

  1. funerall911
    • BANNED
    • 132 kudos
    ๑۩ You can check out my other mods here:
    Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss releases and updates!

    ๑۩ A very beautiful showcase for this mod, performed by my dear friend Polina popkorn666
    Thank you very much for this wonderful gallery and kind reviews!

    Eden Manor - Part I
    Eden Manor - Part II
  2. PaleSela
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks nice, but the plugin makes weird changes to many records unrelated to the house itself, and also messes up the names of a lot of vanilla locations / cells.
  3. LizardCor
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Interesting mod. In general, I must admit that I don't like big houses very much. I am repelled by a house with a hundred mannequins and tens of hundreds of display, chests. And certainly a house where I have to run from one room to another for hours.
    This mod doesn't look like a small house at all, but it makes up for it with its "charm" or rather ominous charm that perfectly suited for Necro and that's good, because I'm going to play such a character now, so I'll thank you for this mod.
    From the screenshots I can see that the mod seems to be very well organized. Items are placed with sense, which also affects the attractiveness of the mod. So if you are going to develop this mod in the future, that would be nice.
    I just have one question and I would appreciate any information.
    Taking into account the fact that I want to use this house mod for my Necromancer (female character), my attention was also drawn to the story on NexusMods in Media cathegory Hero biography - Ingrid and I would like to ask where I could get this crown / circlet made of Soul Gems like in these screenshots.
    Would perfectly fit to my Necromancer character.

    At the moment my Imogen ( that how I named my Breton character ) learn alchemy from a certain Anise. Imogen, unknowingly being pushed by Anise towards dark magic.

    Imogen practicing on a deer carcass in Anise's cabin

    From the description of the mod, I gathered that you are open to all kinds of suggestions.
    Well, I was thinking, since you added an interrogation room, maybe add an autopsy table as well? It would spoil for obtaining ingredients from the corpses of people, trolls and other animals / insects such as spiders, bats, etc.
    This would suit not only the Alchemist, but the Necromantic Alchemist

    - Evil is not evil in itself, it is just an alternative to good from another point of view.
    Imogen 29th of Last Seed 4E 201

    BTW check this mod Arvak Replace. This horse fit well for evil character ;)

    Regards. And I'm waiting for the next Hero biography - Ingrid story.
    1. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 132 kudos
      Greetings, Jaroslaw! 
      Thank you very much for the kind words and I'm glad you liked this mod!
      The house for the necromancer hero is already in my collection: Hall Of The Worm - Necromancer Home It has everything you need for immersion and at the same time a cozy place for the Dark hero!

      "... since you added an interrogation room, maybe add an autopsy table as well? It would spoil for obtaining ingredients from the corpses of people, trolls and other animals / insects such as spiders, bats, etc." (c) This is a great idea. But it is more relevant for the house to which I gave the link above. For Eden Manor, I still have plans to add unique furniture, if my friend still deigns to pay attention and create the necessary items (models and textures). Well, according to plans, a few more small compositions with still lifes will be placed in various places for decoration.

      " attention was also drawn to the story on NexusMods in Media cathegory Hero biography - Ingrid and I would like to ask where I could get this crown / circlet made of Soul Gems like in these screenshots" (c) You can download this crown here: SftH Geomancer by Collygon. 

      Thanks for the link to Arvak Replace! Then I will also advise you a very interesting horse: Helhests draugr-horse by MihailMods.

      Thanks again for your interest in my works and the hero's story.

    2. LizardCor
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Thanks Alexey for the link to mummified undead horse. Considering the fact that I use the Ordinator mod, thanks to which I can summon a multitude of undead, this horse will fit like a glove. Honestly, I didn't even think to replace a normal horse with an undead horse. Because before I go to Soul Cairn, it will be some time. So a mummified undead horse is the perfect solution. Thank you.
      As for Hall Of The Worm - Necromancer Home, I've read the description of this mod before and I'm a little afraid of the content described as follows; is a fairly large hall and several rooms...
      The thing is, I just don't like big houses, so I have mixed feelings. I will install and check. If don't meet my taste because of the large area of the house, I'll use Eden Manor - Alchemist's House.

      Thank you for link to SftH Geomancer by Collygon.

      May your roads lead to warm sands

    3. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 132 kudos
      Don't worry about the large area in H.O.T.W.
      She is much smaller than in the same Eden Manor! I try to make the houses comfortable and not have to run far just to put items in containers or use items for crafting. Since I myself use all these houses/locations in my game too. (as the main house for one or another hero)

      Enjoy your game.
  4. Hallucination2
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Greetings, dear Alexey!
    I congratulate you on the release of your wonderful mod. I would like you to pay attention to the beds. If there is such an opportunity to replace them with something more medieval aristocratic. I love your mods, made with an exceptional sense of taste and harmony. I would like to see more of your wonderful works.
    1. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 132 kudos
      Greetings, dear Polina! 
      Many thanks for the kind words and wonderful showcases!

      This is not a new release, but rather forced measures. )) I completely forgot about modders privileges here when I deleted all previous works. So, I had to upload at least one of the works here. But all content and all future updates will now be exclusively here:

      "I would like you to pay attention to the beds. If there is such an opportunity to replace them with something more medieval aristocratic." (c) Regarding beds and some medieval furniture, I'm still not sure if I should add something alien to my mods. I like that all the objects get their appearance due to the various unique textures, models used by the players, allowing for some creativity, and for some it will be a performance question. But of course, I will also create separate mods with unique furniture. Especially when I get to the construction of castles, libraries, etc... So, of course, all this will be!
    2. Hallucination2
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      I look forward to your new incredible works.
  5. MoonMoth1177
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Очень волшебный и атмосферный дом! Спасибо за работу!)
    Могу я спросить, в списке модов, вы указали, что использовали мебель Skyrim 3D, и я бы очень хотела тоже такую мебель, не подскажите, есть ли такой мод для легендарного издания? Я не нашла, по крайней мере. Буду благодарна, если поделитесь ссылкой.)
    1. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 132 kudos
      Большое спасибо, Инесса, за добрые слова! И я очень рад что вам понравился этот дом!

      В списке модов я указал различные ретекстуры, чтоб при желании, игрок мог сделать внешний вид этого дома как на моих скриншотах. Сторонние ресурсы я категорически не использую! Все объекты исключительно из ванильной игры за исключением стульев.)) На указанных мною ссылках есть множество модов со стороны SE.
      Если вам нужен какой-то порт из этого списка, не стесняйтесь, пишите мне в личку. Я с радостью поделюсь с вами любым модом или помогу сделать порт на LE!

      Из Skyrim 3D Furniture я использую только выборочные предметы в своей игре. А для фурнитуры, мне как-то больше нравится ElSopa - Noble Furniture HD. Но в любом случае, вот мой архив на порты Средневековой фурнитуры от mathy79

      Thank you very much, Inessa, for the kind words! And I am very glad that you liked this house!
      In the list of mods, I have indicated various retextures so that, if desired, the player can make the appearance of this house as in my screenshots.I absolutely do not use third-party resources! All objects are exclusively from the vanilla game with the exception of the chairs.There are many mods from the SE side on the links I indicated. If you need any port from this list feel free to PM me. I will gladly share with you any mod or help you make a port to LE.
    2. MoonMoth1177
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Когда я установила ваш прекрасный дом, у меня заменились все благородные стулья в игре на такие, как в вашем моде. И я подумала, что, как удачно! Большое вам спасибо за архив! Я обязательно что-то выберу из него.)
      И спасибо за ответ!
    3. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 132 kudos
      Всегда пожалуйста!

      Кстати, настоятельно рекомендую обратить внимание на ретекстуры серебра и канделябров от этого автора! Они просто божественны и на мой взгляд, гораздо качественнее чем у Rudy!
      И вот, отдельная ссылка на Skyrim 3D Furniture. ;)
      Приятной игры! 
    4. MoonMoth1177
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Большое спасибо, вы очень добры!)
      Да, я заметила, по скриншотам, что серебро выглядит замечательно. Учитывая то, что, я очень внимательно отношусь к предметам быта и всяким мелочам. Хотелось бы тоже такой набор столового серебра)