26th theme - Spiritus

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This user's image description contains 21 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. DangerousChicken12
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    • 180 kudos
    Amazing set and inspirational for others to get ideas for your theme, nice work Rick!! 
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      Thank you, Michael!

      I do try and give some varied ideas with these introduction sets. I know some of the images might require a bit of imagination, but that's what I like about the themes - we all have our own interpretations. While I also do my best to widen the spectra of shots, it certainly rewards me right back when I see the creativity and the will to be part of the event from you guys with your contributions. It's always fun to see what you all can come up with and I do enjoy picking personal favorites too for the final compilation...
  2. GLAssassin
    • premium
    • 170 kudos
    Im gona have to take some pics for this be posting them this weekend
    I read the top of the page I make sure to call my set (26th theme - Spiritus)
    Love the idea the themes!
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      I've been running the theme event for quite a while now as I too like the idea of giving people some kind of guidance to perhaps open up their creativity and try something different. The event has been a bit on hold though and I won't release a new theme as frequently as before, but the event will still be around, so if you're having fun, be on the look out for more themes to come. First we need to let this one - the 26 theme - pass by though and deadline is a few more weeks away..

      Thank you!

  3. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    It is awesome to see you keeping on screenarching my friend and still doing the themes! Sadly I've been lacking in that department my motivation for screenarching is dwindling rapidly. Which in turns my lack of support for my friends own stuff either here or on flickr. But these are fantastic and this is a great theme glad to see so many still support this event you started! Maybe I will find some inspiration during one of these themes to get back into screenarching

    Stay safe my friend!
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      Quinten, my friend... Good to see you!

      I feel Nexus might be the place where we will always be able to connect again, even after a long time. Flickr has always been more of a storage place for me and although I sometimes look at images there too, it's just briefly and therefor I miss out on may posts. I know you're more active there than here on Nexus which is why I'm saying it's never my intension to neglect you. I simply need to guide my time in one direction more than the other.

      I haven't been too busy with screenarchery either lately to be honest. I still have tons of images laying around, so I'm good to go for a few months if I'm active. I'm preparing somewhat for a new break though, because when Baldur's Gate 3 is being released, I'll go off the map for a long while. It's scheduled for Early Access the 30 September, but I haven't decided if I'll grab it then or if I'll wait for a full release. I don't want to spoil the story too much, but I'm also eager to start creating characters for the game and that can give me enough hours to disappear...

      I'm also playing Skyrim SE, all vanilla, at the moment. The crashes in LE is starting to get annoying and I'm tired of rebuilding it. I haven't decided if I'll make the jump or not yet though. I figure, perhaps using SE for casual gameplay and LE for screenshots. It all depends on how I'll be able to tranfser all my characters and their presets. That's the most important thing. Both LE and SE landscapes can look beautiful, so that's not a problem. The appearance of the characters are more important to me at this point. I'll probably try my way ahead slowly, but I wanted to complete the Dawnguard questline in vanilla first as I've never done that one...

      Screenarchery will always be present to me I think. If not for the display toward others, well then at least for character captures of chars I'm writing about. I see it almost as concept material for the stories I write and that will never go away.

      I hope you're safe and well too, my friend! I'm always here if you need to talk...
  4. MagdalenaA
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos
    Great shots and an interesting theme. You've given me a great excuse to return to Skyrim.
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      First of all, sorry for the late reply!

      Secondly, if I can lure one of my favorite screenarchers back to Skyrim, well then I'm more than pleased, Magda!

      See what you can do and if you have the time/interest, feel free to add a set to the theme. It can certainly bring interesting images from "good old Skyrim" which is part of the idea here, to re-discover the game. If time is running short for you, I totally understand too, so never feel obligated even if I'm happy to hear you're considering a comeback...
  5. Dibthelegend
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    Quite an interesting theme! I'm still not really playing this game anymore but I think I have an idea or two I might try out...
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      I've already visited your contribution and it sure looked as if you had an instant idea of what you wanted to do. Wonderful effort on your behalf, Dylan! Great seeing you in on this as we need some "veterans" in the final collection to lure in some new folk as well. I have a feeling most people will miss this theme since it's been dormant for so long, so all your contributions will help spreading the word...
    2. Dibthelegend
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      • 309 kudos
      Oh goodness am I that old? lol
      But I'll always contribute if I feel like I have a solid idea.
  6. Shnub
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      Sometimes wishes do fall in...

      Thanks for the reminder and I'm glad I was able to pull something out of the box this quickly or else it would've been dorment for much longer!

      One of my favorite bands too in the link and they do have quite a few songs fitting for the theme. I might steal the one you've linked for the final compilation...maybe!
    2. Shnub
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      • 122 kudos
      Feel free to. I will use Batushka :D
  7. respaldoshugo
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    I am a bit away from Nexus lately, I hardly comment, but I couldn't help but express to you how impressed I am with these pictures, of a beauty, poetry and depth that I have rarely seen here. I have been touched, my friend, thank you for sharing your magnificent art (not only of images, but also of words) and your always beautiful feelings.
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      Hugo, my friend! It's been a while for sure! I'm very glad to see you're still around at least, even if Nexus isn't your regular place to be at the moment. Fully understandable as we do move along, although some of us still remain here as old remnants..

      Thank you ever so much for the kind words regarding the images for this theme! I wasn't really sure I had what was needed for a presentation when I started to go through all my unposted shots. As I did look at them, I felt a few captures actually would fit the idea, but it does require the viewer to see the images with new eyes. I like that kind of imagery when we can bring other visions to old scenes, all with help of our imagination. I do something similar the few times I tend to write stories for my travels, as I imagine Skyrim to be a place connected to my own world build even if it's not. No one else will see that though, as it's in my head only, but for a gallery with a specific theme, we can all try doing the same.

      I'm moved by your emotional appreciation in regards of the images here. Again, thank you! If there's anyone who know how to show poetry through images alone, it's you my friend, with your celestial landscapes...
  8. ista3
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    Awesome works for the intro Rick :)
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      Thank you very much, dear Izzy! I was really glad to see I could bring the set together with some images stocked on the harddrive where I keep unposted material. I wasn't sure I had enough for a theme release as I didn't really plan this, although I'm quite happy with this outcome. I only miss something depicting the whole spiritus familiaris bond between a mage/witch and a small animal, but maybe we'll see some as a contribution...
  9. PatrickTheDM
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      Or maybe, I welcome thee, oh ghosts and ghasts of the underworld!
  10. kozakowy
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    You've had my curiosity now you have my attention
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      I'm quite certain I'll have your inspiration too before the end of this theme. I can see some ideas intriguing you and your fair ladies of the dark...

      Absolutely no pressure though! I know you have a lot on your table at the moment and this theme came all out of thin air...
    2. kozakowy
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      Infact, the timing of your theme is perfect for me. Next week I'm off to my vacation so there will be plenty of time to think about the spirits Btw. Your illustrations for the theme are just wonderful. They're most inspiring indeed. Thank you for this