Grim Tales - Be Careful What You Wish For - Interlude - Toothless Barnes

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  1. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Finally I have managed it to follow the crossover story up to here now. Well, I'm generally a bit slow in reading and writing and even more in English and to find the time is also a matter.
    This is a very beautiful interlude. Very nice "flow of reading" (hope this makes sense for you; or "the style flows well"; ). This time it was easy to read for me and I need not to use an online dictionary.
    Love this warm sentiment. The outfit of the hunter is very fitting. Love also the last image and of course the title image too. This image is so to say a summery of the story as it holds all the warmth and emotional content of it.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Many thanks Gerd, and don't feel you have to read all those stories. Grim's main story is very long and I wrote a lot of text. I also do these smaller stories now and then (I have another planned, based on another side character introduced in chapters 2 and 3 of Grim's main tale, that will be short like this one).

      I am glad you enjoyed this story and you got the meaning of it - the main and last image is the summary as you said :)
    2. Imrazon
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Well, I read your story because I want to. And I feel I have to, because otherwise I would miss a good and interesting story.
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Very nice. Side stories like this add so much depth. Well done Jonathan.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Many thanks Patrick. I have at least one more in mind as well :)
  3. choeli
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    This one made me shed happy tears. You are such a wonderful story teller. I have missed your words, my friend.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Many thanks Choeli for this sweet comment, appreciate it and glad you enjoyed this little tale.
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,116 kudos
    Great follow on Jonathan and captures
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks Izzy!
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I love this follow up to Barnes and his new companion. Awesome shots, too.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Many thanks Pat, appreciate it! I also enjoyed it. Somewhat spontaneous but those can be the best.
  6. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    That was an awesome story,.. I really love tales like this since it is a story where nothing is impossible under whichever circumstances. I also love how , simplified, the cycle of live is written about.
    I give to you without expectation and the gain is gratitude and what comes forth out of that... (In this case being taken care of and companionship, even in the afterlife) .
    Thanks a lot for sharing this great story,.. it made my day :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks Windy and pleased you enjoyed it. I liked writing it. Certainly less work. Not counting all the plot planning and pre-writing time spent on Grim's new story, chapter 1 was easily 25 hours (three 8 hour days in a row) if not more to get that story posted. Barnes, however, was about 2 not counting time working on it in my head.

      That being said I am enjoying having Grim out with all his friends. I suspect not as many people can connect to him these days though as he has so much lore that goes back ... well crazy but 7 years now. Just boggles my mind how long I have played Skyrim and been doing stuff with Grim (along with other characters as well but Grim has always been my main in Skyrim).

      Will probably do more snippet stories in general though as they are less time intensive for me and anyone who wants to read them :)

      My main goal with Grim's current story is more personal - to fix something I did in the past that I wasn't as happy about so I can feel more comfortable about his retirement.
    2. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Well,.. I can obviously only speak for myself, but I think this story triggered these kind of comments because it it ventured in and out of the story fromGrim. The fact the old hunter recognised and acted upon what he saw was what made him stand out to and get his reward for that. That is a basic "thing" in life and is appealing since it is about something that is do able for most of us and therefore something/someone we can more easily relate to,...
      Grim, on the other hand, is a demihuman with superpowers and therefore someone we look up to, but perhaps less easily connect to, even though he stayed as normal as you might expect from someone of his stature,..
      It's a bit like with all the superheroe's ,.. we stand still and look in awe with our jaws open but do not count them within our "league" .
      The old hunter is someone that is and , thus, evokes a reaction on that level.
      I think you're a bit to hard on yourself Jon, you've created a beautifull story with both Grim and also this sidestory with the old hunter. It only appeals to something else within us and therefore will bring forth a different type of reaction to it,..

    3. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Hmmm,... you edited your original comment,... why ?? if I may ask ?
    4. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks for the follow-up.

      I am a bit different. I tend to like the bigger than life heroes myself and have never had an issue connecting to them as long as they are written well. Drizzt, Belgarion, Conan, Gandalf, Aragorn, Elric of Melibonean, and the list would go on but only a reader of fantasy would recognize most of the names. Even if they are exceptional, and have exceptional powers, as long as they seem to have a sense of humanity, some weaknesses and human "issues" I tend to connect well with them.

      I have never really been as into the "just another average person" games or stories as that is exactly what I am in real life. Sure it can be inspiring at times although often I get that out of history or real life living people in the news. Yet to connect to someone a bit more than human they have to be written well and maybe I have failed there, although I have tried to show Grim's human side and his struggle with his divine side. I have also tried to show some of his weaknesses although granted that was more evident when I was actively writing him.

      I had actually referenced the connection issue more that he has 7 years of lore and there are not as many veterans on Nexus who might know his background well enough to "know him" versus say Barnes, which is just a quick slice of life. I also loved writing Barnes (and I have done this a couple of other times - there was an old hermit in FO4 I did, and in Skyrim Grim's best friend, Eir, is just a simple soldier although she eventually gained the beast blood).

      I edited my comment because it felt like I was complaining and it would give the wrong impression, so I revised it a bit to be more neutral.
  7. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    It was very cool and wonderfully written intermission! Awesome shots too, so atmospheric! I was touched by Barns story. Even after he faced such tragedy; he still found a strength to live, even as a loner and had a purpose in his life, being a hunter. Maybe Barns has kept finding excuses to not get dog, because deep inside he was afraid to loose such loyal companion like he once lost his family? But Huntsman sure helped him to make a decision. It was very heartwarming that he has found such great friend in Cinders and that Cinders legacy lived on, thus giving birth to great hunters.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! I figured Hircine always does things for many reasons. A reward to the hunter but also a test to see how one of his hounds would live in the mortal world ... and whether the hound would reproduce and strengthen the bloodlines of other dogs. I figure that would be a Hircine thing to do.

      I suspect your reason for Barnes to hold off on a dog could also be a very valid one. Having lost a few dogs it gets harder every time to watch them grow old. It is likely he became a loner to avoid the hurt that comes from losing those you love. At least he gave Cinders a chance so he was able to end his life with some love and company in it.
  8. Liadys
    • premium
    • 250 kudos
    A nice little intermission. I quite like the small tale of "toothless Barnes". A man struck by tragedy when it came to the loss of his family but he kept going with his life..even if as a bit of a loner. A good thing he learned the prayers and ritual of Hircine and Fenrir an offering..something that earned him a loyal companion. I really found sweet that he raised the pup with much care and later on, the pup was the one taking care of him.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thank you Liadys! Barnes wanted to be written - I suspect you know the feeling when a character in your head demands to be told.

      We usually outlive our animals sadly but since this hound was a Daedric hound it had a much longer life span, even if now on Nirn. I also liked the idea of them taking care of each other.
  9. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Yeah....dear to my heart and I blame you for the tears, but thank does my four legged partner. He got the hugs.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks kindly Jacob. This story was a bit of an off-shoot from chapter one. My story was already long and Barnes was meant more as a way to introduce Hircine and Fenrir on their hunt. Yet my mind took off and during the night in bed, and later while walking the dogs, I found myself wondering what his life was like and what would happen if he had gotten the dog. This post is much shorter than what I created in my head ... or I should say what my unconscious created for Old Barnes. I can only hope one of my pack will guide my soul to the happy hunting grounds when the time comes :)
  10. Marthos
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    I liked that Jon, rather a lot
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 884 kudos
      Thanks, it was a fun tale to write and do a few images of. Wanted to do something simple after my mega-post on Grim :)