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About this mod

Retexture of Enhanced Blood Textures.

Permissions and credits
This mod is a retexture for the mod Enhanced Blood Textures. It replaces ~99% of the textures included in the mod. I included 3 versions; default (100% saturation), 75% desaturated and 50% desaturated for you Grimdark fans. Available in multiple different resolutions to suit gameplay or screenarchery.

You can use my retexture with the Full (scripted) or Lite versions of Enhanced Blood Textures. Just download the version of Sanguine you would like to use and let it overwrite Enhanced Blood's textures.

Enhanced Blood Textures - Requirement

Conflicts And Compatibility
This is designed specifically to work with Enhanced Blood Textures. This means to get it to work with vanilla or other mods you will need to do some reconfiguring of the assets. You can either do this your self or ask for a compatibility patch from me or a knowledgeable friend. As this is just a retexture you should be safe installing and uninstalling this mod mid save. However, do this at your own risk.

Does this mod have all of the same bugs vanilla and Enhanced Blood Textures have? Yes. I haven't tried to fix any of those problems. You will get cuttoff textures, you will get stretched UVs, this mod does nothing to fix that. Perhaps in the future I can look into fixing those issues, but I doubt it.

Further information
Texture format - BC3 8bpp (Linear). Will there be a BC7 version? No, defiantly not. I will and can update this mod, if you have an suggestions and/or fixes then let me know. The easiest way to contact me is on my Discord server Thank you to all my friends on Discord that helped test this mod and for giving feedback.

This mod comes as is and you do not have the right to modify and/or distribute these textures without permission. All credit goes to Quixel AB for the original assets.