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  1. orbantimea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just started playing Abya, I'm on the ship and I'm having an issue. Does the game actually require that you press ""sleep"or "wait" 24 hours for about 60 times, until 2 in-game months pass??? Nothing happens (ropes have been checked, skeevers cleared). Please aid if you know the answer to this, how to skip it, thank you. #radagasttw
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      hi! I'm sorry about this. 
      edit. I translated the comment and understood the comment better. You should not sleep or wait 2 months. In the first task after the ship leaves and you can go out on deck you must go to sleep again, an intro cinematic video will appear and at the end, a pop-up message will indicate that 2 months of travel have passed. You must go talk to Lieutenant Svard who will give you a new task. (To talk with Captain and he will ask to you check the ropes)
      After checking all rope and getting the objective completed, you will have the objective to talk with the captain to inform him the ropes are all checked
      You can get more information about the quests in
    2. orbantimea
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      #radagasttw Gracias por tu amable respuesta. Finalmente lo descubrí, revisé las cuerdas unas 10 veces alrededor del barco y finalmente encontré la última que luego actualizó la misión. Ahora estoy en la isla de Abya, haciendo el Capítulo 5.
      ¡Aprecio el trabajo que pusiste en este encantador mod!

      Thank you for your kind reply. Evevntually I figured it out, I checked the ropes about 10 times around the ship, and finally found the last one which then updated the quest. Now I'm in the island, doing Chapter 5.
      I appreciate the work you put into this lovely mod!

    3. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Thanks to you for trying the mod! 
    4. orbantimea
      • member
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      Avalado :) Entiendo que la eliminación de los marcadores de misiones del mapa hace que el juego sea muy difícil y desafiante, pero ¿hay alguna manera de permitir viajes rápidos? Es muy excesivo correr distancias tan largas, no le veo sentido.

      Endorsed :) I understand the removal of map quest markers, making the game very difficult and challenging, but is there a way to enable quick travel? It's very excessive to sprint such long distances, I don't see the point of that.

      Nevermind, I just can't run around all day. Great potential for this mod though, lots of enjoyable moments!
    5. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      In Abya you have the Abya menu in the Alteration group. You have some fast travel available as the game progresses. Also find the Kueka stone, near the south face of the large flat mountain. It will give you more places to fast travel. I hope you can stay in Abya and finish it.
  2. Wolfsclan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hallo radagasttw,

    ich habe ein großes Problem, denn mir fehlen die Axtteile. Als ich die Zyklopen bekämpfte, half K'athia Ma'nicht mit sondern lief einfach weg und durchsucte die Zyklopen nicht nach den Axtteilen, nun fehlen sie mir un die Axt wiederherzustellen. Zweimal habe ich die Quest neu angefangen aber immer mit dem gleichen Ergebnis. alles andere hat funktioniert, doch ohne Axtteile kann ich Imonorek nicht bekämpfen. Kann ich die Axtteile viel mittels Konsolenbefehl und ID-Nummer meinem Inventar zufügen? Das ist zwar nicht perfekt, aber so kann ich wenigstens alles vollenden.

    Herzliche Grüße

    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Hallo Grüße. Entschuldigen Sie die Verzögerung und vielen Dank, dass Sie Abya ausprobiert haben.
      Zuerst muss ich Sie fragen, ob Sie nach den Axtteilen in den Xícolpos suchen, die in einem Hinterhalt oder unten in der Stadt Ö'sököpan angreifen.
      Die Xiclopos, die den Hinterhalt vorbereitet haben, sind eine Falle, die Sie auf Ihrem Weg aufhält. Khatia Ma' durchsucht sie und sie haben keine Axtteile. Die Menschen in der Stadt sind das eigentliche Ziel. Abhängig von Ihrem Fall kann ich Ihnen also eine andere Lösung anbieten.
      Sie können sich mit dem Online-Leitfaden helfen, der unter veröffentlicht ist.

      Schauen Sie sich Kapitel VII „Fußspuren folgen“ an.

      übersetzt mit deepl

    2. Dreifels
      • member
      • 209 kudos
      Das ist kein Bug! This is NOT a bug!
      Read answer in Bug report.
    3. Dreifels
      • member
      • 209 kudos
      Eingeblendete Textzeile nach Töten der Golems und Gespenster: "Wartet, bis K'athia Ma' die Stücke in den Zyklopen sucht."
      Línea de texto difuminada tras matar a los golems y fantasmas: "Espera a que K'athia Ma' busque las piezas en los Xíclopos"

      Dann Untertext zu dem, was Katy'Ma sagt: "Da stimmt was nicht, Ka'ran. Diese Eneks haben die Axtfragmente nicht. Es war ein Ablenkungsmanöver, um Zeit zu gewinnen!"
      Entonces el subtexto de lo que dice Katy'Ma: Algo no está bién, Ka'ran. Estos eneks no tienen los fragmentos del hacha  ¡Era una distracción para ganar tiempo!
  3. saxicola
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you very much for a most enjoyable and at times challenging many hours of gameplay! Your hard work is much appreciated by all the Skyrim community. I have a problem right at the end, maybe I am being stupid and not doing something. As I approach the top of the mountain and trigger the appearance of the portal my view changes to 1st person and lose all movement and action commands, I can still enter journal/inventory and other menus. I waited half an hour real time nothing changed. I rested  until daylight, no change. Is this a glitch or not? Please explain how to continue.
    Once again thank you for so many hours of entertainment.
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Hi, sorry for delay, please, Can you tell me which quest you are in? This happens after talking to Yekeerel and you become unbalanced? Or can you advance in that part and a floating light appears, higher up on the top of the mountain?
    2. saxicola
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hi, as I am in Cape Town my reply is a little slow, sorry. I spoke to Yekeerel who told me to follow him, after a few steps i briefly became unbalanced in first person view and was then able to follow to the top of the mountain. As I approach the flat part I become unbalanced again and change to first person view, the floating light appears, Katia'Ma stands to my left and Naraael stands on the far side of the floating light. This is when all movement control is lost.
    3. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Okay, well, it's a mistake, something went wrong in a scene. The light should speak to you, this light is Imoronek. Let's try to solve it with the console command

      setstage rdgq2abyadq10 26

      This will skip the little dialogue with the light. I hope it works for you. Don't hesitate to report any errors to me.

    4. saxicola
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the very quick reply. I will try that to-night. The fault is probably mine as I am playing on a very low-end machine and I have had the problem before with cut scenes and with certain audio. Thanks once again.
      Have tried the setstage command you gave me, all went well, Yekeerel tried to get me to give him the axe etc. until Naarael shot him with an arrow he fell to his knees next to me and then the same problem, stuck nomovement or action control.
    5. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      In this scene You have to see two actor, talking with Naarael and you., Naarael shot one of them and he die. Then you figth with the other actor. Did you see two actors?
    6. saxicola
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes there are two actors. The conversation ends with Naarael shooting the one next to me, he falls to his knees and that is as far as it goes. The other actor remains stationary.
    7. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I sent to you a DM with others commands. Please, tell me if it works
  4. gogos888
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for the mod.
    I have a problem in Morok Cave i cannot find Yekeerel's corpse and i don't know quest ID to pass the stage.
    Nevermind, found quest ID.
    1. Wolfsclan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Die Leiche liegt ganz tief unten in der Höhle, man kommt dorthin ohne zu klettern. Ja die Quest ID würde mich auch sehr interessieren, vor allem für die einzelnen Kapitel des Mods.
    2. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Hello.  thanks for playing Abya.  You must go to the lowest point of the cave and cross the bridge created by the fallen ice column.  Look near piled-up sharp rocks that fell from an overpass.  You can also review the guide at
  5. Wolfsclan
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Ich kann jekerells Leiche nicht durchsuchen nach seinem Amulett. Auch K´athia Ma ist mit nicht auf die Insel gefolgt. Brauche Hilfe um die Quest Kapitl 7 - "den Spuren folgen", zu vollenden. Für Hilfe bin ich sehr dankbar.
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Hallo, danke, dass du den Mod ausprobiert hast.  Als erste Hilfe können Sie den Ka'ran-Leitfaden unter lesen. Das Amulett befindet sich auf der Leiche von Yekeërel.  Wenn Sie Yekeërels Leiche nicht sehen, muss sie von den umgestürzten spitzen Steinen bedeckt sein.  Sie könnten TCL zur Überprüfung ausprobieren.
  6. KingJoelHP
    • member
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    Hermano, genial ver un mod como Enderal hecho por hispanohablantes y se agradece mucho que tenga también los diálogos en español, solo si pudieras mejorar la calidad de actuación, seria supremo, aun así grande tu mod
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Saludos! Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Un gran abrazo
  7. sarcolatte
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, I'm a translator into Japanese, な隕石.
    Thanks for the great mod, I’m enjoying the translation very much.

    I have two problems.

    The first is quest "Siguiendo Huellas", to get the fragments back.
    In the data translated into Japanese, the quest does not proceed when the third monster "el Xíclopo" is defeated and retrieved.
    Even if he doesn't run away, it is the same if he chases I into a cave.
    When I talk to Naärael, I get the option to say "Está muerto" and she just says "De acuerdo". Nothing progresses from there.
    In previous versions, proceeds normally if the script "rdgq2abyacambcontdef_2.pex" is not translated, but in V7 will not proceed even though I have not translated the script.
    I don't know how to deal with this, as the text previously written in the script is now included in the Esp file.

    The other is about quest "Transformación".
    If I put seeds and fragments on the altar, nothing will happen.
    I know what happens when I place four seeds and three fragments.
    But this does not happen with or without translation.
    I re-installed the mod and started over in Spanish, but nothing happened.
    I cannot discern if it is my environment or if there is another reason.

    And this is not a problem.
    There is a sentence about being rescued when I fall from the ship.
    But I have never actually been rescued. I climb the ladder by myself.
    Is the process not implemented?

    I would be grateful for any help.
    Sorry if it's not clear as I translated it in DeepL.
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      It is a pleasure to greet you and an honor to talk with you. Thank you for your support translating the mod. I recently enjoyed the videos posted by a Japanese YouTuber who played with your translation.I'll send you a DM to chat and find a way to resolve this issue. I am very interested in the Japanese mod working correctly.If it is understood perfectly. You can write with peace of mind that communication will occur without problems.Thanks again.
  8. PunkRubberRiley
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    • 0 kudos
    Hello, it's me again! I'm getting through the mod quite nicely, but I have a problem! The game crashed twice when I was fending off the monsters from O sokopan, and I don't know what to do! I'm pretty sure it's conflicting with some of my other mods, but I don't know which ones! I don't suppose you can help a stranger in need? Are there any other mods that would break Abya that you could possibly know of?
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Hi! yes I' can help you when you need. well, this happened to me, and another PCs whit basic performance. it's because there are many NPC and object, I think, and PC cant resist. This happens to me with no reason. My recomendation is do not combat with many NPC at same time. Keep distance, Try to divide them. I also thinks mod of textures Hi-res can trigger the CTD. Well if this do not result, please text me again and I will give som support via DM
    2. PunkRubberRiley
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello again, I managed to defeat all of the enemies, but now I can't talk to Naarael for some reason! whenever I grab all of the items and press e, she just won't talk! I'm not so sure what to do!
    3. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I will write to via DM
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    Hola hermano ya lo descarge estoy ancioso por probarlo si quieres después te mando capturas o vídeos 
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Saludos hermano! gracias, y claro, puedes compartirlas aquí en el perfil del mod.  Recuerda que tienes el apoyo del libro digital en PDF y la guía de juego por si te trabas. Revisa

      Un gran abrazo.
  10. VaneZenin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Buenisimo el mod 10 de 10. N
    1. radagasttw
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Gracias! Muchisimas gracias. Espero que lo puedas recomendar y compartir capturas de tu aventura. 
      Buena marcha!