11th Theme - The Riddle of Steel

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Welcome to the invitation of the 11th theme!

This one will bring you back to fond old memories of brave adventuring days before the world became soft and adorned, dressed in silk and populated by milkdrinkers!  This was the time of heroes and heroines cutting their path towards glory with sword and axe in their hand. To fight meant survival and gave you strength...sometimes even the throne of a kingdom. To master the riddle of steel, was the most sought knowledge of the known world and he or she who wielded the perfected forged blade would become unstoppable. Every realm would be at their grasp, driven before them with either fear or righteousness.
Now it's time again to show everyone the power of steel!

Well, I perhaps got a bit carried away there, because there's nothing wrong with milkdrinkers, but I think you get the idea here. The 11th theme is obviously heavily inspired by Conan and his fate throughout many adventures, It's not about the character though, but it is all about that precious steel in the shape of weapons or armors. Swinging a sword or axe to fend off your foes, yes that's allowed. Master the forge and wield the hammer to make the most exclusive weapons and armors ever seen, yepp that's the riddle answered. Walk around steel-clad and powerful while adventuring, certainly yes. Maybe dressed more lightly to use the sharpness of your blades in a deadly dance, absolutely!
I hope you all get the idea here, but I'm quite certain my images will give you further "instructions".

The eleventh theme is...

"The Riddle of Steel"

...and it's now opened for anyone interested in being part of this community event. All is welcomed, no matter your skill or power, Vanilla and ENB alike. The eleventh event theme will be closed at midnight on Sunday 21 October, CET.

This was actually one the first themes I came up with, since I read a lot of Conan fiction when I was young. When the movies came with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the lead role, they were pretty much the most bad*ss thing you could watch in the terms of classic fantasy. I still today hold the first Conan flick as Mr Schwarzeneggers best role performance (and yes, I'm well aware he did excellent in Terminator), mostly because he more or less embodied the fiction character Conan the way I had imagined him. When something like that happens, well then it just clicks, no matter how corny or "out of date" it might seem. It's a movie with cult status, enough said!

So let yourself be charmed by the idea of ruling your fate and the world with it, while holding that axe or that sword and pay tributes to Crom...sorry, I meant pay tribute to that good old feeling only nostalgia can bring forth!

Learn that riddle of steel! Learn it's discipline and show me you know how to do it!


  1. lordburnch
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    Ahh Fellfrost would have LOVED this theme. But alast I have returned to late to Skyrim this time... Beautiful work by the way!
    1. Excellentium
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      Fellfrost would've been awesome to see for this theme, I agree! I'll make sure there will be other themes in the future though, suitable for your old war-bear! I'm about to launch the 12th theme within a few days since The Riddle of Steel just got closed, so the event is much appreciated...which is great, because I do have many more words/phrases to hand out!

      Thank you very much and it's really nice to see you're back in Skyrim again...either it's a short visit or for the long run!
  2. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,138 kudos
    Oh, I love it! Time to get all geared up!^^ ...amazing inspiration pics too! Thanks a lot for the new event! :D
    1. Excellentium
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      Getting all geared up tells me you got this all in your hand, so I have faith in your efforts when it comes to swinging that blade of steel!

      Glad you like it too, considering you have much more love for nature and animals, but I've saved this theme long enough now and I want it to happen!

      Thank you for the kind words and lovely praise, Willow!
    2. 83Willow
      • premium
      • 1,138 kudos
      I have 2-3 different ideas for this already! Not sure what I will do in the end, we will see! Oh and I like the warrior aspect of the game - there are always monsters to fight and battles to win for a real Dragonborn! Claymora is a true orsimer Warrior Queen who loves using her Warchief's Might Greataxe, but I have some other very able fighters too, it might be their turn for this theme... . (I like fighting in Skyrim much more than I do in Fallout,... bows and swords are more difficult to master and more honorable weapons than guns, in my mind! ;D)
  3. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,031 kudos
    Awesome compositions and first class post-production kudos!
    1. Excellentium
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      It's a funny feeling when you transcend from a happy storyteller with thousands of screenshots, to a more determined and focused screenarcher, because these shots are more for the purpose of being good images, rather than telling stories.

      On the other hand, a great image can tell a story all by itself, so maybe I'll complete the circle one day? So far, I feel I have a lot more to learn...

      Thank you very much!
    2. kozakowy
      • premium
      • 1,031 kudos
      I'm always happy to se your ideas. I do 3d graphics for a living actually and your sets are a huge source of inspiration. I can also learn a lot seeing your experiments keep it up! As for stories, I think it would be best to do both good writing and visuals. The thing is, I can do neither od these But I'm getting better in models and textures
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Great title Rick and the captures too
    1. Excellentium
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      Do feel intrigued to join in, dear Izzy! I'm certain you have one or two gals willing to show off their steel skills!

      Thank you very much and of course, you only contribute if you want and if you have the time. No worries!
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I'll see what I can do, I may have to dig out my silver steel outfit
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Oh!!! Sounds fancy!
    4. ista3
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      • 1,112 kudos
      it's fancy and shiny too and it eats the fps for breakfast
  5. Darksaber87
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Oh, I think this will make for some great images by everyone who contributes to the theme.

    Time to get brain storming on what I wanna do and see if I got any images already that might fit into the theme. I think I might have a few hehe I hope things are going well my friend and you have a great weekend, mines gonna be filled with sight seeing in digital ancient Greek Landscape most likely with screenshots of said landscape over on Flickr hehe.
    1. Excellentium
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      Ah, yes! Odyssey is released today, right? It looks amazing and as I understand it, it will be more focused on roleplaying elements in the dialogue as well as you're given the option to play female (finally). Sounds like very interesting changes and the Ancient Greece as a worldspace builds for some fantastic adventures indeed!

      Sadly, I'm very low on cash, so I can't afford it at the time. Months of unemployment are starting to burn economic holes and putting food on the table for the kids is obviosuly of highest priority. Luckily my depression is still at bay for some reason. Normally this is what would trigger it, but maybe age is providing some calmer sense, I don't know. That said, I'm not even sure if my PC will handle the game alright. It's starting to get old, so I doubt many more of the newer games released will come my way. Thankfully, I have enough to do with Skyrim LE and also FO4...and upon that, I still have many games stored, waiting for my attention.

      I'll keep my eyes open for some Odyssey shots to see more of the in-game and hopefully you'll be able to contribute something "steely" for the theme event before it closes 21 October. No worries if you can't though. I completely understand...

      Have a blast this weekend, my friend and as always, it's good to see you
    2. Darksaber87
      • premium
      • 102 kudos
      I understand and yes food for the kids is way more important Glad your depression is at bay, maybe that is something I can look forward as I get older also haha. As for your PC being able to handle this game I think yours will do just fine. The game is on pair if not in some places it might look a little better than AC: Origins and if my 970 GTX can handle that at highest settings at 1080p It should be able to handle Odyssey just fine. Granted I upgraded my GPU a few months back to a 1080 Ti that was a huge hit to me financially but no regrets!

      As for the theme, I will contribute as I have a few ideas lurking about in my brain ATM and I have 6 hours to kill before I can play Odyssey and I have the weekend off from work.

      Same to you my friend always fun to chat with you.
    3. Excellentium
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      That's good to hear! Maybe the old machine is up for the job after all then, because I do have the 970 GTX, but far less power in the rest of the components. It handles Origins just fine though, so if the two of them somewhat match, I should be okay. In my experience, all the AC games have been rather neatly optimized, so there are very rarely graphical hiccups when playing them. Even the rig I had before this one, the one I used when doing Vanilla screenshots for Skyrim, could run Black Flag for instance.

      And yes, it seems the old saying has a bit of truth to it - with age comes wisdom...or at least a sense of "I don't really care anymore, so therefor I'm all good"!

      I like our chats too and it's good to still have words with you! Take care, old friend!
  6. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Excellent images! Love the second one in the description - something about her profile tells me she is very strong, determined and a worthy foe!

    This will be an exciting theme I think. Can't wait to see everyone's pics
    1. Excellentium
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      Many thanks, dear Judy! Yeah, I have high hopes for some epic shots for this theme too and I'm sure I will get amazed over and over...

      The female warrior you're referring to is one of my favorite characters, a somewhat peaceful, yet deceiving woman at her youth, but the years have given her a taste for blood on the battlefield and physical violence! Charming girl as usual with my fav's...
  7. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    One of my all time favorite movies. I got to see it at the theater when I was 12! I listen to the soundtrack on repeat when I work on my mods too.

    Not sure what will come of this one from my mind, but I will think hard on it.

    One of my favorite quotes from Thulsa Doom: "Steel isn't strong boy, FLESH is stronger! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength of your body, the desire in your heart. I GAVE YOU THIS!"
    1. Excellentium
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      12 years old eh? You must've beaten me with a few years then, because I saw the movie on VHS at first when my father rented it and I don't recall if it ever made it for the theaters here in Sweden. I'm pretty sure it did, but I was probably to young to care. I bought my first box of a Swedish pen-n-paper roleplaying game mostly because I liked the cover of the box - it was one of Elric of Melinibone I came to learn later on - when I was 13 and at the time I was 14-15 years old, fantasy had become my main interest, so therefor I started reading a lot and it lead me to Conan..

      Considering the quote is from one of your favorite movies, I trust in your steel to show matter what Thulsa Doom is trying to convince me!
  8. toorhum
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    "The Riddle of Steel".
    An interesting theme, at more than one title. because indeed the work of the forge could very well be the essence, present in many times and worlds.
    The objects produced, by craftsmen master of work, bringing together in a weapon, all their know-how, the quintessence of a life of research, tests, failures, learning, lessons, to to condense everything into a single piece, a work of art, an artifact.
    the story of the design of some of these pieces could be a saga on its own.

    But it would soon forget the handlers of these same weapons and armors, which brings them a unique story over the course of the fighting, defeats as victories, meetings that suggest afterwards that the weapon itself chooses its carriers. they then become legends, myths, inspiring the odes of the greatest bards, as much as their illustrious bearers.

    And if these weapons can speak, what stories would they tell us?

    a beautiful set illustrating magnificently the different aspects that this enigma address ;)
    1. Excellentium
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      That's a wonderful reflection and it's nice too see someone is delving deeper into the means of the phrase. Of course, it's entirely individual what the words would mean to you, and in this case it's simply a quote from the Conan the Barbarian movie from the 80's. I've taken a lot of inspiration from phrases from different movies, tv-series and novels, because they often give you a well-known feeling about something, yet here you're also given the freedom to turn that phrase into something more personal.
      I like how you're thinking about this theme though and if you decide to join in once again for the 11th theme, I will know you've spent a great deal in figuring the riddle out...

      Thank you and I'm glad you like the examples!
  9. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Did someone say Conan? I will bring Conan the Boardgame

    I know there are more expansions.... but this is already 20kg+ worth of boardgame
    1. Excellentium
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      That boardgame looks awesome! I've never heard about such a hefty effort with this many expansions dedicated to the lore of the Hyborian Age. Having this many boxes and added material sure strokes a sweet spot within me, making me remember all my pen-n-paper RPG adventures and rulebooks!
  10. Simboker
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Well, if this theme isn't served on a silver plate... almost like playing at home
    I'm just not sure about the atmosphere for this, because i very much enjoyed your inviting images and writing, also your connection to this topic from your earlier days. It might not be Conan for me, but something similar like Spartacus or in general the appeal of old Roman legions/Empire/gladiators, definitely no milkdrinkers either
    Hm maybe i just include some "steel-focused" shots like you showed here in the episode after next, without getting too deep in that diablo atmosphere.
    Anyway, thanks Rick, for this grand new theme and outstanding invitation both by letter and images
    1. Excellentium
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      This theme should play out rather well for you, yes?!

      From whatever background you take inspiration, just go right ahead. To me it was Conan, giving the image of that brute warrior able to cut down anything that stood in his way while at the same time he fears and hates magic. Steel is trustworthy, so that's what I've tried to capture with my example shots here. If this means different historical events for you, then go down that path. It should be very interesting to see some out-of.lore captures, depicting a few of our real historic ages...or you do a "steel-focused" chapter in case you want to implement your story arc again...

      Just remember, no milkdrinkers for this one!