Tales of Wulver - The Mad priest of Arkay - Chapter 5

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    I'd say they took those vampires down in short order. Good planning and no hiccups!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Thanks Patrick!

      Well when they tell the story no hiccups and good planning. Behind the scenes doing this I had plenty of hiccups. I had to retake pretty much most of this chapter three times. I still can't believe the time invested :P
    2. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 175 kudos
      Action shots with a group can be really tough. I know I spent around 10 hours for each chapter I did with Sedulsa's story. Shots, editing, writing and posting. It's worth it though if you enjoy it and I know you do as much as I do.
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Fantastic rescue and ending. Actually enjoyed this one better than the last one escaping from the Thalmor mages. The action shots were superb. My memory isn't so good. Is Thrynn a member of the Circle as well as the Thieves Guild? Or a werewolf by some other means? Whatever the case, it was a pleasant surprise to see him transform.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 877 kudos
      Thanks! It wasn't meant to be too hard of a battle, as the epilogue shows these vampires and Thalmor were a bit subpar. I mean Nelthas is a master assassin - the best in class. Sofie is young but powerful. Thrynn - a master dual sworsman at the height of his ability in some ways. Not to mention he is 7'6" tall and a real tank. As for Wulver .. he is a jack of all trades scamp with a lot of obscure tricks up his sleeve so to speak.

      Thrynn is a vanilla character and member of the guild. I made him into a follower (one of my nexus mods) with very subtle tweaks to features (and size of courses). Lore wise I have kept him with vanilla as far as being an ex-bandit who came to the guild as he was tired of the brutal killing of the leader of the bandit clan he was in. He stopped short of killing an entire village for no reason and instead saved the village and killed the leader. That is pretty much the vanilla stuff.

      I made him recruit-able once you get into the Cistern. I added to his lore a little about his parents, how he got his amulet, and of course meeting Wulver. As for the werewolf bit - he doesn't like people to know about it for three reasons. One - the less your enemies know about your abilities the better; two - related to the first if others knew about it they could cause trouble for him, as in drop hints to the Silverhand or Vigils of Stendarr (although they owe him in a way for all his vampire help but the vigils are as fanatical as the Silverhand in their own way); third how he became a werewolf is a little embarrassing for him since it was a bit of an accident one crazy night with Wulver.

      Game wise I have him set to transform if his health drops below a certain amount. Always fun when I see him transform (also a sign Wulver needs to heal him). I mainly play with him and Wolf as Wulver's companions. Now and then Marcurio joins him for some of the more difficult adventures.
  3. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Quite the intense chapter.
    Darn Vampire barely keeping Florentius alive..yet he still had his lil quirks about him. Such an interesting character as its impossible to tell if he's insane or Arkay is actually talking to him. Maybe a bit of both. It was great to see Nelthas in action, in what he excels at : assassination. That vampire leader did not see it coming for sure. Thrynn a big guy but holy moley...he's even bigger in beast form ! Might explain some how he was able to spot Wulver and Sofie from very far away while Nelthas couldn't.

    Molag Bal's follower being more active can't be good for anyone...I get the feeling there is more than just the vampires (and Thalmor) plaguing Dannee at work here.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 877 kudos
      Aye. I read up on Flo in lore and there are a few times where he shows knowledge of something that should be impossible for him to have known. This is TES of course so it is also possible he is clairvoyant or has the ability to see the future without need of scrying tools and the like. More like an oracle. Or maybe some playful Daedra (or even a helpful one) is behind the voice and information.

      I figured Nelthas would be the best person to spot the leader of this group of cultists and take them down quick and efficiently.

      Aye even I was surprised how big Thrynn's beast form is, I wasn't sure if it would scale with him size or not. That is a lot of fur. While Wulver's beast form is smaller in comparison. But then it scales both ways it seems. I tried to drop a few clues here and there that Thrynn had beast form. He is a bit embarrassed about drinking Wulver's blood. He thinks its weird. Somewhat of an accident during a rather energetic lovemaking and Thrynn's playful bites drew a bit of blood (maybe TMI lol).

      On the last you would be correct. The cultists are equal opportunity employers.
  4. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 442 kudos
    Poor Florentius. The vampires kept him depleted of vital energy and magic and the only chance he had was Wulver and his group. Fortunately, the boys, girl and wolf managed to find him alive.
    Thrynn and Sofie also made a good team! They worked very well in helping each other and Thrynn's transformation was wonderful and very exciting! Great battle scenes, sir!
    Thalmor and vampires working together is the combination of the two most disgusting things that Tamriel has to offer. If Nazeem were together, surely nothing would be more disgusting.
    An incredible fight and rescue chapter, Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Oh just what we need - Nazzeem to become a vampire and then start working for the Thalmor! Ick :P On the other hand it would mean we could all freely hunt him down :)

      I also think Sofie and Thrynn worked very well together and it was fun having a chance to pair them up for an adventure like this.

      Thank you for the nice comment and glad you enjoyed the story!
  5. PrinceNathan
    • supporter
    • 200 kudos
    They're a skeevy bunch those vampires, I can never let myself side with them regardless of which fantasy world I'm in. Sucking someone's life from them is hardly an honourable fight, in my book. Besides, I'd rather have a stonking great werewolf on my side, any day :) Good stuff, Jonathan :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Thanks Nathan! When younger I liked the more classy vampires (the Skyrim ones are more like animals) and use to have my thoughts of being one. But Werewolves are my real favorites - and not the twisted ones but the ones tied to nature as nature's guardians.
  6. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    A very nice and exciting part, Jon.
    A lot of action accompanied by beautiful shots showing the action plus amazing effects.
    The team has put together a good strategy. Indeed, Nelthas is exactly the right one to take down the leader.
    Sophie and Thrynn also fought very well side by side. Sophie will surely have Thrynn's trust now that she has stood in front of him and thus given him the time to transform.
    And for all the trouble, they surely should have a new round of drinks.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Thanks very much Gerd! Appreciate you following through the whole story. A small epilogue, mostly images, and a little surprise, to come at some point but otherwise done :)
  7. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    A very enjoyable action-packed chapter! Meticulous work in crafting the story and imagery, Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Many thanks Bob! Just the epilogue to come although I have a little surprise in store.
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    That was an excellent adventure story Jonathan, I think I've only done that quest twice with Florentius it was that long ago, you sure refreshed my memory here though with your great writing twist and captures :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Many thanks! Storywise I keep things inline with Nataly's world, so Dannee is the one who killed Harkon and all that. So while game wise Wulver is doing the quests his story lore comes after Dannee's heorics :) I also like Florentius a lot.
  9. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Excellent, action packed read and images
    They are like Skyrim's very own Avengers - lol !
    Thanks for creating and sharing this, kept me entertained
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      So glad you enjoyed it StilwaterSaint! I enjoy writing light adventures like this. Lot of work as well but any hobby has that balance of fun and work I find (even modding - which can be fun but also frustrating and annoying lol).
  10. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome chapter with great action captures and very cool fight scenes! So the mission to save Florentius finally came to its turning point, so the team prepared themselves for taking this fort… and it sure was not going to be easy. Still the vampires were arrogant to leave only two thralls on watch who were no match for Nelthas assassin skills. It was great how everyone in team did what they could do best, using each of their own talents and abilities to get the best result which was getting to Florentius and saving him and also getting him out of the fort.

    Wulver’s ability of Nightingale was very effective in these circumstances, as well as Nelthas special mission, while Thrynn provided cover for agile but physically more vulnerable Sofie. Thanks to the Thalmor interference Sofie had a very close call but luck was on her side that day as well as her colleagues from the team – Thrynn and Wolfie. And Thrynn turning into werewolf did not surprise Sofie that much… she has very perceptive nature and keen mind which gave her some clues of Thrynn ability. Good thing that he was ale to shake mental influence off and along with Sofie he provided an excellent distraction for master vampire! The vampire leader looked horrifying with that attire which looked like it was made from human flesh. Even she however could not match with Nelthas sudden attack, so he finished off that horrible creature.

    Florentius was his delightful cheerful self, not even being surprised that he was rescued, since Arkay already informed him about that. Florentius faith was too strong for vampires to try and corrupt him and the team interference has saved Florentius from being killed off being drained of his energy completely… a truly horrible way to die. And later when he had a bit of rest, Florentius did great thing by translating the scrolls, so everyone in the team might have better understanding of what is going on. Still many things remain in shadow but apparently vampires have big elaborate plan yet with Florentius rescue that plan might have to be changed…
    It is so nice to see the heartwarming friendship between Sorine and Florentius being mentioned and who knows maybe it is something more… I am intrigued of why Florentius asked Wulver come to the Arkay shrine… Hopefully this question will be answered. I think Wulver and Thrynn along with Sofie and Nelthas, not to mention poor Florentius deserve well deserved respite. And hopefully they will get some of it before they are ready for new adventure…
    Thank you very much for sharing your awesome work!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 877 kudos
      Appreciate the great feedback and comment Nataly, thank you!

      To me this group is well trained and all are powerful hero's (or anti-hero in some cases) and while the vampires were powerful they were facing a team well versed in how to fight vampires and counter their abilities. I wanted to take that into effect along with the vampires not expecting this group at all. They hadn't even planned on being discovered which is why they only had two thralls outside - they didn't want to draw attention to the place outside of making it seem haunted.

      You are correct though, vampires share that arrogance and disdain for all beings not like them as do the Thalmor. The cult behind this, however, opens its arms to any race or entity that wishes to join. They value diversity knowing it can be a strength. This group wasn't meant to be the final boss or leaders of the cult by any means. Just another group of them employed by cult leaders higher up.

      Based on the quest with Flo he seems to expect these things so felt it would be fitting to his character to act like he was expecting them. I also think someone of that faith, who also has a special tie with his god, would be far more resistant to turning. In addition they blocked him from casting spells but he still has his own internal abilities and power to protect his body.

      As for why Arkay wants to see Wulver, that will be revealed :)