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maboll - Opethfeldt - Jasmin

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This is Opethfeldt ENBseries with a heavily modified enbseries.ini, so much credit goes to him! Also Boris Vorontsov for creating ENBseries to begin with.

Contents within the skyrim folder goes to your Skyrim main folder
Mine is at E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim

The Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini goes to your skyrim folder in your documents
Mine is at C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim (make backups just in case!)
(these will add tree self shadowing, greatly enhance shadows and make sure your game doesn't end up all bright and weird due to the ENB config.)

The SSAO (edge shadowing) effect is pretty decently optimized for minimal FPS impact. If you have no problems with your FPS however, you can open up enbseries.ini, look up [SSAO_SSIL] and edit these values from 1 to 0:

If your game should be crashing following the installation of this ENB configuration, there are several files to delete to back track the problem.

>Disable the SMAA (anti aliasing solution) by deleting the d3d9_smaa.dll in the main Skyrim directory

>Disable the Realistic Lighting mod by disabling the .esps in the launcher OR by deleting the files in the main Skyrim directory/data folder

>Disable ENBseries altogether by deleting the d3d9.dll in the main Skyrim directory

"My nights are VERY dark!"
Adjust the in-game brightness slider. Also, try to increase the light given by light sources such as torches and fires by modifying this value in enbseries.ini:
Press CTRL F and look up this value
Increase it by 0.1 at a time.