLightTorches1to5".

      PATHFINDING: Navmesh 01109629 Cell 'SkyHavenSanctuarium' (01109530), Triangle 54 and 191 have opposite normals but are linked.

      So, should I remove those "dirty edits" and "undeleted references" or not?
    6. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      Well, I ran it through the CK and then tried it out ("dirty edits" and all), answering "yes to all" to each of the above issues, and no CTD this time, but an infinite loading screen.
    7. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      "EditorID 'SkyHavenDoorFrame01' for STAT (01109529) is not unique, previous object (011098C0) is type STAT. EditorID will be set to 'SkyHavenDoorFrameDUPLICATE02'"

      This is because the two mods use the identical Object names (SkyHavenDoorFrame01) but different baseIDs for similiar but not exactly the same entities (the custom doorframes). Merging them might result in wonky looking doorframes in one of the mods.

      "Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "MQ203DelphineLightTorches1to5"."

      AFAIK, that Delphine package error was there even before I changed anything. That 5th torch that Delphine is supposed to light in the temple upon first entry has always been bugged. Iunno. I've left it in with no ill effects.

      "PATHFINDING: Navmesh 01109629 Cell 'SkyHavenSanctuarium' (01109530), Triangle 54 and 191 have opposite normals but are linked."

      I honestly have no idea about that one. I tested my navmesh for NPCs and they now follow me throughout all of MHGhandi's areas. Delete that one and see what happens.


      Tell me what happens when you combine them. I'm working on 3.30 of the "More" mod anyways, so things will change again soon. I want to know if the doorframes will break or not.
    8. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      "Well, I ran it through the CK and then tried it out ("dirty edits" and all), answering "yes to all" to each of the above issues, and no CTD this time, but an infinite loading screen. "

      Best to load these mods separately for now if you want them function correctly, with the "More" mod being the latter of the two.

      I have all the unpacked files locally so I will make a combined version straight from CK whenever I have time.

      Thanks for your interest though! I'm looking for modders to team up with. Do you have lots of scripting experience?
    9. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
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      • 76 kudos
      Unfortunately, I have no scripting experience whatsoever. I am not bad at troubleshooting, though, so if you want me to test a new version prior to posting just PM me and I will be happy to help. Obviously, this is not an urgent matter so I can easily wait until you get things sorted out to try it again because it sounds like my trying to merge these 2 mods as they currently stand might not be the best idea yet.
    10. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Do you know how to add collision meshes to .nif files?
    11. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      Not really: sorry about that! I have been trying my hand at modding (mostly by testing and troubleshooting for others), but I am a real noob at this...
  6. brokendeck
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I tested this mod for compatibility both before "The Throat of the World" and after.

    Your new version actually breaks your original version because you forgot to take into account the clutter-marker that activates during the main quest. If one is playing through from the start, the new mod doesn't remove the rocks blocking the door you made for your sanctum.

    In order for your mod to work correctly, one would have to load your original version for a game saved before "The Throat of the World" quest, complete that quest, then save again, then activate your new mod from that save game made after completion of the quest "The Throat of the World".

    I love what you did for the sanctum and citadel though. Adding new room spaces to the Temple space is a pain in the ass, and I know it took you a lot of effort.
    1. MHGhandi
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the thorough testing! The rubble is supposed to be cleaned up after "Throat of the world" so that the new cells are available by then. Everything seems okay from my perspective but then again I'm not very good with conditionals. I will try to work this out!
    2. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      It appears that the two mods are relying on each other and your savegames in order to work correctly. I recommend combining everything to a single .esp file instead of having an amending .esp alter a main .esp.

      You also might want to consider that many people may have their own mods in that area and the doorway may also be blocked. A good place to add a tunnel-door would be in one of the empty walls of hallways close by. I have actually already made a little fix for the original file that does this, and I can also look into combining the baths area from your patch file (broken) to your main file (working). PM me your e-mail, so that perhaps we can get each other's AIM or Skype info and we can look into some collaborations.
    3. brokendeck
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      "Everything seems okay from my perspective"

      This is because you have all the scripts in your Scripts folder. The mod won't work for anyone else if you don't either include the same scripts you altered / made in your .zip file, or packed into a .bsa file.
  7. CxR2262
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance of adding some NPCs in here? I believe you stated it was intended, but it shouldn't be too much trouble to throw in some 'non-descript' Blades who go about there business... The trickier part would be making them pop-in after the main quest was finished to make it feel more appropriate. Love the idea of this, and an exterior overhaul could also be a plus.
  8. DetroOps
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The banners are a much turn off for me. It looks great don't get me wrong, but could you create a "version b" of this mod with maybe stormcloak banners?I am playing the stormcloak side of the war, and the imperial banners dont look good to a stormcloak general

  9. UFP
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it's a good mod.. but i don't like the Flag of the empire there...

    Meaby you can create a new flag and put it there =D...

    n.n or you can try to see if the flag of "Riverhelm" (another mod) asking to take it you can put it there in your mod =)

    But i really like the new Temple
  10. kennyg55
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really like this one. Best of the recent SHT mods.
    On the guy falling thru the floor. Are the new rooms beneath the main SHT floor or are they adjacent?
    Also is the "grotto" area any where that a little sunlight be allowed in? A few trees and plants might make the place a little less stark, but then its hard to have those without a little sun.

    If the main table in SHT is to be used as an eating table, maybe some food prep areas. I like the idea of "How/what do they eat?, so a real kitchen might be in order.

    Again just sugg's. Very nice work so far. Good vision of what a Blades HQ/Hideout would be. Endorse!