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About this mod

Replaces Meridia's beacon with a Luxon Beacon from Wildemount / Critical Role!

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This mod adds new meshes and textures to the game to replace Meridia's Beacon and other beacons from the same quest with a Luxon Beacon-inspired counterpart. 

For those who haven't watched Critical Role's second campaign, a Luxon Beacon is a large, grey, arcane dodecahedron with divine magical properties.

This Luxon Beacon was inspired by allseeingeye2's recent beacon replacer, and BlackSalander's fan art of the Luxon Beacon when it was first introduced. It's not quite a replica of the official artwork done for the campaign guide but I hope any fans don't mind because I love the colours. I've also included a file for people who would prefer the beacon to stay grey.


Download either main file with the mod manager of your choice or install manually by extracting its contents into your Data folder. Optional files must be installed after the main file of your choosing.


This mod will replace existing meshes but does not replace any textures. This makes it compatible with anything that doesn't replace the beacon meshes. House mods with decorative beacons will work fine but depending on how they're added, they may be vanilla beacons.

Glow intensity with ENB will vary with the preset.