Drekimunr - Gift and Curses - Chapter 17

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Good chapter. I wonder how he has resisted turning? Nice backgrounds in the intro too.
    1. Liadys
      • premium
      • 248 kudos
      Thank you ! Why he is resisting isn't clearly stated just yet but hints have been sprinkled through out the story. (Mostly in Nadja point of view chapters). Given I was introducing a group of brand new character to the tail, I felt it was important to at least give some information as to who they are and some of their motivation as to why they are part of the Dawnguard.
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome new chapter, wonderfully written with great illustrations! It is great to see that Faolin is freed at last from his horrible predicament. It was very interesting to see new characters from Dawnguard, each of them has their own tragic story tied with vampires. I felt sorry for all three of them, for Aestyra who was a vampire herself once upon a time and had to go very far to heal herself, for Crush-Many-Skulls who became mute due to vampire spell and for poor Kirsi who had only her dog Mishka left after the death of her partner. Yet despite the tragedies of past all three make very well organized team, who managed to deal with three vampires and fee their prisoner. I guess Faolin’s unique blood stood in a way of him being turned into another vampire, so other vampires just made grant feast of him. He is very resilient to last this long and hopefully he will get better soon. I also wonder how he will react to Aestyra and her team saving him…
    I will look forward for continuation!

    1. Liadys
      • premium
      • 248 kudos
      Thank you for your kind feedback !
      For all Faolin's misdeed, he didn't deserve the fate that he found himself in. Luckily for him, a Dawnguard squad found him and rescued him for that tragic fate. All of these character have had their own dealing with vampires and to varying degree: have their own reason to be part of the Dawnguard because of it. Aestyra having to live as one, much against her will. In the end it did force her to do things morally questionable to cure herself. Crush ended up with permanent brain damage because of the vampire seduction, lost the ability to speak in the process. I hardly expended on the backstory I made for Kirsi, few details to fit in the narrative. But she too have suffered at the hand of vampire. All three of them lost something; Aestyra basically lost herself, Crush-Many-Skull lost his dignity and Kirsi lost a loved one.

      Faolin's unique blood must be feeling like both a gift and curse to him right now. It saved him from being turned into a vampire but it also turned him into an all-you-can-eat buffet for his captors. He sure is lucky to be alive still. I think it is fair to assume that he'll most likely be grateful to Aestyra and her team for saving him.
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Hmm Faolin that was a surprise. Could have forgotten something though as its been a while. Great new story and liked the characters in it. It got very tense there for a bit and liked how you cared for the dog. If that is all Kirsi has left I can well imagine she would be protective. Glad they won this fight at least. Curious to know what comes next!
    1. Liadys
      • premium
      • 248 kudos
      I feel a bit ashamed over the large gap of time that can go by inbetween chapters of this story. Quick recap; Faolin been the prisoner of some vampires after Despair has to take care of some other things. Mishka is indeed all Kirsi really has left and the dog is also the only "momento" so to speak she has left from her partner. She's very protective of Mishka indeed. For a second, when writing this chapter, I had to actually consider that Despair probably wouldn't deal with the weaker lesser type of vampire and would deal with stronger ones. So I had to make the fight a lil' tougher than I had originally wrote down. Thankfully, the rescue team prevailed.

      At this current point in time, most of upcoming chapters for Drekimunr are interchangeable as far as order goes. I'm hopping point of view quite often so I can progress all the story arc I want to cover. There might be a Lubis and Nadja point of view chapter before the next Faolin/Dawnguard one. Then again, I can swap the order as I see fit :P