About this mod
Small details that make big differences. Adds 3D chains for the Ragged Flagon sign. Two options available. No ESP.
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Author Yuril - Port by Xtudo
Description (Small details that make big differences)
Replace 2D chains with 3D chains for the Ragged Flagon sign.
- The sing is in the game's assets but it's not used. There are several mods that adds it, like Rally's Ragged Flagon Sign, Opulent Thieves Guild, GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters or Faction: Pit Fighter.
- Four options available: Whiterun chains (01), SMIM metallic chains (02), rusty chains (03) and metallic chains (04).
- Only meshes and textures. It's safe to install and uninstall it at any time.
- No ESP.
- SE-AE version here.
I did the port for my game and now I'm sharing it, I hope you like it.
Especial thanks
- To Yuril and to my lovely Patreons and supporters.
Please support me on Patreon.