My apologies for the mod not functioning initially as intended. I tested it on a character with the merchant perk, which meant I failed to notice a flag was not set correctly, so Sergius would not buy or sell many items without the perk. The mod should be working now.
For immersion's sake I hope you leveled him up too, because originally in the base game his level is set very low as though he is a novice enchanter. Either way this mod looks wonderful. Thanks for making it, oracus0.
''Have you been frustrated trying to find a certain enchantment, and wondered why the College of Winterhold's Professor of Enchanting, Sergius Turrianus, couldn't at least sell enchanted items?''
I haven't wondered at all, since the answer is obvious: Bethesda no longer cares about silly things like continuity, world-logic, lore, or even the consistency of the overarching thematics of the series as a whole.
Instead, Todd and his boyfriend Emil seem to have adopted the frivolous attitude of ''Let's just completely alter any one of the above-mentioned aspects of our flagship IP whenever we feel like it!''. The stupid addition to the lore of Talos altering the landscape of Cyrodil is a prime example. Why do this? Simple: because Lord Of The Rings was popular back when Oblivion released, so Bethesda decided to cash in on the success, at the expense of their world's uniqueness. After all: who wants an alien Jungle biome that represents an epic mashup between the Ming dynasty and the Roman empire when you can just have... generic European forest #100,000.
Yeah: f*** you, Todd.
This is why I gave up on mainstream gaming as a whole after 2007. Skyrim is only worth it for the mods. The game itself is forgettable, bland, empty, boring, and all-in-all unworthy of being called an Elder Scrolls game. At least Oblivion, for all of its flaws, was engaging and memorable.
Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong? I installed with NMM. I have the merchant perk but Sergius Turrianus never has the option to sell anything when i talk to him.
You shouldn't need the merchant perk. Are you certain the mod is installed? If yes, do you have another mod that edits Sergius? If so, place this mod after it in your load order.
I haven't wondered at all, since the answer is obvious: Bethesda no longer cares about silly things like continuity, world-logic, lore, or even the consistency of the overarching thematics of the series as a whole.
Instead, Todd and his boyfriend Emil seem to have adopted the frivolous attitude of ''Let's just completely alter any one of the above-mentioned aspects of our flagship IP whenever we feel like it!''. The stupid addition to the lore of Talos altering the landscape of Cyrodil is a prime example. Why do this? Simple: because Lord Of The Rings was popular back when Oblivion released, so Bethesda decided to cash in on the success, at the expense of their world's uniqueness. After all: who wants an alien Jungle biome that represents an epic mashup between the Ming dynasty and the Roman empire when you can just have... generic European forest #100,000.
Yeah: f*** you, Todd.
This is why I gave up on mainstream gaming as a whole after 2007. Skyrim is only worth it for the mods. The game itself is forgettable, bland, empty, boring, and all-in-all unworthy of being called an Elder Scrolls game. At least Oblivion, for all of its flaws, was engaging and memorable.